حزب الله "يملك خريطة تواجد خلايا ارهابية نائمة" و"يعتقل ارهابيين"
Read this story in Englishينفّذ "حزب الله" وحركة "امل" خطة أمنية "مُحكمة" من أجل ملاحقة الجماعات التكفيرية في كل لبنان، حيث أفادت المعلومات الصحافية أن الحزب يملك "خريطة بأماكن تواجد خلايا إرهابية نائمة".
فقد نقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الثلاثاء، معلومات امنية تفيد بأن "حزب الله بات يملك خريطة بأماكن تواجد خلايا إرهابية نائمة تسعى إلى التخطيط لتنفيذ أعمال تفجير خطيرة، وأنّ قيادة الحزب قد أبلغت الى مخابرات الجيش الأمر".
ولفتت الى أن الحزب وأمل، وبعد التفجيرات التي شهدتها الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت ومناطق في البقاع، وضعا خططاً أمنية مُحكمة تقوم على ملاحقة الجماعات التكفيرية في كل لبنان.
وأوضحت المعلومات أن معظم هذه الجماعات ينتمي الى "القاعدة"، وهي تغطي وجودها في لبنان "تحت ستار أغراض تجارية وهمية".
وكشفت أن حزب الله "اعتقل عدداً من الإرهابيين، لكنّه لم يسلّم الجيش أحداً منهم".
يُذكر أن الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، شهدت في الآونة الاخيرة سلسلة تفجيرات أدت الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى، تبنتها "جبهة النصرة في لبنان"، رداً على مشاركة "حزب الله" في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري.
في هذا السياق، أفادت مصادر أمنية "الجمهورية"، أن مخابرات الجيش تلاحق عدداً من الأشخاص من الجنسيات اللبنانية والفلسطينية والسورية في مناطق الجنوب والبقاع والضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت، ينتمون إلى منظمات إرهابية.
وأشارت الى أن هؤلاء الاشخاص تغيبوا عن منازلهم منذ مدة، وأن العمل يجري من اجل معرفة أماكن وجودهم، وجمعِ المعلومات الإستقصائية عنهم، بغية التصدي لأي عمل إرهابي قد يُقدِمون على تنفيذه.
وفي حين، أفادت معلومات صحافية، الاثنين، أن مصادر أمنية أفادت الوكالة الايرانية "ايرنا" عن أن حزب الله قام بتفكيك خلية لداعش في الضاحية الجنوبية، نفت صحيفة "الاخبار"، الامر الثلاثاء، مشيرة إلى ان هذا الخبر نقلته "إيرنا" عن وكالة "فارس" التي نقلته عن موقع ينشر عادة أخباراً غير مدققة.
God Bless The Islamic Secular Shia Only Resistance as it embarks on yet another historical event of epic proportions. Alona and I were seated next to Vlade’ and Alina as we watched the opening ceremony of the winter Olympics. Vlade’s Alina was so thrilled to spent some precious “guurly” time with my Alona recalling her late teen years she spent in Jounieh as a performing “Artist”. The Parade of Nations brought “ooohs” and “ahhhs” to the long list of dignitaries who were immensely impressed by the glorious heavenly festivities. Alona and I were besides ourselves as we watched the resistance’ team parade in front of the Presidential stand in their crisp camouflage skin tight yellow and green outfits. The sea of pristine yellow jackets looked spectacular en masse, capturing the wintry spirit of the Games. We were elated as we watched the resistance’s flag bearer, General Aoun, proudly and franticly waving HA and the Syrian flags in a show of utter pride and devotion.
The most memorable moments of the ceremony: the Floating Worlds, The Athletes’ Runway, the German “protest” to the anti-gay laws enacted by Vlade’s government, the Giant Animatronic Bear greeting the world, the Snow Globe coming to life, the Tribute to Tolstoy, and the spectacular Torch Relay all paled in comparison to the unexpected and surprise appearance of Sayyed Hassan. The loudest and longest fireworks display the world has seen (it might still be going on) signaled his blessed arrival as thunderous chain explosions rocketed the heavenly skies above the mountains of Sochi. The crowds erupted in euphoria when the skies split open and Sayyed descended the silky white slopes of Sochi on his Russian made Troika yellow carriage drawn by three magnificent Iranian bred horses. Majestic it was, heavenly to describe, and divine to watch. God Bless Sayyed Hassan for his support of Sports and the Arts. Karbalaaaaaaaaaaa
what is happening is that the Iranian extremist terrorist militia is taking a harder stance against KSA.
that means there will be no cabinet and no presidential elections.
that means we are heading for a long period of instability and most probably war and partition.
what is happening is that the Iranian extremist terrorist militia is taking a harder stance against KSA.
that means there will be no cabinet and no presidential elections.
that means we are heading for a long period of instability and most probably war and partition.
Hello RFT… I agree with eagledawn, it is good to have an early laugh. Specially after looking at Mystic's hideous icon and reading his forthright words… "hezbollah & LAF together will you make Lebanon safe" although he did forget to include Assad's SAF in the equation.
Are you a HA supporter? If Lebanon goes to war against Iran whose side will you be on?
"Hizbullah has arrested several terrorists but has not handed them over to the army, al-Joumhouria added"… the Glorious Iranian militia is a law onto itself.
This terrorist group continues to show it is a state within a state. Only yesterday, the "croissant" shop story surfaced by IRNA and today AL Akhbar has already denied it.
"Meanwhile, al-Akhbar newspaper said Tuesday that a report about Hizbullah dismantling a cell belonging to The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant was not true.
No such network was arrested in Beirut's southern suburbs in the past weeks, al-Akhbar said."
Mystic, LAF someday will make "Lebanon safe and secure" that is the only armed force that represents Lebanon.
Hizbullah is an Iranian terrorist militia that answers only to the Ayatollah… and for the last 13 years has refuse to put its weapons down or pledge allegiance to Lebanon instead of the Axis. Nasrallah is fighting in Syria to keep Assad in power and just like his misadventures in 2006 is bringing destruction & death to Lebanon.
Thats what you think puppet, as much as i love the LAF, i know, if Hezbollah laid down their weapons, Israel would cut Lebanon and LAF to pieces, like it or not. Lebanon needs Hezbollah
Give it a rest Mystic… Assad, Hizbullah & the Ayatollah Need each other and all 3 broadcast their Axis BS constantly. What Lebanon needs is one national military that follows the peoples will... not need a militia that declares war in Syria to keep your buddy Assad in place and ends up bringing other jihadist madman into Lebanon.
The people wants hezbollah. That a few guys on Naharnet, whom lives in the west disagrees wont change anything.
What about a foreign created and backed militia that has assassinated some of Lebanon's finest and are constantly in pursuit of more. Are you as sick of them as the Lebanese are?
@josephirani: People who don't know you might misunderstand you at first glance. They don't know you look in the mirror everyday when you wake up and think of ways to make the world a better place.
The difference between Hezbollah and these terrorist cells is that Hezbollah is not "dormant".
hypocrit hezbis... suddenly they have infos on dormant cells but never had they any infos on all the bombings that targeted M14 people....
hypocrisy at its best... only to serve their interests, never those of the nation....
It is good that HA is pointing out the Takfiris cells to the LAF. Now Takfiris should do the same about HA and then have the LAF go after both of them sending one to KSA and the other to Iran