الجيش يحبط مسلسلا "تفجيريا": توقيف قيادي في "عزام" وانتحاري مفترض وتفكيك السيارة المفخخة
Read this story in Englishتمكنت مديرية المخابرات في بيروت، صباح الاربعاء من توقيف الإرهابي نعيم عباس، وهو أحد قياديي ألوية كتائب عبدالله عزام، الذي اعترف بوجود سيارة مفخخة في منطقة كورنيش المزرعة، عمل الخبير العسكري على تفكيكها.
وبعد ظهر الأربعاء ألقي القبض على "الإنتحاري المفترض" الذي كان سيفجر نفسه في السيارة.
وفي التفاصيل أصدرت قيادة الجيش-مديرية التوجيه، الاربعا، أنه تم توقيف المدعو نعيم عباس فلسطيني الجنسية في منطقة كورنيش المزرعة ـ بيروت، وهو ينتمي إلى كتائب عبد الله عزام.
وأوضحت ان عباس كان يخضع لعملية رصد منذ مدة، "بعد ورود معلومات عن دوره في إعداد سيارات مفخخة وتفجيرها، وقد تمّت ملاحقته منذ خروجه من مخيم عين الحلوة، في عملية مراقبة دقيقة، أسفرت عن مداهمته والقبض عليه صباح الاربعاء".
وكشف أن البيان، ان عباس وفور بدء عملية التحقيق معه، سارع إلى الاعتراف بإعداده سيارة مفخخة لتفجيرها لاحقاً.
فقامت قوة من الجيش بمداهمتها وتفكيك العبوة التي وجدت بداخلها، وزنتها حوالى 100 كيلوغرام من المواد المتفجرة والأحزمة الناسفة، بالإضافة إلى عدد من القذائف.
وأضافت أن عباس اعترف بوجود مخابئ لسيارات مفخخة تجري مداهمتها حالياً، كما أدلى باعترافات تثبت صلته بتفجيرات وقعت أخيراً.
وفي حين كشفت الـLBCI ، نقلاً عن مصادر أمنية ان عباس هو "من اهم الارهابيين وكان قد تسلم السيارات المفخخة من الشيخ عمر الأطرش" قالت قناة الـ"OTV" عن "معلومات أن إحدى السيارتين المفخختين كانت تستهدف "المنار" والثانية منطقة الغبيري".
من جهة أخرى أكد المواطن ناصر يوسف سفر أنه "صاحب سيارة تويوتا من نوع "rav 4 " التي ضبطها الجيش في منطقة كورنيش المزرعة" كاشفا أنها سرقت منه الشهر الماضي.
وبعد الظهر أفادت قناة الـ"MTV" عن "القبض على الانتحاري المفترض محمد محمود في منزل نعيم عباس بكورنيش المزرعة".
كذلك أكدت الـ"LBCI" أن "اﻹنتحاري الذي كان سينفذ الهجوم بسيارة كورنيش المزرعة هو من بين الذين القي القبض عليهم مع نعيم عباس".
وكان قاضي التحقيق العسكري نبيل وهبه استجوب عمر الأطرش وأصدر مذكرة توقيف وجاهية بحقه، بعد الادعاء عليه من قبل القاضي صقر صقر، بجرم الانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي مسلح بقصد القيام بأعمال ارهابية، ونقل انتحاريين وتجهيز ونقل سيارات وأحزمة ناسفة وصواريخ ومتفجرات والاعتداء على الجيش في مجدليون وجسر الاولي، واطلاق صواريخ على اسرائيل وحيازة اسلحة ومتفجرات.
يشار الى أن الأطرش كان اعترف لدى التحقيق معه بانه اقدم على نقل انتحاريين وسيارات مفخخة من سوريا الى لبنان، وانه على علاقة بمطلوبين ينتمون الى تنظيمات جهادية.
قضائياً، طلب مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر من الاجهزة الامنية مباشرة التحقيق مع نعيم عباس وشخصين آخرين.
وفي سياق متصل، ادعى صقر على الموقوف علي حسين الحجيري، الذي على علاقة بعمر الاطرش، بجرم الانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي مسلح بقصد القيام بأعمال ارهابية.
وأحاله صقر الى قاضي التحقيق العسكري نبيل وهبة.
god bless LAF
excellent job , the rope is titter and titter and the truth is becoming clearer and clearer
god bless our army
the world will know where terrorists and rigged cars were being stored and who is behind them
indeed its a great day for humanity and lebanon
Good work indeed. Why is it when M8 is targeted the security forces do their job and use the "iron fist" approach while when M14 is targeted they dont arrest a single person. Pls go after anyone that is behind such acts and hang them from the highest pole.
Butros harb assassination attempt suspect is known... Tripoli blast suspects also.. Salman assaillant in front of iranian embassi to.. Even smaha/mamlouk case is known.. So what are u asking for justice?... And they wonder why we hold to STL...
Anyway good job for the army, keep on the good work..
Max fine i wish the world would be a happy place to but for that to stop we must be a litle fair and see reality as it is, no?..
Laik ya southern I pray to God that is true, bas tell me why they havent arrested a single person in the M 14 terrorist acts? Seems easy enough to catch terrorists now.
Hello southern, some bright comments as usual, bravo man.. Wasn't the zionists?.. As for butros harb? Salman? Tripoli balsts? Smaha mamlouk...
Anyway man ur position is so great that it should be a start to build our country on..
Bravo again, now go hv some chupachups..
Please remind me of M8 assassinated figures ? And how do you come to the conclusion they are assassinated by the same hand ???
You don't even have a shred of evidence to support your claim while there are tons of evidence pointing to Hezbollah (and Syria) regarding the assassination of M14 figures.
"tons of evidence" flamecatcher? care to show us any? because we mere mortal have seen none till now.
@FT : "if assassinations have targeted your M14, doesnt mean M8 killed them"
You're right ... not M8 ! HEZBOLLAH. Your partners. Until proven otherwise, evidence point to their involvement in most of the assassinations. You choosing to ignore this evidence doesn't make it false. And I don't need to publish anything. Just follow the STL proceedings without any pre-judgement and make up your mind. If true and you refuse to accept it, you're the idiot.
Regarding the bombings, that's an entirely different issue but bombings that have targeted Tripoli for example are linked to your other partner BASHAR that you also unconditionally defend while he beat you Aounies up. You forget ... I dont !
@Mowaten : hiding your head in the ground while you are being drowned in proof is not the right way to make it go away.
In any case, I have yet to see your defense team debunk or refute any of the evidence.
I have also yet to see the evidence of Hassan Nasrallah pointing to Israel. Evidence which was in Nasrallah's possession from day 1, yet he refused to share it for years.
This is called obstruction of justice by the way and Nasrallah could (and should) simply be jailed for that ! Witholding evidence is a crime !
1- debunking what evidence? you talk and talk, but neither you or the prosecution has so far provided any. big mouths, empty words.
2-nasrallah gave the recordings to the lebanese justice, and the lebanese justice handed it to the STL, but the STL didnt want to look at it. who's burying their heads in the sands?
why didnt the STL investigate with israeli officials? why didnt they request israeli documents? why did the US refuse to provide the data from their spy planes that were hovering above the convoy that day?
you're just repeating "there is evidence" when there actually isnt, dand telling others they are burying their heads, but i cant hear you from all the sand in your mouth.
@Mowaten : i won't comment on your OSTRICH position regarding the evidence.
Regarding evidence pointing to Israelis, Nasrallah has them and is obstructing justice. He hid them for years making him either an accomplice protecting Israel or a liar. I imagine his evidence is BS just like your arguments !!!
Zionists/takfiri/usa/ksa/imperialists... But never syrian regime, cause it is a so nice democratic regime that never hurted anyone... And all of the victimes being against syrian regime was only pure coincidence...
Southern really go hv some chupachups...
Dong get fusy the fact, army did a great job but don't u think if the continu following butros harb assassination attempt, salman killed in front of iranian embassy in front of our armed forces, tripoli bombings, smaha/mamlouk.. The army job would be even greater?.. And people would feel a litle safer?..
Don't u think?...
No one is saying catch y before catching x.
One people are saying is Kudos for the army. Fullstop.
In addition, imagine1979 is saying, weird how the bombs that attack M14 politicians are not as well investigated as the other ones.
And he is right.
I dont think it is HA who did it. I think it is bachar's gang. HA knew about it, didnt like it, but couldnt do anything about it because his loyalties are to bachar first, and to the state of lebanon second.
I hope u are right lebanon first really it would spare the contry so much...
I wish that no lebanese had anything to do in all those assassinations, and personaly i still suspect syrian regime ( 13 assassination of syrian regime opponents, 13...)
My position toward hezbollah is simple, all of us should have the same rights and duties, all must be under the same laws, no armed fractions, only official lebanese armed forces, they want to believe in hussein, omar, jesus, krishna... This is up to each one of us... Frankly i consider all fanatics (muslims, christian, indous.. )the same but as long as we all have the same rights and a civil state protecting all lebanese then it is not important.. And finaly i think that stability and wealth (i hope our dears politicians, not only bassilo, but all will leave some oil for our childreen to benefit...
Is it too hard to understand?...
Anw leb first thank u for ur comment..
I agree with you that is exactly what needs to happen.
Great job so far by the army though
Sure, you guys can politicize this as much as you want, but one fact remains: The LAF just saved many people's lives.
100KG bomb is way more than any of the bombs that have recently struck Lebanon. Just imagining how many people it would have killed gives me shivers.
But some of you here are so delusional, so caught up with your ideological politics, that you actually have the nerve to look way beyond the number of lives that were saved and politicize the issue. It is disgusting and a shameful trend in all Lebanese politics, and it's the true source of misery in this country. Civil society - the heart of any democracy - is truly lacking.
Well said gcb1. Ideological differences and sectarian hatred will lead us to our doom
very effifient to find antihezbi terrorists but lousy at finding anything when anti syrian people were assassinated...
protecting people i guess, that is why no lead was found... it could have spared the lives of innocent lebanese... go figure
al saud is wondering: "how did this happen, we saudis gave him the best plastic surgery money could buy-- he was dressed as a beautiful woman."