المسؤولون يشيدون بـ"الانجاز الامني النوعي" للجيش ويؤكدون دعمهم له
Read this story in Englishهنأ المسؤولون اللبنانيون الجيش اللبناني على "الانجاز الامني النوعي"، الذي حققه في القاء القبض على احد اهم الارهابيين وضبط سيارات متفخخة في لبنان، الاربعاء.
من جهته، هنأ رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان قائد الجيش ومديرية المخابرات على توقيف المدعو نعيم عباس "المنسق الاساسي لأعمال تفجير ارهابية عدة" وعلى ضبط سيارتين مفخختين معدتين للتفجير.
واطلع الرئيس سليمان من مدير المخابرات العميد الركن ادمون فاضل على المعلومات الاخرى المتوفرة عن هذه الاعمال ومتابعتها ورصد القائمين بها تمهيداً لاعتقالهم.
ونوّه بما يقوم به الجيش على صعيد اكتشاف هذه الشبكات والاثر الايجابي لذلك على المواطنين وتحصين السلم الاهلي مشدداً على عدم التهاون في ملاحقة المحرضين والفاعلين.
وشدد سليمان على "الدعم الكامل للجيش والقوى الامنية في متابعة التقصي وضبط المرتكبين الذين بدأت هيكليتهم تنكشف وتنهار".
يُذكر ان الجيش اعلن صباح الاربعاء، عن توقيف نعيم عباس، وهو قيادي أحد ألوية كتائب عبدالله عزام، وكشف بعد التحقيق معه عن سيارة مفخخة في منطقة كورنيش المزرعة، قام الجيش بتفكيكها ليتبيّن أنها تحوي أكثر من 100 كلغ من المتفجرات.
الى ذلك، تمكن الجيش اللبناني، ظهر الاربعاء، من ضبط سيارة مفخخة على طريق عرسال-اللبوة تحوي على قرابة 50 كيلوغراماً من المواد المتفجرة.
ونوّه رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري بالجيش اللبناني و"ما قام به من عمل امني وقائي وملاحقته وضبطه للعديد من الشبكات الارهابية".
بدوره، توجه رئيس حكومة تصريف الاعمال نجيب ميقاتي بالتهنئة من الجيش اللبناني، على "الانجاز الامني النوعي" وتوقيف أحد المطلوبين وضبط سيارات مفخخة.
وفي بيان أصدره ميقاتي، الاربعاء، لفت الى أن الجيش اللبناني أثبت أنه و"بالتعاون مع سائر القوى الأمنية"، هو "العين الساهرة على أمن لبنان واللبنانيين، وهو القادر على حماية الوطن من المؤامرات الخبيثة التي تحاك ضده".
وأضاف: "امام الانجاز الذي تحقق اليوم لا يسعنا الا التشديد على وجوب اليقظة الدائمة في هذه المرحلة الدقيقة من تاريخ لبنان وعلى اهمية التنسيق بين مختلف الاجهزة الأمنية لحماية الوطن ودرء المؤامرات".
وكان ميقاتي إطلع من قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي على تفاصيل العملية الأمنية التي حققها الجيش اللبناني، الاربعاء.
اما الرئيس المكلف تمام سلام فاتصل بقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي وأشاد بأداء الجيش قائلاً "نجا لبنان مرة اخرى من كارثة محقّقة كانت تعدّ لها قوى الظلام".
كذلك، أجرى رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري، اتصالاً هاتفياً قهوجي مشيدا بالانجازات التي حققها الجيش اللبناني.
واعتبر، وفق بيان صادر عن مكتبه الاعلامي، الاربعاء، ان ذلك "يشكل مناسبة لايلاء جميع القوى العسكرية والامنية الثقة المطلوبة لتمكينها من القيام بمهامها في هذه المرحلة الدقيقة والحساسة التي يمر بها لبنان والمنطقة".
أما رئيس "كتلة المستقبل" النيابية الرئيس فؤاد السنيورة فرحب بالإنجاز قائلا انه "يؤكد على حقيقة اساسية ان الاجهزة الامنية اللبنانية قادرة على تحقيق خطوات متقدمة في حماية المواطنين بكشف الجرائم والمجرمين عندما تريد وتتمكن من ذلك".
وأمل السنيورة أن "يستكمل الانجاز المتقدم بالكشف عن باقي المجرمين المتورطين في جرائم ارهابية ضد الشعب اللبناني".
Army on all our borders (few hundreeds km so not usa/mexico, nor syrian/iraki long borders.. UN help if needed, no one comes in our get out without being checked (including hezbos) so we can hope to enjoy some stabilty...
Please mikati donnot forget tripoli bombing, butros harb assassination attempt,salman who got assassinated in front of iranian embassi in day light and in front of our armed forces, smaha/mamlouk.. So we all feel safe..
And finaly najib, go hv some chupachups... (With ur billions u should get plenty...)
All lebanese frontieres (not the sea) are 474 km (375 with syria) so to cover 500 km of borders u need 260k soldiers flame? 1 soldier every 2 meters?...
Flame we have a long history of coments but please be reallistic....
Dont u think it would be the best way for our coutry? (Not for geagea aoun hariri hezbos... But for our country...
Or u prefer each community gets it own protection? Cause if shit continu that's what's gonna happen and frankly i don't wanna live thus again...
So? What do u think?...
Sagh long time no see?..
Training at SANA i heard, the other chose to ignore u which i find rude, so i will encourage u on ur great posts as usual.. Bravo...
Now u can go back having some chupachups man...
Flame i know we rarely agree on stuff but be realistic.. Wouldn't it be the best solution?... Or at least a logic solution?...
Our army, plus UN if needed, control all (less than 500km) our borders...
What do u really think?...
imagine: i wouldnt know the exact number of soldiers required, but FT's point is that the army does not have enough men and that is an evidence.
it is not enough to control the land borders, you also need to protect the shore, and skies, and be present on all major routes in the countr, and every hotspot or sensitive areas.
also, when counting the number of soldiers you can never say for example 10 soldiers per km = 1 every 100m, because that is not how it works. there are rotations of staff (they are humans, they cannot be on their posts 24/7. if on average they do 12 hours at a time, that means it takes twice the amount to ensure continuous presence on a spot)
also, many are needed as logistics (supplying food and ammo to outposts) for instance, or for maintenance etc... plus there is the chain of command that is needed to command, plan, and oversee, the whole thing. etc etc etc.. in the end you may have 1 soldier on that 100m of border, but behind him you need 2, 3 or 4 others.
the army is already super thinly spread as it is today so i dont see how covering the whole border could be done.
even though i agree on the principle that ideally we -should- be able to, i think it is hardly realistic, at least for the moment.
Flame it is 500 km, 500 km all our borders with israel and syria (ok there is still the sea and the air..) so how many do we need, 3billion grands for ksa can be use for equipments, there must be a solution, we cannot let the country in a situation that everyone do as pleased, ok syria don't want to demarcate bc strian regime still thinks that we are some syrian department, lets demarcate unilateraly, what will they do launch war on us? Or lets UN demarcate it for us...
Then if there is a will i'm sure that all of us can help...
But let they take some logical decision...
m8 guys will repeat day in day out that the army cannot do it. why? because they need to validate the existence of hizbushaitan.
the army does not need more men, rather they need qualified men and better equipment. they need 2 to 3 dozen drones that will monitor constantly the whole of our borders, and the teams to man them.
but hizbushaitan will not let that happen because they want an open border with Syria.
anonyme: you keep starting conversations with me, asking me for sources and then disappearing when i prove you wrong. so please stop making me waste my time.
imagine: 500km is not little. the US-mexico border is about 3000 kms, 6x ours, and they're not able to prevent illegal immigrants or traffics.
and we're talking about a country that has 400x our GDP and 800x our military expenditures.
geha: top dreaming, HA is here to stay. whine all you want it wont change a thing, and we dont need to invent or justify anything.
here you posted 2 days ago at 11pm and i replied the next morning. you were already accusing me of what you do yourself. and you did it once more.
do you have any link about that 5000 members recalled for duty? i only heard they would 2000, didnt hear about any 5000.
in any case, that would be an improvement, but to pretend 2 or 5 thousand men are going to solve the problem is wishful thinking.
i answered that a million times, and will answer it 1 more time, but only if you answer first on the above and the other article. tired of you jumping to shift the topic when it suits you.
So mowaten we are bound to have a shite armed group who is free to act as it wants...
U know this will eventually lead to christian an sunni organized armed group (not miserable alouki style but 1974 millicias style)...
Don't u think a civil states with all under the same law would be more beneficial to us and to our country?..
Mowaten we are headding to war, alreddy tense in tripoli akar bekaa saida dahiyeh... This is not what ministery and how much money our dear politicians will steal but survival...
Anyway again i might be wrong.. But give it a thought....
imagine: no, not "free to act as it wants", of course there should be rules and they should operate under the law! you must keep one thing in mind when comparing to other militias: HA's was created under foreign occupation and fought off the invaders when the rest of the country had given up. in post 1990, did the army fight israel? was there a political will? or did the rest of the country just abandon them?
they organized and fought and liberated themselves on their own. given that experience, which is still fresh in the minds of all and the flesh of many, they cannot be asked to lay down weapons and put themselves back into the situation they spent 30 years to get out of. i am for a national defense strategy, but it has to be in bulletproof and watertight, not subject to political spins and changes of mood. who is to say another donation to suleiman would not make him close his eyes in case of an israel invasion, or mass slaughter at the hands of takfiris? who would stop them? the UN? dont make me laugh!
technically the army is not equipped to fight israel, and politically there a re no guarantees. that is the main problem, and that supposed 5000 retired officers rejoining the ISF is not even a drop in the ocean.
anonyme: you cannot stop the flow by placing men on the borders. there will always be people coming and going, and most of the times, the suicide bombers only strikes once (pun intended). they can enter the border as innocent civilians and blow themselves up later.
also, dont ask HA to abide by the baabda declaration when all other groups got involved in syria years before them.
HA was being blackmailed through kidnappings (like with the pilgrims, where instead of showing solidarity you guys laughed and accused them of being fighters just because they were shiites. they were old men barely able to walk!). also there were rockets fired on hermel and slaughters were ongoing in border villages and nobody could do, or wanted to do, anything. in certain situations you dont wait to thousands to die just to abide by a declaration that nobody else respected in the first place.
Mowaten please review our past hezbos faught amal for more than 2 years in south lebanon (aklim el tofah for exemple) hezbollah assassinated leftist leaders clearing the way for domination over south lebanon,they hv kidnapped people, hezbolla acted like any other lebanese millicia..please stop picturing them as saints...
Communist last resistance action was in 2000 (they kept resistance act all over the 90s but many were killed on their way to the frontiers and on their way back home)does this give them right to rearm? Right to go fight beyounfd our frontiers, right to hv private communication network?...
Moqaten please stop thinking about which politician u like and from who he can benefit.. Think about the country..
And the country is headding back to civil war...
But aoun supports bkirki declaration...
Don't get me wrong i wish no religious man intervene in politics, but aoun said he defenitly supports bkirki stance so....
No texas?
good and patriotic decisions are the holy grail of a state
god bless you
god bless all patriotic Lebanese( patriotic: people whom the country is before religion)
anonyme: actually the "sole" part is in the title, but nowhere in the quotes.
and aoun and hezbollah dont need to make punctual praises steal the light when the army does something good. because unlike the hypocrites of m14 who accuse the army every other day, they support it in every position the take and every speech they make.
I disagree with the path, first they enter southern suburbs and after that the camps and Arsal are a walkover.
Haha, true outleb. Long live the LF without weapons sure, I really dont want to see them re arming man, lived the war, got the t shirt.
so quick to find terrorists and bboby trap cars... good thing though. but during all the string of assassinations targeting anti syrian people the army never found a clue...
strange thing... or they are just protecting the perpetrators.....