إشتباكات بين أنصار للأسد على ومناهضين له أمام سفارة دمشق في بيروت
Read this story in Englishهاجم موالون للرئيس السوري بشار الاسد مساء الثلاثاء عشرات الاشخاص الذين تجمعوا امام السفارة السورية في بيروت تضامنا مع المحتجين السوريين ضد النظام السوري، ما ادى الى سقوط جرحى، على ما افاد احد المشاركين في التظاهرة.
وقال المصدر نفسه لوكالة فرانس برس طالبا عدم الكشف عن اسمه ان "مجموعة من المؤيدين للنظام السوري هاجمت المتجمعين امام مبنى السفارة السورية في شارع الحمرا في بيروت للتعبير عن احتجاجهم على قمع السلطات السورية للمتظاهرين".
واضاف ان "عددا من الاشخاص اصيبوا بجروح جراء الهجوم من بينهم شخص واحد على الاقل اصابته بالغة" نقل الى المستشفى.
واكد مصدر أمني لوكالة فرانس برس وقوع "اشتباك بين مؤيدين ومعارضين" للنظام السوري قبالة السفارة السورية في بيروت، لكنه لم يشر الى وقوع اصابات.
وبين الحين والآخر، تدعو مجموعات صغيرة الى اعتصامات او تظاهرات مؤيدة او معارضة للنظام السوري.
Where is the army/police to protect peacefull demonstrators? Have they arrested the attackers? I bet no, because Lebanon cannot inforce anything.
Violent, bloodthirsty sheep, reminds me of Qanso and Qandil walking around with shoes in their hands trying to intidimate people back in the day of the Cedar Revolution, too bad that a part of that revolution became part of the Syrian-Iranian axis and stopped any chance of its long term success, hopefully these people will soon go and 'martyr' themselves for their dear leader Assad.
Monkeys, you can demonstrate and act like pure third world sheep, but Assad regime will fall
Where were these anti-Assad when being anti-Assad was desperately needed instead of offering Assad and his cubs the keys to Beirut and calling their "occupation" NECESSARY, LEGAL AND TEMPORARY? Were they busy robbing Beirut from under it's rightful owners' feet? And then these same phonies cry blood when the Grand Mafioso got terminated like a cockroach. But then what do you call low-lives other than that?
I wish that the bashar regime would fall but they wont, (in the future yes, but not now) because the US has given it the green light, so has israel. Their ciriticism in the media is not even enough to fool those who are opportunists in the opposition. The US doesnt care about freedom in the eastern world, all it cares about is having the right puppet. Why else be allied with king abdullah, mubarak etc? This is reality. The syrian people deserve freedom away from the alawite bashari one as well as away from the saudi wahhabi one. But at this point, im afraid they wont get it. It will however come in the future. Bashar el asad and his army doesnt even dare to throw a stone at occupied golan however when it comes to their own people they flex their muscles by killing civilians. DISGUSTING.
Where were these anti-Assad when being anti-Assad was desperately needed instead of offering Assad and his cubs the keys to Beirut and calling their "occupation" NECESSARY, LEGAL AND TEMPORARY? Were they busy robbing Beirut from under it's rightful owners' feet? And then these same phonies cry blood when the Grand Mafioso got terminated like a cockroach. But then what do you call low-lives other than that?
I said it when they were in Lebanon protecting it with the magnificent General Jamil Al-Sayyed from the anti-Syrian ze3ran and I was devastated when they left , I'm glad they're back !