واشنطن تجدد دعم المحكمة الدولية وهيل زار ضريح الحريري
Read this story in Englishزار السفير الاميركي في لبنان دايفد هيل، مؤخراً، ضريح الرئيس السابق رفيق الحريري في وسط بيروت، في حين أكدت واشنطن دعمها لجهود المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان.
وقدّم هيل "واجب الاحترام" الى ضحايا انفجار 14 شباط 2005، وفق ما اعلنته السفارة الاميركية على صفحتها على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"، الجمعة.
ولفتت السفارة، انه وبالتزامن مع الذكرى التاسعة لاغتيال الحريري ورفاقه، فهي تتابع جلسات المحكمة الدولية، مجددة ادانتها لـ"استخدام العنف كأداة سياسية".
وأضافت "نعيد تأكيد دعمنا للجهود التي تبذلها المحكمة لمحاسبة المسؤولين عن أعمال العنف التي تهدف الى زعزعة الاستقرار في لبنان".
وانطلقت أعمال المحكمة الدولية، في منتصف شهر كانون الاول، لمحاكمة المتهمين الاربعة في اغتيال الحريري سليم عيّاش، ومصطفى بدر الدين، وحسين عنيسي، وأسد صبرا، غيابياً، والاثنين أعلن عن ضم قضية المتهم الخامس، حسن مرعي، الى المحاكمة.
Mr. Hale reminded reporters of what happened to Osama bin Laden while in US custody. "You'd better quote me accurately," he said with a perfectly straight face. Then his bodyguards placed him in a large black bag and carried him to a waiting aircraft.
Let no one get me wrong, I am absolutely sympathetic and in full solidarity with the Hariri family and their partisans over the death of Rafic Hariri, his entourage and the innocent unsuspecting victims that died along that cowardly blast. may justice be done soon. But, I still hold a lot of reservation as to the place of the burial site in martyrs Square, I still feel even right to this day, that it is a wrong place to bury any politician, even Rafic Hariri. That place is Downtown Beirut, it is a place for tourism and the most chic place of Beirut one may say, and certainly not a burial place for anyone. The fact that the Hariri family has used that place for such a thing means that it loses a lot of sympathy if not raise many ethical questions. Rafic Hariri (RIP) and all the other victims resting there should be resting in their natal places, not DT Beirut.
My brother phoenix1 Rafik Hariri and the other innocent are buried in the perfect place this man did more for lebanon than all leaders past and present tell me who of the current leaders is prepared to fight for the freedom of the lebanese , no one! He tried to free us from the tyranny of the cursed syrian regime along with their agents hizbollah ,but paid the ultimate price , if they bury him elsewhere it would be out of sight out of mind . We should be constantly reminded of the great crime that was committed until justice is served .
I'm sure when justice is delivered it the burial site will become a famous landmark to signify that freedom above all else is the right of humanity and no dictators or regimes can deny us from it at the moment we are not free but god willing it soon will be.