المطارنة الموارنة: على الدولة حماية الملكيات الخاصة وردع كل اعتداء عليها

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ناشد مجلس المطارنة الموارنة الدولة حماية الملكيّات الخاصة المكتسبة وفقاً للقانون، والملكيّات العامّة، فإنّهم بموجب الدستور واتّخاذ الإجراءات الأمنية اللازمة لردع كلّ اعتداء عليها.

ووجّه المطارنة في بيان بعد اجتماعهم الدوري نداء الى اللبنانيين للمحافظة على أراضيهم، لأنها في اساس هويّتهم ووجدانهم التاريخي وضمانة عيشهم الكريم ومستقبل أجيالهم، والحفاظ على العيش الوطني الواحد.

وإستنكر المجلس "الاعتداء الاثم الذي حل بالفرقة الفرنسية في "اليونيفيل".

وتمنّى الآباء للحكومة أن تُوفّق في معالجة أمور التعيينات الإداريّة التي هي من أهمّ واجباتها في هذه المرحلة، والتي ينبغي أن تستند الى معايير الكفاءة والأخلاق العالية، وأن تُؤمّن التوازن بين كلّ مكوّنات الوطن ليتمكّن الجميع من الإسهام في بناء الدولة وخدمة المواطنين.

وذكّروا بضرورة التقيّد بالقوانين واحترام قرارات القضاء لإنصاف عدد من موظّفي الفئة الأولى الذين حصلوا على أحكام من مجلس شورى الدولة بإعادتهم الى مراكزهم، وحتى الان لم تُنفّذ هذه الأحكام.

التعليقات 15
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 14:21 ,2011 آب 03

Why is Sfeir still sitting with them ! he should go to his village and live the rest of his days as a normal person or as a simple priest serving his god and his little village church .

As long as this SOB is around the decision table of Bkirki , we will have problems in Lebanon , because of his ties with his partner the Saudi Hariri and the other Samir eben abou samir .

Default-user-icon Falango (ضيف) 14:42 ,2011 آب 03

There is a difference between Phenicien and Pheni Chien, apparently you belong to the second category.

Thumb mrbrain 15:03 ,2011 آب 03

Mr Sfeir was asked to resign. now he is not the main figure but definitely he is still a key decision maker in the Maronite church...Who was the wise guy who said religion should be separated from politics!!!

Default-user-icon Imad Al-Sadr (ضيف) 15:15 ,2011 آب 03

How can anyone disagree with my leaned highly educated and intellectual fellow Shiite brothers Le Finicien and McBrain, Sfeir is a bad influence and Abou Samir Rahi is not much better in fact non of the bishops are.

Did you know that not even one of then was appointed by the Ayatollah, I know, that's ridiculous!!!!

Besides, is there anything more absurd than "We demand the state to protect these properties according to the constitution and take the necessary security measures to prevent future attacks", where do they think they are, Sweden?!

Default-user-icon Mehdi (ضيف) 15:30 ,2011 آب 03

Le Phenicien actually thanks to the magnificent General Michel Aoun every little village church and cathedral in Lebanon will be returned to their rightful owners and converted into a Husseiniya like in Lassa and Hezbollah protected area like in Jdeideh and Jezzine. The great man GMA himself said there is no difference between Shiite and Christians, most Lebanese agree with him. Le Phenicien Shii3a like you and I will always keep in mind Sayyed Hassan's axiom "this is Muslim land and the Christians were imported.." now we can take it back, we have the arms, the numbers, the popular support, and a Christian figurehead with twelve ministers to cover for us.

Default-user-icon Mehdi (ضيف) 15:31 ,2011 آب 03

Le Phenicien actually thanks to the magnificent General Michel Aoun every little village church and cathedral in Lebanon will be returned to their rightful owners and converted into a Husseiniya like in Lassa and Hezbollah protected area like in Jdeideh and Jezzine. The great man GMA himself said there is no difference between Shiite and Christians, most Lebanese agree with him. Le Phenicien Shii3a like you and I will always keep in mind Sayyed Hassan's axiom "this is Muslim land and the Christians were imported.." now we can take it back, we have the arms, the numbers, the popular support, and a Christian figurehead with twelve ministers to cover for us.

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 16:32 ,2011 آب 03

sfeir a true rose is at the meeting too prevent syrian bootlickers like Le Phenicien and mr no brain from selling lebanon out

Thumb joeleb 16:46 ,2011 آب 03

Le Phenicien, it's funny how you people try to get your message across by swearing and calling people names...sort of reminds me of a teenager who knows he lost the argument so they start swearing and shouting....Just because sfeir stood by the principles of Lebanon and against Hezbollah, it doesn't make him a SOB, it makes a patriot. The mentality that you are either with the so called "resistance" or a traitor is one of a closed minded person...you know you can be against the "resistant" but for Lebanon...actually, if you against the so called "resistance" then you are with Lebanon, because the "resistance" is against Lebanon, and with Israel! Look at this way, Israel can only survive if there is wars, it gets billions in aid for it's defence, take war away and bye bye money....so by keeping the threat of war, Hazbollah is doing Israel a favor....who is the traitor now....
Please change your nickname, it doesn't do justice to Lebanon

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:19 ,2011 آب 03

back to the rock of lebanon:MONSEIGNEUR SFEIR.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 17:29 ,2011 آب 03

Le Phenicien:
Va te faire mettre. Tu es certainement le rejeton d'une fille publique élevé dans un lupanar.

Missing applesandoranges 18:00 ,2011 آب 03

To Le Phenicien.
Did you take the time to read the message of the Maronite Bishops Council or you flew off the handle as soon as you saw the picture of ex- patriarch Sfeir.
It seems to me that you are a disgruntled Christian, for had you a moslem especially a shiite and called your ex-spiritual leader an SOB you would have dead by now. So go ahead and thank your stars.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 18:01 ,2011 آب 03

Le Phenicien:
Ton général de pacotille commence à s'impatienter. Tu ne lui a pas encore fait sa gaterie journalière. Sa tension est en train de monter et il risque de dire des conneries.Fais vite.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 18:22 ,2011 آب 03

Phenicien: you have 0 respect. Respect lebanon's plurality you racist

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 18:24 ,2011 آب 03

Le Phenicien:
Naharnet n'a pas jugé de bon de rendre public un commentaire dans lequel j'ai utilisé à ton égard les mêmes qualificatifs que tu as utilisés à l'égard du Patriarche Sfeir. Je comprends Naharnet qui a sans doute jugé que ces qualificatifs étaient trop élogieux pur ton indigne personne.

Default-user-icon LadyGaGa (ضيف) 03:59 ,2011 آب 04

Amen to Sfeir and Rahi, You form the rock and true lubnan al kabeer from falastine to dimashq,
We need to dig the heritage and past of LASA, because of your wise and compassion leadership during the war, you protected al faqih and mahdi in this town, and because of the HEROES on the ground from the Lebanese Forces and the GREAT HAKEEM and his leadership (GOD BLESS HIM) the latter preserved a united LASA