سلام يدخل الى السراي في أول يوم له كرئيس للحكومة

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وصل تمام سلام الى السراي الحكومي في وسط بيروت، كرئيس للحكومة بعد عشرة أشهر من المشاورات واللقاءات التي أفضت يوم السبت الى الاعلان عن الحكومة الجديدة.

ودخل سلام السراي، صباح الاثنين، بعدما ادت له سرية رئاسة الحكومة التحية. وكان في استقباله الامين العام لمجلس الوزراء سهيل بوجي وكبار المستشارين في السراي.

وأفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5) ان وزير البيئة محمد المشنوق رافق سلام الى السرايا الحكومية، وهو سني من حصة الوسطيين، وتحديداً حصة سلام في هذه الحكومة.

وكان سلام قد زار رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، بعد ظهر الاحد، وعرض معه اجواء التحضير لعقد الجلسة الاولى لمجلس الوزراء، التي ستنعقد عند الحادية عشرة من قبل ظهر الثلاثاء في قصر بعبدا لتأليف اللجنة الوزارية التي ستناط بها مهمة وضع البيان الوزاري.

يُذكر انه وبعد عشرة أشهر من استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي، نجحت المساعي والمشاوارت، على الرغم من العراقيل، بالإعلان حكومة تمام سلام الجديدة الجامعة، السبت وفق مبدأ المداورة، التي أطلق عليها سلام اسم "حكومة المصلحة الوطنية"، متعهداً بعملها على تأمين الاستحقاق الرئاسي بموعده، فضلاً عن اقرار قانون انتخابي جديد.

التعليقات 5
Thumb -phoenix1 12:14 ,2014 شباط 17

(1) Maybe this new cabinet is not the best that has come, but in light that has started is now nothing short of miraculous. Furthermore, it is a big achievement for us Lebanese, that even if the procrastination has dragged on for much too long, at least we did not lower ourselves again by having to go to either Damascus, Taef or Doha. Yes, this cabinet is far from what we wanted, but all the same, better such a cabinet than none at all. Then if we look below skin-depth, one could be reassured that some real effort have been made by all the parties, who have finally come to accept that compromise in the name of national interests far outweigh all other party consideration.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:15 ,2014 شباط 17

(2). It is also most relieving to see the country being led now by two moderate and genuine people, President Suleiman who remains a blessing to our stability, and Mr. Salam, a person who is known for his integrity and decency. Now please gentlemen, all hands on deck, there's much to be done, your work is already cut out for you. Furthermore, now all the parties must at all costs translate their new-found maturity by giving all the support for this new cabinet. God bless Lebanon.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:30 ,2014 شباط 17

(3) Maybe it's in my nature to be an optimist rather than a pessimist, but then here's how I look at the current picture. For about 30 years, we Lebanese have lived under Syrian tutelage, a very cruel one indeed, table manners were not the order of the day under them. Then all of a sudden, the Syrians got booted out without the use of one single bullet. So all of a sudden, we Lebanese were left to fend and think for ourselves, here I believe that all the tricks of the trade were used by both M8 and M14. After 9 bitter years, it does bring some reassurance to note that finally all sides have come to understand that compromise and dialog are their best options. Let us call it maturity by all concerned, but COHABITATION now seems to have settled into the minds of all parties, and so much the better.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:31 ,2014 شباط 17

(4). I furthermore believe that if we all build on that new-found wisdom, then we can gradually inch our way towards solving all the problems that our nation faces, including Hezbollah's reintegration back into the family fold. Nothing is simple, yet where there is a will, surely the way is open for us all, and for a better Lebanon for all the Lebanese, in a Lebanon of laws and of solid constitutional institutions. It can be done, let us now just pick up on the momentum.

Missing helicopter 15:17 ,2014 شباط 17

Forget about lack of electricity and infrastructure, forget about arms being everywhere and about corrupt politicans ........ the greatest challenge to oveercome is coming up with a Policy Statement. Once done, everyone will rejoice with accomplishment and meeting the National Challenges.