"انفتاح سعودي واميركي على عون يمهّد طريقه للرئاسة"

Read this story in English W460

يبدو ان حظوظ رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون في الوصول الى كرسي الرئاسي ترتفع، وسط انفتاح أميركي وسعودي عليه شخصياً وفق ما أفادته صحيفة "الأخبار".

ونقلت الصحيفة عن مطلعين على أجواء الرابية، الجمعة، أن عون بات أقرب من أي وقت الى الرئاسة، نظراً لوجود "مزاج أميركي مستجدّ في الانفتاح على عون، يستند الى رؤية مفادها أن أي بحث في سلاح المقاومة أو في الاستراتيجية الدفاعية يحتاج الى رئيس قوي للجمهورية قادر على محاورة حزب الله وطمأنته، لا استفزازه".

ولفتت الى "مزاج سعودي انفتاحي على عون تمثّل في لقاءاته مع السفير السعودي علي عواض العسيري، وفي العلاقة المستجدّة بينه وبين ورئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري، والتي ساعدت في تذليل العقبات للوصول الى تشكيل حكومة تمام سلام حكومته".

يُذكر أن تقارباً حصل بين عون ورئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري في الآونة الأخيرة، اذ اعلن الاول الاثنين، أنه التقى الحريري في وقت سابق من شهر شباط في روما، لافتاً الى أنه أتى في اطار المساعي لتشكيل الحكومة. واثر الاعلان عن الحكومة، لفت عون الى انها هي "مفتاح لتطبيع العلاقات" بين مختلف الأفرقاء.

وأشارت الصحيفة الى ان عون "ثبّت مقولة استعادة حقوق المسيحيين وتمثيلهم بأقويائهم، عبر كل الاستحقاقات النيابية والرئاسية، وكرّسها في مفاوضات تشكيل الحكومة".

التعليقات 83
Thumb lebanon_first 08:16 ,2014 شباط 21

If Aoun can negotiate with HA their weapons, I will vote for him....

Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 08:39 ,2014 شباط 21


He's possibly the only one that may persuade them.

Thumb jabal10452 09:00 ,2014 شباط 21

Same here!

Thumb popeye 09:23 ,2014 شباط 21


Thumb thepatriot 11:32 ,2014 شباط 21

"as long as there's a threat from the Israeli side"...wtf!?
Are you serious?
Israel couldn't care less about us! This is not 1982!
It is Hezb threatening them!
NO Hezb= No problem with Israel my dear!

Thumb habib 08:17 ,2014 شباط 21

Lash la

Thumb general_puppet 08:22 ,2014 شباط 21

What is the world coming to… with a wink from the Great Satan and the kingdom of evil the pajama generals lust for the Presidency is going to come true?

Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 08:35 ,2014 شباط 21

Blabla lol typical gp

Default-user-icon DADADADADA (ضيف) 08:34 ,2014 شباط 21


Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 08:38 ,2014 شباط 21

I agree texas, it's time to integrate hizb into the army. No amount of taunting and pressuring will work because hizb is like a supernatutally strong baby who gets hissy fits often, and it needs to be TALKED TO CALMLY, and who better than their ally of almost a decade? This is an excellent move if true.

Missing helicopter 15:55 ,2014 شباط 21

My fear is that Aoun will be able only to integrate the LAF into HA and not the other way around.

Thumb smarty 00:31 ,2014 شباط 22

HA must be disbanded and it's arsenal handed over to the army.

Missing ---karim_m2-- 08:39 ,2014 شباط 21

This would be an enormous blow the February 14 Saudi-Salafi coalition.

Thumb general_puppet 09:42 ,2014 شباط 21

---karim_m2--… we all know of your great love for the old lunatic but the article says the "Saudi-Salafi" are backing him. It would be an enormous blow to Lebanon if that Assad stooge takes the Presidency.

Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 08:43 ,2014 شباط 21

Don't be too sure tex. Ask any m8 and they're fully supportive of the army and are 100% behind a defense strategy. They're just suspicious of the government and rightfully so. A strong ally mediated the conception of a defense strategy is the perfect and most reasonable scenario.

Thumb Lebanon4life 08:50 ,2014 شباط 21

and if General Aoun asked Hezbollah to hand over it's weapons , what would you say ?

Thumb ice-man 09:06 ,2014 شباط 21

then he becomes a zionist salafi

Thumb general_puppet 09:43 ,2014 شباط 21

What would the son-in-law become?

Thumb ex-fpm 08:52 ,2014 شباط 21

this is social fiction.

Thumb geha 09:07 ,2014 شباط 21

all that is good, but...
there are too many if in your analysis of which the most important: if aoun can convince hizbushaitan about their weapons :)

let us not forget that aoun has been the Christian cover for hizbushaitan weapons and was hiding behind those same weapons to get better ministerial seats....

you think anyone believes aoun's promises? I doubt. all know where his llegiances are, and no one will be fooled by this guy :)

Default-user-icon dani (ضيف) 09:56 ,2014 شباط 21

How old os peres, phil? Would you say he's doinh a good job or has the experience others rarely have?

Default-user-icon dani (ضيف) 10:00 ,2014 شباط 21

Would you say Peres is doing a good job, phil? Do you think he has the experience others rarely have? Answer trughfully now.

Thumb skeletor 10:14 ,2014 شباط 21

Don't worry, he will not make it to 80. I am scheduled to meet with him just before his 80th.

Thumb popeye 09:22 ,2014 شباط 21

Al-Akhbar ....enough said))

Thumb popeye 09:27 ,2014 شباط 21

Neither Aoun nor anybody can convince the terror party to lay down its weapons. It is like the passengers on a hijacked plane asking, debating, and finally convincing the hijacker to surrender his weapons. The terror party acts on orders from Iran. Should Iran tell them to do so, they will oblige. In the meantime, keep dreaming!

Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 09:58 ,2014 شباط 21

"Neither Aoun nor anybody can convince the terror party to lay down its weapons."
Are you god to decide that? No? Didn't think so.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 10:05 ,2014 شباط 21

One way to eradicate any religious militia in Lebanon, is to nominate a President, and the President through his ego, declares war on Israel.
One way to eradicate the Aoun HA alliance, is the backing of Aoun by the Saudi and the US.
Not one single human being in the Lebanese media, thinks "Lebanon"
Not one single human being in the Lebanese media, does not involve religion,
down to the most stupid tweets or web comments, allah this allah that.
The ones getting rich are the same, the ones suffering are more and more.
One athlete torso goes online, and she receives 50k comments of advise with a twist of religion.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 10:11 ,2014 شباط 21

Not one comment of sympathy, just allah this allah that, do this and you shouldn't have done that.
Environment molds people, and the environment is very sick in the Lebanon.
The leaders lead with unethical motives, and people follow.
The only motive in any political event in the country should be ONE WORD....LEBANON
Some politicians start their lecture with a prayer, some start with allegiance to a person, to a religion, to a party.
People of Lebanon weep for a murdered politician but not for a murdered country.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 10:11 ,2014 شباط 21

If all the conditions are met for one militia, to handle their arms...they invent a new strategy of liberating Palestine to keep their arms.
Any trivial person living in the western world knows that an armed militia in a country turns its arms against the people and not against another country.
Did any militia invade another country in the history of the world?
The militia will turn its arms against its people to become the state from within.
They made the Lebanon look like a cheap tv series, with pseudo uneducated filthy corrupt actors, and oblige its people to pay and watch.
Any state robber will be judged, through him or his family and descendents, today or tomorrow.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 13:55 ,2014 شباط 21

The war in Lebanon was never civil. The muslims wanted a pan-arab country and joint the palestinians in 1975 to take over the country, Nasser who armed them opposed. Christians embraced the west since chamoun and since statistics were growing against them. Biggest enemy of sunni palestinians was amal. The same amal person in HA today wants to liberate palestine. In 1975 it was pro-nasserism for sunnis or bigger syria for the shia muslims. Now it is Saudi-Iran. The shia belt from IRAN-South Irak-South Syria-South Lebanon is done. Aoun is convinced it was sunni who ousted him. He knows there will never be a republic in Lebanon anymore with 75% muslim and 25% christian territory. This is why the politicians do not sow the grains of liberty, but there is a concealed nuclear bomb.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 14:21 ,2014 شباط 21

Even if you trained in North Korea to become HA ruler, and you send fighters to syria to maintain the shia belt from Iran. Even if you iimpose fear with bearded black posters all across the country. Even if you are half Saudi and steal the country's core entity and you are worth Lebanons' GDP. Even if you are Qatari and think you can purchase people's souls. Even if you collected 9 billion under the LF insigna got busted buying solidere shares.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 14:23 ,2014 شباط 21

One thing you cannot buy, or scare, or take hostage, the LIBERTY in the people. This same liberty in a few people in Lebanon, and the Liberty in ALL the freedom educated Lebanese abroad. There are 19 million registered Lebanese in the world eligible for a passport and could vote. 73% of the world Lebanese are christians. 9 million in Brazil only. The majority of those want ONE thing, a republic of 10452 sq/km of liberty. Ever since the 1950's, they would not let the Lebanese abroad vote, but until when could Berri conceal this?

Thumb -phoenix1 15:51 ,2014 شباط 21

@Trust, it's been a while since I read such a good post, everything you wrote makes perfect sense. I wish you'd register and contribute more to this forum. We certainly need more good folks like you. Thanks again and stay blessed.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 19:09 ,2014 شباط 21

Phoenicians were great people. But when the greeks, and later romans came to our shores, they burnt everything, and turks robbed the remains. They claimed their glory in history after eradicating the phoenicians'.
The Lebanese erase there history by themselves these days.
No one has the right to call the Lebanese war, 'a civil war'. Everybody forgot that the palestinians wanted to take Lebanon, Nasser armed them but he opposed war officially. The muslims took side with the palestinians, and wanted a pan-arab state through nasserism. The shia wanted the great syria state, who wanted the 10452 sq/km ? the dead.

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 19:11 ,2014 شباط 21

. Yesterday's pan-arab nasserism and greater syria became KSA/Iran today. The shia belt from Iran-South Irak-South Syria-South Lebanon is made already. HA fights in Syria to maintain this belt. The fiercest enemy of the palestinians, were AMAL. Today every ex-amal HA person claims he wants to liberate Palestine.
Who is fighting for the 10452 sq/km ? The North Korea trained cleric in the south ? or state bleeder who built a fortune the size of Lebanon's GDP? Is it the LF who imposed a tax on people and amassed 9 billion, only to lose them with a solidere scam ?. What about the person responsible for the killing of 150 lebanese officers in underwear, shot in the head, due to an order mistake? Or ruin 110's of villages to the ground?

Default-user-icon thrust (ضيف) 19:14 ,2014 شباط 21

There is a concealed atomic bomb though. No One is better than One thing that you cannot buy, or scare, or take hostage, 'the LIBERTY' in the people. This same liberty is in a few people in Lebanon, and especially this Liberty IS in all the Lebanese abroad. There are 19 million registered Lebanese in the world eligible for a passport and could vote. 73% of the world Lebanese are christians. 9 million in Brazil only. The majority of those want ONE thing, a republic of 10452 sq/km of liberty. Ever since the 1950's, they would not let the Lebanese abroad vote, but until when could Berri conceal this?

Thumb sophia_angle 11:37 ,2014 شباط 21

Coming soon....the tsunami in baabda

Missing thatisit 11:55 ,2014 شباط 21

make him president or whatver he wants to be then maybe( and it is a big MAYBE), we won't see him on Tuesdays anymore...

Thumb popeye 12:46 ,2014 شباط 21

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you,-_Flamethrower_- , but alas!

Thumb jabal10452 12:54 ,2014 شباط 21

You touch on a key point, FT: INTEGRATING HA's military within the LAF, not dismantling an organisation that, if under the authority of the state, would be a valuable defence tool for the defence of the republic.

And yes, even though I have strong reservations against Aoun's diplomatic skills, I agree that he is best positioned to tackle the HA issue.

Default-user-icon Rothschild (ضيف) 13:19 ,2014 شباط 21

@Maxx, you sir win the internet.

Default-user-icon zegabster (ضيف) 13:21 ,2014 شباط 21

Only when hell freezes over . Aoun will never be rewarded for his self serving behavior. This man belongs in jail for his bad judgement and his lootings

Default-user-icon salim (ضيف) 13:33 ,2014 شباط 21

The camel drivers F I N A L L Y convinced the Americans that they insist on having Aoun as dear Lebanon's next president!

Thumb -phoenix1 13:45 ,2014 شباط 21

(1). Now this is ludicrous to say the least. But, irrespective of my profound dislike of Aoun, still it wouldn't change the fact that Aoun cannot and should not be president of Lebanon, and this for many reasons. First, contrary to what this article states, Aoun is not strong but weak and this weakness comes from the fact that he is NOT impartial. Furthermore Aoun definitely has a very bad track record, flip flopping from one position to the other. To be honest, I cannot deny that they've been times when he had some good positions, but what's their use if thereafter Aoun returns with new ones to defeat the good ones? Then I am afraid, truly afraid, that Aoun continues to sell Christian lands to Hezbollah, you heard me right folks, sell Christian lands to Hezbollah, ask his son-in-law Bassil who should not lie about this fact, which in fact sticks out like a sore thumb.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:48 ,2014 شباط 21

(2). The selling of Christian lands facilitated by the FPM has indeed become a very sensitive point, to the point where one single spark could start a major catastrophe, one more drop and that's it. If anyone wants to feel that this is an over statement, then let's wait till that one single drop spills the glass. Then Aoun has just too many enemies, the majority of Lebanon is against him, and if God forbids he becomes president, then the Takfiris could target those areas that are still out of their calculations, Aoun let's not forget remains a stooge and rubber stamper to Hezbollah and the Al Assad regime. I look around and I still laugh in complete bitterness about why, in Lebanon, a country known for its high education and its elite personalities, we come back to this tiny little dark dot by having no other alternative but consider an old hog like Aoun?!

Default-user-icon sempre (ضيف) 13:59 ,2014 شباط 21

Lol, from somewhat objective to completely delusional in record time. Thanks for the laugh budd.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:19 ,2014 شباط 21

FT, you my dear brother should know more than anyone else what I am referring to. Yes, Aoun has too many enemies, and a proverb taken randomly by a great leader like Churchill cannot be dressed on people like Aoun. FT, I respect your intelligence, and here I am putting your sincerity to the test: Aoun has too many enemies, is impartial and this is exactly what we Lebanese need to steer well away from. Our predicament as it is is incumbent on our cautious approach, Lebanon is today a lot more divided than at any time before, and Aoun has indeed played into this divisiveness. What unifying role if any can the old man play, which one please ya FT? Should'nt we be a lot more intelligent by electing a unifying person? Are we that short of good people? You know brother FT, Aoun at this time and juncture of our shaky history is definitely the Wrong man. So much for Churchill's saying, it fits other people and in other time frames, not our old general. Sorry.

Thumb ado.australia 16:56 ,2014 شباط 21

phoenix... selling to lebanese is not wrong, illegal or immoral. selling to foreigners is different. This is lebanon's problem and a foreign ownership law like that of Cyprus is needed. Foreigners should not be permitted to own property larger than 500m2 or more than 1 property.

if aoun's presidency results in Hezbollah integrating into the LAF... Would you be upset?

Aoun's position on syria has been very basic... when the syrian are in lebanon, he is their enemy. When Syria leaves Lebanon, we must be best of friends and neighbours! You don't agree? Syria has (under bashar) recognised Lebanon as an independent state, for the first time in both our histories! For the very first time, in the history of the republic of lebanon, and the 1st time in the history of Syria, opened an embassy in beirut! even before affez el assad, (the biggest enemy of an independent Lebanon) syria never acknowledged the republic of Lebanon.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:37 ,2014 شباط 21

Hi my friend Ado, selling to the Lebanese, on the surface is OK, but the way the FPM is selling to Hezbollah is wrong. Hezbollah and I'm sorry to put it this way coz I hate it anyways, but then, our Shiite brothers have plans of their own too, one of them is encroachment. We all know that times are very difficult for most Lebanese of all confessions, but with our Shiite siblings, they have the party that helps them a lot, but we Christians, who is helping us? Schools, hospitals, emergencies, medication, universities etc.., who is helping us? Iran, the Vatican, the KSA Franca Al 7anouni? The FPM is a facilitator here and I honestly hate it. By wanting to encroach on Christian lands, our crucial role in this country will one day be diminished if not eradicated, inexorably if not unwittingly, Hezbollah will be killing the one dependable ally that it has in Lebanon, the Christian. But does that fit into Aoun's reduced brains, or that of his close family? I doubt it.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:40 ,2014 شباط 21

Then dear Ado, to Hezbollah's disarmament and its integration into the LAF, yes, by all means, but gradually and within a context of national dialog and understanding. In my carefully evaluated view, we need to start building confidence between us all Lebanese, on the one hand get Hezbollah to trust those it opposes in Lebanon, and us get to trust it. It will take some time, but we need to have square pegs in square hole, and same goes for round ones. This is one consideration where I very much oppose Aoun or anyone who is like him, coz he will polarize our society even further, when we must be doing the very opposite, unite and do it all for the nation and its very survival.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:55 ,2014 شباط 21

(3). What are such great people like Carlos Ghosn, or Demianos Kattar, or Carlos Slim, or Riad Salame, or the many, many top professionals in Lebanon on whose shoulders rests so much? Are we so depleted with choices now? Then who the @###&* is the US or Saudi to come and tell us who we should elect? Am I, a Lebanese citizen going to their countries to tell them whom they should elect? This just shows how shallow US and Saudi policy is when it comes to us. With all due respects to all concerned, I refuse to have this old hog of Aoun as my next president. He, just like Geagea, has blood in his hands, and that blood is Christian blood too. Aoun after all has now confirmed that after all, all he wanted is that damn seat, even if he had one hour left to his screwed up life.

Thumb popeye 14:24 ,2014 شباط 21


Thumb -phoenix1 14:56 ,2014 شباط 21

No no FT, I didn't suggest that Ghosn or the like leave their posts, I was alluding to the excellence of level we Lebanese have at our disposal, which is why I insist that we shouldn't have old fixtures like Aoun, or Geagea, you know, that old horror movies characters that we must drop behind us. You amused me dear bro, where on earth did you get that Xanax for me? have you tried a good Cuban cigar with a nice glass of Cognac? You do that, and you will understand why I feel serene. Ask the LF, they'll tell you that The Phoenix did not change a bit. About our old man Aoun, my post is simply here to remind about the ever present dangers of him, if the old man can get past your intellect, under NO circumstances would he get past mine. Sorry for being frank FT.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:02 ,2014 شباط 21

(4). It profoundly shames me, as a Lebanese, to be confronted by such a despicable fact, that in spite of all the great and wonderful women and men we have here, who are a lot more qualified and patriotic than these old dirty dinosaurs they keep suggesting for us, keep getting sidelined in favor of such old hogs. NO, if I refuse people like Geagea to the top post, then why should I accept his other half, Aoun? Geagea is the Pot, and Aoun is its cover, for God's sake, are we that hopeless in Lebanon? If the US accepts to have as their president silly people like George Bush jnr, or big mouths like Obama, why should I have such utterly useless people like Aoun, another blood-drenched warlord?! Aoun will only exacerbate matters further in Lebanon, bringing back to the surface old painful and bitter feelings that this time will bring the Coup De Grace to a country we felt was managing by and large to keep away from that dreadful Arab Spring.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:02 ,2014 شباط 21

(5). My voice as a Lebanese citizen counts, and so does my opinion, we Don't want anymore Warlords, we want the new generation, University graduates, educated and elucidated people, not arse kissers like Aoun and Geagea. I want to turn that dark page of the civil war, and Aoun will only bring them back. The hell with these old fixtures, time to make that move. Damn!!!

Thumb sophia_angle 14:14 ,2014 شباط 21

badna nlawen aser baabda ORANGE :pp

Thumb sophia_angle 14:31 ,2014 شباط 21

alla General w Hariri w bass :))

Missing rimkiezel 14:36 ,2014 شباط 21

Y not? better a strong president than a weak one... let's hope he doesn't sell out if and when he gets there...

Thumb Binar 14:37 ,2014 شباط 21

Yeah integrate hizballah in the LAF so they can put their hands on the $3bn aid to the army from SA. dismantling the hizib. is the only option.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 14:52 ,2014 شباط 21

I guess the discussion here is on the wrong track. Our issue in Lebanon today is not hezbolla, and this article reflects only one idea which is not a priority today in Lebanon.
The first priority is the palestinian with their arms and the salafi from syria (and the locals) with their arms. This is our priority as lebanese and not hezbolla weapons.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:02 ,2014 شباط 21

I still understand why we do NOT have the name of a truly great person like Demianos Kattar for president. The man is 100% clean, has the highest levels of education, charisma, ethics, good character, youthfulness, decency, honesty, you name it this man has it. What is worrying us about him, that he is known to be his own man, is not swayed and definitely cannot be bought? Is it because he will definitely audit everyone when he becomes president? Is it because he is a civilian, with no militia or soldiers at his disposal? Is it because he is like us all, a simple and God/law fearing citizen? Or is it because he is just too decent for us? And we still turn around these old fixtures who have in fact sold everything together with their souls, poor Lebanon!!

Default-user-icon jeff070 (ضيف) 17:01 ,2014 شباط 21

Phoenix, one of the best posters on here with a few others. However, a president needs to lead a country. I am not against those people you mentioned, but regardless of degrees etc, if they cannot lead and do not have leadership skills all, that intellect is down the drain. Aoun for example regardless if he has the intellect, he has the leadership skills needed. Still doesn't take away, that I could careless if he is president. Just my two cents.

We need a leader. Not an educator or an intellectual.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:02 ,2014 شباط 21

**I still Don't understand...***

Missing helicopter 04:26 ,2014 شباط 22

The answer to your question is in everything you wrote in this last post. Those deciding on who the president should be are not going to elect a man that is every thing they are not. He is their opposite, there lies the answer. It takes people power to bring the kind of man you describe. But the people are divided and are shepherded into their barns by the old corrupt fixtures you described. I feel your pain because it is the same as mine.

Thumb -karim_m 15:10 ,2014 شباط 21


Thumb sophia_angle 15:28 ,2014 شباط 21

1-..2/3 of chri.. well last elections he took the majority by himself untill further notice.
2-unreasonable...this is ur opinion but does not rely on any proofs or facts..on the contrary he is proving day by day that all what he said before was reasonably right

Thumb liefighter 15:47 ,2014 شباط 21

Does GMA have any credibility in his promises to fool USA and SA, but under Obama, every thing is possible.It would be the time of hypocrisy

Thumb liefighter 15:58 ,2014 شباط 21

Aoun is completely under HA, he is afraid of moving 1 inch from this position , even fighting in Syria he approves when ordered. putting hopes in the impossible is the game of Akhbar and M8 in general, just to curve the determination of Lebanese .

Thumb beiruti 16:02 ,2014 شباط 21

If the story is true, and that's a big if, let us look at who the strategists are. The same people who brought us Geneva II. The same people who believe that in the Middle East, you can talk a dictator out of power while he still has the power and ability to resist militarily.

Aoun, as President of Lebanon, will make Hezbollah assimilate into the Lebanese Army and submit its arms to the political control of a Sunni PM and Aoun?? That is rich. It is fantasy land talk, just as is Geneva II.

Thumb ado.australia 16:18 ,2014 شباط 21

anonymetexasusa... if Hezbollah rejected discussing their arms and integration into the LAF with President Aoun, then they would never integrate with the LAF and would basically declare themselves a state within a state. They would lose the support of all Christians and many shiites, and would then be completely isolated. I personally would lose respect and would be unable to justify the Resistance. I strongly believe that they would not go down that path. They need Lebanon and the LAF, and our lebanese shiite brethren are patriotic and want a strong lebanese state that protects them. Trust, respect and protection by the LAF and lebanese state will solve most of lebanon's sectarian problems.

Aoun is still the most respected politician in the LAF. He still has much influence in the army and is key to the eventual hezballah and LAF union.

Thumb sophia_angle 16:36 ,2014 شباط 21

GMA "The youngest Commander-in-Chief of the Lebanese Army (1984-1990) he was before the colonel of brigade 8th considered the elite of forces".....plenty to read, reading refreshes the brains so the cells can breath more u should try it some times :pp

Thumb eli-g 16:48 ,2014 شباط 21

lets not forget the Syrians they are still in power and if this imaginary scenario happens, the assassins target rings will be painted orange instead of blue.

Thumb Hajjeh.Hayat 16:57 ,2014 شباط 21

This is nothing more than Hezbollah sending a message in form of an Al-Akhbar report, this time to Aoun "no presidency for you". Does anyone truly believe it possible that a plot hatched by the Americans and Saudis would be accepted by Hezbollah or more accurately Iran? Aoun was harping about returning the traditionally Christian post of director-general of the General Security Department to the Christians for six years, Hezbollah would not even relinquish the control of that to him. They will relinquish to him the control of their regionally connected Arms, yeah right! Where is Hezbollah from the Bkerke Charter that Aoun supports "100%"? How much time do they need to "study it". Hell, Aoun was not even able to secure their support for a new Army chief, a post he wanted for his son in law. Poor General Shamel Roukoz on all accounts a great soldier who's career stalled and flatlined courtesy of Michel Aoun's support. Other than that it's a great report if one enjoys works of fiction.

Missing helicopter 04:30 ,2014 شباط 22

Nice post hayat

Thumb cedre 17:02 ,2014 شباط 21

Sleiman is also general ya Einstein...

Default-user-icon georges (ضيف) 18:01 ,2014 شباط 21

Aoun will not discuss anything at this time with HA. This will happen once the Syrian situation has been resolved. and followed by an injection to the military institution from KSA, and Iran. Until then nothing will happen!

Thumb Bandoul 18:53 ,2014 شباط 21

@ Dr. Geagea,

Don't despair sir, Mr. Hariri previously said he will insist to nominate you for the presidency and apparently changed his mind. Well the first mistake you made is you aspired to become thepresident, an impossible scenario given your past. The second mistake you made is you believed him because your vanity overcame your intelligence. After all in politics alliance are constantly shifting to suit specific agendas and betrayals are par for the course. The third mistake you made is when you sniffed the betrayal, you didn't change your course and reserved your seat at the table. Now you are betrayed and out of government. Me personally I am happy the LF is not participating in this outright crime against Lebanon even though it came from the wrong inspiration. Ma3leish, live and learn, come back strong and make the right change when the time is right.

Thumb Bandoul 19:26 ,2014 شباط 21

@anonymetexasusa, I hope and pray you are right. Maybe you missed the intended satire in my posts...

Thumb Mystic 00:04 ,2014 شباط 22

I love the LAF, but what could it do when the Israelis invaded 2006? Are we supposed to lay down on our backs and let the zionist bomb us and humiliate us? No we will fight them to the end, and General Aoun knows this. I still do not see any mentioning about disarming Hezbollah on this article though.

Thumb Mystic 00:16 ,2014 شباط 22

The National Defense Strategy, is a Saudi trick to disguise the disarmament of Hezbollah, how easy targets do you think we are Mr. American? General Aoun never mentioned that he wanted the disarmament, as you claim he did.

Missing helicopter 04:21 ,2014 شباط 22

one and the same as the LAF, not one and the same as HA. I for sure do not want an Islamic army to defned Iran's interests, but a Lebanese army to defend Lebanon's interests.

Missing helicopter 04:27 ,2014 شباط 22

Nasrallah has been doing this since 2006.

Thumb Mystic 20:11 ,2014 شباط 22

M11 Israel went into Lebanon for one purpose only. The total destruction of Hezbollah, they failed to do so, and substained heavy casualties, which forced them to pullout, and i can tell you this, Israel used maximum force those bloody days.