السنيورة: عودة حزب الله الى لبنان يعزز علاقته بكامل مكونات الشعب
Read this story in Englishجدد رئيس كتلة المستقبل النيابية فؤاد السنيورة دعوته الى حزب الله "للعودة الى لبنان"، معتبرا أن هذا " يكسبه الكثير من خلال تعزيز علاقاته بكامل مكونات الشعب اللبناني".
وإذ دان الاعمال الارهابية التي يتعرض لها لبنان، شدد السنيورة على ضرورة "الاستمرار في العمل من اجل ان تستمر الحياة ومن اجل ان تعود الدولة الى فرض كامل سلطتها على كل الاراضي اللبنانية"، داعيا الى "ازالة الاعذار التي يمكن ان يحاول ان يعتمدها البعض لتبرير ما يسمى الاعمال التي تنال من الآمنين بسبب استمرار تدخل حزب الله في سوريا".
وعليه، قال السنيورة خلال تفقده اعمال اعادة تأهيل البنى التحتية للسوق التجاري لمدينة صيدا: "هناك ضرورة اساسية لعودة حزب الله الى لبنان".
واكد أن " هذا يكسبه الكثير من خلال تعزيز علاقاته بكامل مكونات الشعب اللبناني، ويزيل الاسباب التي يعتمدها البعض للقيام بالعمليات الانتحارية"، مشددا على وجوب "العمل جميعا من اجل انهاء هذه الظواهر غير الصحية في المجتمع اللبناني".
not only did he just admit they control the terrorists, but also that was an impressive lessons on cowardice. bowing to terrorists? that's your plan sanioura? what will you do when, boosted by this "victory", they ask for more? liberate the terrorists as they already demanded? impose sharia law?
either be a man, and say loud and clear that we do not negotiate with terror, that we do not bow to it, and that we will not be divided by them. or have some decency and just zip your shame hole.
This convoluted logic from two of the most ardent HA supporters!
Was it not Hizballah that employed those same terror tactics against the Israelis in the south and the American barracks in Beirut?
And don't even think of replying that is is ok against Israelis and Americans because terror tactics are terror tactics, period.
It is only terror, if you deliberately target civilian areas. No military target is an act of terror. The American marines barracks bombing, was a heroic act, which made the American invaders pull out of Lebanon.
please, Israeli invasion was result of unilateral move from bollah that cost us lives. review your philosophy and remove hatred from it.
Ever heard about LAF ? They're our defence against everything.
HA is just an iranian sectarian militia...
cedre you found yourself an amateur video on Youtube, which some takfiris claimed are a Hezbollah member, utter lies and nonsense, but then again it isn't the first time you do that.
When they came out from south lebanon, they occupied beirut. When they leave siria the entire lebanon will be under their control. The famous ´fa2ed elkouwà. ´ let them their.
notice how southern keeps quiet about the video showing his non sectarian hizb talking about what they will do with their fellow moslems...LOL
Hizb al bala even calls the Shia that don’t follow wilayet al faquih “Takfiris”… Hizbees will even call their own mothers “Takfiris” if they don’t follow their wilayet al faquih…sooner or later Hizb must pull out of Syria and either join the Military or face another civil war…
Hezbollah will pull out of Syria, when their mission is accomplished. They never said they were going to stay there forever.
The conflict in Syria, is for the Syrian people to decide, when there are presidential elections, we must all accept what the Syrian people wants.
Oh yeah, one remembers the "necessary and temporary" crap promulgated by the Syrians when they occupied Lebanon. Remember that?
Mr. American I know you like to spread the fact that Lebanons sects, are enemies and all, that is nothing new, but in reality more people inside Lebanon support Hezbollah, than the westernes outside ofcourse. You would notice that, if you ever been here. It is not a secret that Lebanons is divided by it's sects the civil war ended less than 25 years ago.
Nothing has changed, only the growth of takfiris, which grew long before Hezbollah took any part in Syria. Remember that
Mr. American, if you consider foreigners from all around the world, Pakistani, chechens, Turkish, Saudi etc. As Lebanese, then your information is completely false, these takfiris that the west sponsors has nothing to do with Lebanon, and are only here to create havoc and death on civilians. They are so weak these foreigners that instead of confronting Hezbollah in Yabroud and the other locations which borders Lebanon, they attack civilian areas.
Serious question, why does Lebanon need a resistance? What exactly are they resisting? Can anyone help me understand this? But serious reply please.
That is the way you see it Mr. American, our view is different as it always has been. We will never bow down to America ever, I have written this for more than a year now on Naharnet, that you take it as suprise amuses me.
poor mystic.... isn't hezbollah a national concern? it concerns the whole country as they never ask the opinion of people and even less the state they are supposed to obey like any political parties...they should OBEY the state and not their own laws...
but i m not expecting any intelligent answers from you as you are so brainwashed that even hard evidence will never convince you unless elmanar tells you to....
@War How come you never condemned Al Qaedas acts? Every time a terrorist bombing happens, you either say good riddance, or another sarcastic comment, don't get me wrong, you are not the only one doing so, but listening to you talking about loyality to the nation, would be the same as saying Al Qaeda are loyal to "peace and freedom." Now i'm being sarcastic for once. Get it?
Its a very serious question! Are you capable of answering it mowaten? Is anyone? Or is this the type of answer I should expect.
You M14ers goal, is to disarm Hezbollah, and open our borders to Israel and America, that is why the resistance will never compromise on that subject.
I love the LAF, but what could it do when the Israelis invaded 2006? Are we supposed to lay down on our backs and let the zionist bomb us and humiliate us? No we will fight them to the end, and General Aoun knows this.
The National Defense Strategy, is a Saudi trick to disguise the disarmament of Hezbollah, how easy targets do you think we are Mr. American? General Aoun never mentioned that he wanted the disarmament, as you claim he did.
Yet M14 keeps breaking the law, and makes secret dealings with the enemy Israel, as they did during the 2006 war, and as they want Lebanon to be fully controlled by Israel. It is not a big secret Mr. American, everybody knows M14 supports Israel and USA and M8 opposes, I know General Aoun is wise enough not to bow down to Israel, I am not concerned about it.
We support Iran, and you support Israel USA, And Saudi that isn't a secret neither. You keep writing like everything is a conspiracy theory American, everyone knows this. It is nothing new
True accusations you know to be true. This is a waste of time, we have discussed this for how many times? More than a year now.
Just like the Saudi National Majid al-Majid? Who is lying? You Americans are experts in lies.
To use HA logic, better to listen and do the withdrawal now while you still have some dignity left because future developments and realities might impose this on you in a more undignified manner such as happened to the Syrian army withdrawal from Lebanon.
Do you never learn from history?
He was behind it American, just like the Israelis and Saudis were. That they find unemployed youth to do their dirty business is nothing new.
Convoluted logic as usual.
Once the purported excuse is removed, then all of us Lebanese will be on the same page fighting the takfiris and their suicide bombings myself included.
Stop with your one sided tunnel vision and see things for what they are. Aoun is having a rapprochement with the future movement and M14 because he now realizes there is no military solution to the takfiri phenomenon and no valid justification to HA armed involvement in Syria.
This is not our fight, let Syrians decide for themselves. If anything, the Assads managed to destroy our country and fabric of life for more than 30 years.
funny when you watch elmanar and read hezbis comments here it is all the same... they are real good faithful spokesmen... only proves that they need elmanar to think , normal for people with no brains.....LOL
So let me get this right. No one can have a proper conversation with me to tell me why Lebanon needs a resistance movement? Well doesn't it speak volumes. I don't support M14 or M8, but by the lack of intelligent replies I certainly can understand the frustration of most of the Lebanese people when it comes to Hezbollah, the frustration of no one can justify why they exist or are needed, and the proof, well just read up, plenty of opportunity for someone to tell me, yet nothing.
Michael, its important for the likes of Southern, mystic etc to be on here. Its important to people to see that they cannot answer a simple questions, in an intelligent, civilised mannor. I genuanly want to engage with them, let them convince me that Hezbollah is needed, but they clearly cannot answer a simple question. We don't need people like that to leave these forums, we need them to prove a point that they are unable to justify a lot of things. A true saying is " Give someone enough rope, and they will hang themselves".
We are sick and tired of you people. The Persian puppets can go to Iran, and the Saudi puppets to KSA and fight your useless wars outside and without implicating Lebanon. The entire Middle East needs a change of biblical proportions followed by a fresh start. I am thinking that just as the messianic belief has been an academic failure to the Jews, Islam has been more than mere failure since it has become the very sword that is butchering the throats of the Arabs.
Hezbollah is in no position to give lectures about Suicide Squads... they are the most popular arab suicide bombers in history... do you need a reminder ?
We believe that there is an essential need for Hizbullah's return to Lebanon...............
I disagree with Saniora. I believe it is essential that HA leave Lebanon and take any takfiris with them.
Future Movement and the rest of M14 lost their credibility the moment they entered a govt with Hezbollah. If they had a 10% chance to get the votes of myself and many people like me, let's just say they blew it.
And to the person who said that blowing up the marine barracks was a heroic act, it's people like you that are keeping our country behind and taking it back to the medieval ages. I'd rather live in a country that has good relations with the US, Europe and the rest of the world than simply Iran and Assad. In fact, if you had any logic and brains at all, you would realize that the whole world can't be wrong and 1.5 countries right.
When Saniora talks confidently about that the terrorists can and will do you know that he is not affiliated with them in any way, shape or form! Hang the terrorist with the crooked mouth and rotten brain in suit and tie ASAP.