إسرائيل تقصف "هدفا لحزب الله" عند الحدود والمرصد السوري يقول أنه قاعدة صواريخ تشارك في معركة القلمون
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نفذ الطيران الإسرائيلي مساء الإثنين غارات قرب الحدود اللبنانية السورية تبين وفق معلومات أمنية أنها على "هدف لحزب الله" يشتبه بأنه قاعدة صواريخ تشارك في معركة القلمون.
وقال مصدر امني لوكالة "فرانس برس" ليل الإثنين "نفذ الطيران الاسرائيلي بعيد الساعة العاشرة والربع بتوقيت بيروت غارتين على هدف لحزب الله في منطقة من سلسلة الجبال الشرقية" الحدودية.
واشار المصدر الى ان الطيران "القى صاروخين" قد يكونان سقطا في ارض لبنانية.
من جهته، قال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان في بريد الكتروني تلقى "نهارنت" نسخة منه "قصف الطيران الاسرائيلي مركز قاعدة صواريخ لقوات حزب الله اللبناني التي تشارك بعمليات القلمون (السورية الحدودية مع لبنان)".
وأشار المرصد إلى أن القصف تم "قرب قريتي جنتا (لبنان) ويحفوفا (سوريا) على الحدود".
وأضاف "لا يعرف اذا ما كانت المنطقة داخل الاراضي السورية او اللبنانية".
وروى سكان في منطقة البقاع انهم سمعوا صوت تحليق كثيف للطيران الاسرائيلي على علو منخفض، قبل ان يسمعوا صوت انفجارين قويين.
وقال شهود في بلدة النبي شيت انهم شاهدوا السماء تلمع، ثم رأوا قنابل مضيئة اطلقتها الطائرات على الارجح، قبل ان تهتز منازلهم نتيجة دوي الانفجارين.
بدورها أفادت مصادر لقناة "العربية" بوقوع قتلى من حزب الله في الغارات .
وكشفت عن معلومات تفيد بأن القصف الإسرائيلي استهدف شاحنتين لحزب الله كانتا تتجهان إلى سوريا، مشيرة إلى معلومات أخرى غير رسمية بأن "هناك صواريخ باليستية كان حزب الله يسعى لإخراجها من سوريا في الليل، عندما تم القصف الإسرائيلي".
إلا أن المعلومات بقيت متضاربة بسبب المواقع الجغرافية المتداخلة إذ أفادت قناة الـ"MTV" عن أن القصف طال مناطق "بريتال وحور تعلا والنبي شيت والخضر وعلي النهري" لتعود وتقول بعد حين أن الغارات نفذت "على أهداف داخل الأراضي السورية".
وأكدت قناة الـ"OTV" حصول "غارات إسرائيلية على جنتا والنبي شيت وقرب بريتال" في البقاع. كذلك لفتت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" إلى غارتين "على جرود النبي شيت بالقرب من الحدود اللبنانية - السورية".
واكتفت قناة "المنار" التابعة للحزب بالقول "لم تؤكد المصادر الأمنية حصول أي غارة اسرائيلية داخل الأراضي اللبنانية في السلسلة الشرقية".
من الجانب الإسرائيلي، لم تعلق الدولة العبرية على الغارات رسميا حتى ليل الإثنين – الثلاثاء في خطوة معتادة عند كل قصف إسرائيلي خصوصا منذ اندلاع الحرب في سوريا.
في الإعلام الإسرائيلي، اكتفت صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" بالنقل عن وسائل الإعلام الدولية واللبنانية، التي زعمت وجود قتلى لحزب الله وكذلك فعلت صحيفة "جيروزاليم بوست" فيما التزمت الإذاعة الإسرائيلية الصمت.
وهذه ليست المرة الأولى التي تقصف إسرائيل أهدافا في سوريا لحزب الله, ففي الثالث من أيار عام 2013 افادت وسائل اعلام اميركية ان اسرائيل شنت غارة جوية على سوريا استهدفت شحنة اسلحة موجهة الى حزب الله.
وفي الخامس من آب من العام عينه قال مسؤولون أميركيون إن انفجارا غامضا وقع في مدينة اللاذقية الساحلية في سوريا ناجم عن نتيجة غارة جوية إسرائيلية استهدفت مرابض صواريخ روسية الصنع متطورة مضادة للسفن.

But but I thought Israel just wanted peace and good will towards Lebanon.

no, we didnt call her tonight, we thought some family time would do you some good.

if you're not smart enough to understand what it means, it does not mean it is deceptive. for you even a lamppost would be deceptive if that was the case.

movatin speaking about animals...

Lebanon... yes... not the terror group occupying parts of it... einsteinn!!!

you really have the cheapest propaganda stuff dont you cedre? i feel sorry for you to be stupid enough to believe that crap, like the other day you were quoting lines from pages of a book that dont exist...

For goodness sake why oh why? I honestly hope this is not a prelude to another war with Israel. The country would not survive such a thing with everything else that is happening. Let's hope Hezbollah does not retaliate and things go out of control.
May God protect our beloved Lebanon

hizbullah cannot afford to enter into another war with israel. In 2006 though it lost militarily after it resisted very well against israel, it achieved a political victory in lebanon that allowed it to gain more and more power at the expense of the state institutions. Today the situation is different. It is stretched militarily on the different syrian battlefronts, and does no longer enjoy the political support apart from its base.

Syria reserves the right of retaliation on Israel by barrel bombing starving kids in Qalamoun and destroying mosques in Aleppo...
I'm just waiting for the news that the mighty hezzb have shot down the fighters.......any min now.......here comes the news.....right now........any sec now......erm
Exactly ultra, so don't poke the sleeping lion unless you have a shot gun.

israelis will need much more than a shotgun when that lion wakes up.

If there was to be a new war between the Resistance and Israel, I can tell you, the israelis will be witness to something that they never thought could happen.

'israelis will be witness to something that they never thought could happen"… what are they going to witness Mystic? Is one of the Iranian militia thugs going to actually put a foot across the Israeli line? Now that would truly be a Devine Victory!

Israelis and Takfiris, working together against Hezbollah & LAF. Not a convenience, that the Israelis attack just after the Hermel bombing. They know that the Army & Resistance are standing together now, a war far worse than the 2006 july battle is approaching.

The Israelis, thinks this will stop the flow of arms to the Resistance.
They can think again, Tel Aviv will soon be rained with fire from the skies.

mastic those weapons better stay in syria, u farsiboys badly need them...

Jack while I agree with you on the bs fystic is overwhelming us with please I urge you to refrain from involving family in insults etc...we are all adults here and we can disagree as much as we want and call each other names but without involving parents and families into this...thank you man

It is obvious that the Israelis & Wahabis are working together against Syria and Lebanon, if Israel works with Hezbollah as some of you ignorants in here says to cover yourselves. I will ask you this, how come Israel never fired a single missile against your beloved Al Qaeda and Al Nusra front?
I can tell you why, because it is the Resistance whom are their real enemy, and the Resistance are the only ones the Israelis fears.

'the Resistance are the only ones the Israelis fears'
not tonight haboub, not tonight...

Haboubi, sometimes doing nothing is the best choice.
And just for ur instruction, google 'saudi plo'. Bonne lecture...

Actually it's a kind of "menage à trois", while Sunnis will use Israel against Shias and Shias use Israel against Sunni. The real war which is lasting 1400 years is the one between Sunnis and Shias.

this is what israelis and takfiris want people to believe. the truth is that the real fight is from all the people of the region, whether sunni, shia, druze, maronite, orthtodox, catholic, and even the indigenous jews against the invaders and occupiers: zionists.

Ur spiritual father Assad in 3 years, killed more syrians, sunnis, palestinians, muslims that israel since '48.
Nobody cheering Israel, even if we have the reasons to do so...

you bum. it's your saudi freaks with their suicide bombers and their mercenaries and their weapons flooding from jordan lebanon and turkey who are killing syrians, sunnis, palestinians, muslims

of course, saudis are barrel bombing aleppo, besieging for 2+ years homs and starving palestinians in yarmuk camp.
Movatin go back to ur kennel, ya farsi dog.
Or even better, go and die in Qalamoun for ur masters in Qom.

Your takfiri brothers, are the ones creating starvation in Syria cedre. Before the unrest, nobody in Syria starved.

"Nobody cheering Israel, even if we have the reasons to do so"
that's the kind of hypocrite statement we've gotten used to, from the israeli propagandists on this page.
they try to appear politically correct "nobody cheering israel", but they imply we should be cheering it "we have the reasons to do so".
but as the wimps they are, when they're not running out of the south crying, they are behind their keyboards pretending to be tough boys with their insults.
you know why your insults never bothered me? because i know you can do it here, and only here. so i feel pity for you.

movatin, unlike your family, I did not throw flowers and rice at IDF invading south lebanon...

FT ur emotional post allows me to guess that some of ur relatives did the same and maybe more... Tea ? Baklawa ?
But u just shot urself in the foot.
Why is it ok for shias to cheer invading IDF but sunnis cant be happy that IAF bombed HA that kills them in Syria and Lebanon ?
Bleezzzz exblain uz brofessor...

Unfortunately, these Hizb supporters have a problem with facts and won't listen to you
There is absolutely no reason for the Zionist Regime to interfere with internal issues and conflicts in Lebanon and Syria... I understand there are Lebanese casualties, which is unacceptable! How can everyone be so blind and do not see the big picture here. The entire conflict has been orchestrated by foreigners and Arabs are killing each others in 1000s!! My prediction is that the conflict will continue until early 2017 with no winners

is that the name your father gave you? i guess it must be normal where you come from.

it's mastic trying to be funny again. Poor kid... Poor parents... poor Lebanon...

You "may" have a point against extremists who kill innocent people in general whether Islam, Christian, etc.

oh and what may you be, JMO. What ever your religion may be obviously you have only seen the ugly side of things. Really there is so much beauty about the middle east its a shame you have no knowledge of what the arabs brought to the western world. You would not be writing in english if not for the arabic numerals and alphabet. Maybe the teacher who taught you at school didnt know this either. go figure.

see what i meant? you lie, and when proven wrong, you just take a spin and lie again, as if we all had your 7 second memory span. manar did not deny nor confirm.

Two possible reasons for the air raids:
1- Destroy any sophisticated weapons that got transfered from Syria to HA
2- Weaken HA in the Kalamoun battle to keep the battle raging for a very long time.
How old are ya? 12?? Very childish; you sure do make a fool of yourself.. but hey, to each its own

Anyone wanting to destroy Iranian arsenal, and nuclear weapons should be rewarded. it's our duty to destroy them. When Iran will nuke Israel, the radiations won't stop at the borders, they'll annihilate Lebanon as well. But of course, they couldn't care less, they won't be harmed...

there are no nukes and we wont need nukes to wipe you out, trust me, as soon as it hits the fan, israelis will be running off faster than they came.
plus nukes would kill all Palestinians, destroy all sacred places, and make Palestine inhabitable.

And you think that Israel won't nuke Tehran and other strategic sites in Iran.
Don't forget, Israel (and let us assume that Iran has) the capability of shooting down missiles on their way.
So what happens,:
1. They fall over Saudi Arabia, Iran and Jordan, spreading their nuclear fallout over these three countries killing who knows how many thousands (millions) of fellow moslems.
2. Even assuming that the missiles hit Israel, how many thousands of Israeli and Palestinian Moslems and Christians (forget the Jews) get
killed. (Taking a comment from another article, what will happen to Islams third holiest site in Jerusalem?
3. The nuclear cloud would cover areas within Lebanon and Egypt killing who knows how many people there.
Is this what the Arab world and Iran really want?

Do you think khomeinist really cares about Arab and Sunnis in Israel/Palestine? They are already ready to slaughter millions of Iranians and sacrifice millions of Shias...

Alternatively you could all just fucking declare stop killing and hating each other. If you spent just half the amount of mental energy, resources and time that you spend on hating and mistrusting each you would have a region and an economy that rivalled the most luxurious happiest regions on this planet. Instead you bicker and hate and you carry on like WWE wrestlers wasting your lives away. Your enemies, like the enemies in every country, if anyone, are your rulers and ultra rich who manipulate you from recognising that they take more than their fair share. Your allies are the eroding middle class in every country including the middle class of Iran as well as Israel, Saudi Arabia as well as Sweden… it's all the same.

no haboub, they've been bombing the shit out of ur pseudo resistance for 40 years. And for 40 years, Assads did not reply...

I follow news, and from what i understand it's HA that invades sunnis that welcomed them in 2006...

Iran helped USA in Astan and Iraq.
They help terrorist groups in all ME in order to fulfill their hegemonic goals on the Gulf and the Levant.
Now who's showing ' a true ignorance of history' ?

u're right, in geoplitics it's called objective allies.
Like Israel and Iran/HA/Assad, coz they share a common main enemy.
I hope u can understand that...
Click on the loud speaker and listen :

all traitors in the south and south lebanon army got max 2 years with HA's approval...

These are the direct consequences of the Obama Administration's "lead from behind" strategy. Arguably, the relationship between the Emirates and the U.S. had historically been "Oil for Security". Now, the U.S. leading from behind, coupled with the recent engagement with the Iranians re. their nuclear ambition and other European Nations not eager to get involved, the Gulf Countries have been uncertain and uneasy about their own security and survival which brings them closer to Israel to re-balance the power. Hopefully, this new arena puts pressure on Israel to realize that their survival depends on engaging the regional problems and eventually force them to bring a resolution re. the Palestinians.

Ya throw up...tant va la cruche a l eau qu a la fin elle se casse....casse toi tu pue et marche a l ombre.

Isn't it ironic when Israel actually does attack, HA "neither confirms or denies". However, when HA assassinates someone, they are blaming Israel before the smoke clears. What a joke!

Look at momo and Mystic… poor babies are throwing a fit. Whats the matter, did one of the Iranian militia arms shipment not make it thru? Maybe your beloved Assad will strike back… you know like they did all the other times the Israelis bombed Syria.

I cant but be amazed at the level of secretarian hatred being displayed here. Have we really reached the level where Lebanese cheer another country for killing Lebanese? Its not the fault of brave young men being misled by their leaders is it guys? And do you really think this will change anything? Cedre the other day you posted a video about al assir that was edited for maximum effect and I concluded that you support him in operations against the army. Really cedre? You played this terrorist out to be a victim? Shame on you guys really, breeding hate and violence, cheering when lebanese get killed, SHAME on all of you.
Roar, I do agree with your argument here, but you see, you keep focusing only on one side of the coin, and that my brother will take a lot of credibility off from your reasoning. This Dabke business you mentioned, they the M8 side did it many times too, whenever an M14 personality was assassinated, they cheered, fired into the air, danced, jubilated, distributed sweets in the streets, and even some of M8's top peers spoke wryly and bombastically about the slain victims. Please bro, this is NOT a one way street as you want us to believe, either you accept oncoming traffic, or much of the readership will keep taking your views with a pinch of salt. Sorry younger bro.
No Roar, the only one twisting what people write is you bro. Feel free to continue to refuse facts, seeing is believing, and we saw what you still refuse to accept. But as I said, till you calm down brother, right now things will not go further with you. God bless you ya man.

"whenever an M14 personality was assassinated, they cheered, fired into the air, danced, jubilated, distributed sweets in the streets, and even some of M8's top peers spoke wryly and bombastically about the slain victims"
this is not true phoenix. it was said by m14 propagandists that m8 supporters did that, to incite haterd, but nowhere will you find those pretended sweets or cheering. they are pure fabrication.
to the contrary, this is how dahiyeh reacted to the tripoli bombing for instance:

Actually it's a kind of "menage à trois", while Sunnis will use Israel against Shias and Shias use Israel against Sunni. The real war which is lasting 1400 years is the one between Sunnis and Shias.

@mowaten: this is the deapest and more murderous conflict in the region for centuries. I am not happy for that, the shia-sunni conflict is just ridiculous, but I am quoting a fact.

yes its sad when any Lebanese is bombed and killed. Everyone is busy blaming the other. In this example march 8 need to stop playing victim and realize their actions in Syria and disregarding the other half of Lebanese will fuel more hatred from their own. Your involvement in Syria is nothing to do with Lebanon and instead fuelling more extremism and hatred toward you...
(1) For a very long time now, I've been talking of unity between us all Lebanese. For a long time now I've been warning about the disastrous consequences of our divisions, of our ineptitude to work for national solutions. This latest of Israeli raids on what is perceived to be a Hezbollah base is a stark reminder that now we Lebanese are well out of any comfort zone we once had. Now, we have Hezbollah deeply involved in the Syrian war, the Takfiris are replicating with terrorist attacks of their own on Lebanese land, latest of which now is the LAF. Now the scope has widened with Israel resuming its attacks on us. Our new government is still divided over its statement, the presidential elections are just over the horizon, our economy is in tatters, mass migration has quadrupled, ....

"Now the scope has widened with Israel resuming its attacks on us."
I very much doubt that Israel has widened the scope to attack Lebanese civilians, but rather HA.
Oh Phil, rest assured that Israel legitimizes whatever it deems is a target, the scope of problems has now been inexorably widened and that's for sure.
(2). The influx of Syrian and Palestinian refugees is now staggering, all of which are not fully under our control, the Palestinians in Lebanon are a fast ticking time bomb, and look at what we're doing with each other, instead of rallying with each other, we are as usual slinging mud at each other. Lebanon will go and for good, because those who are taking refuge in our land are simply waiting for the odds to be in their favor. We now all must sit together, talk, talk and talk till we remove all those obstinate obstacles that pester us. Hezbollah now must leave Syria, then we must work hand in hand to make HA return its weapons within a reasonable period of time making our army a formidable one. maybe many still don't know that only our unity will save us from total obliteration, if only we know how to count to ten without losing our minds. May God have mercy on us all.

funny all this fuss while elmanar itself does not talk about it... seems they want to cover it up to avoid retaliation or nothing happened. LOL

Maybe because your comments are extremist, useless and stupid? Like that one...