حزب الله "قد يستهدف مسؤولين اسرائيليين" للرد على الغارة الاسرائيلية

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كشفت صحيفة "هآرتس" الاسرائيلية، أن حزب الله قد يقوم بالرد على الغارة الاسرائيلية على الحدود اللبنانية-السورية، من خلال استهداف مسؤولين اسرائيليين.

ونقلت الصحيفة، الاربعاء، عن مصادر اسرائيلية، قولها ان حزب الله قد يبدأ بإستهداف مسؤولين اسرائيليين، بعد الغارة الاسرائيلية على "هدف للحزب" على الحدود اللبنانية-السورية مساء الاثنين.

وتابعت الصحيفة ان المسؤولين في وزارة الدفاع الاسرائيلية يجرون الاستعدادات للرد على هذا الامر، في حال نفذ حزب الله اي اعتداء.

وكان مصدر امني قد قال لوكالة "فرانس برس" ليل الإثنين "نفذ الطيران الاسرائيلي غارتين على هدف لحزب الله في منطقة من سلسلة الجبال الشرقية" الحدودية.

من جهته، قال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان "قصف الطيران الاسرائيلي مركز قاعدة صواريخ لقوات حزب الله اللبناني التي تشارك بعمليات القلمون (السورية الحدودية مع لبنان)".

والثلاثاء اكد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو ان اسرائيل تقوم "بكل ما هو ضروري" للدفاع عن امنها، واضاف "اننا لن نقول ماذا نفعل او لا نفعل" حفاظا على امن اسرائيل، في اول تصريح لمسؤول اسرائيلي بعد الغارة.

وكان رئيس اركان الجيش الاسرائيلي الجنرال بني غانتز حذر من نقل الاسلحة من سوريا الى لبنان الى ايدي حزب الله اللبناني الشيعي الذي يقاتل الى جانب قوات نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد ضد المتمردين ومقاتلي المعارضة.

وقال غانتز "نحن نراقب عن كثب نقل الاسلحة بجميع انواعها على كافة الجبهات. هذا امر سيء للغاية وحساس جدا، ومن وقت لاخر واذا لزم الامر فان امرا قد يحدث" في ما اعتبر اشارة ضمنية الى تدخل اسرائيلي محتمل.

وفي الاول من تشرين الثاني الفائت، قصفت اسرائيل وفق وسائل اعلام قاعدة جوية سورية كانت تحوي صواريخ موجهة لحزب الله. واكد مسؤول اميركي يومها لفرانس برس حصول "ضربة اسرائيلية" في سوريا من دون ان يدلي بتفاصيل عن اهدافها.

التعليقات 24
Thumb cedre 09:02 ,2014 شباط 26

LOL, those losers still have to take revenge for Mughnieh, Laqqis, etc...

Thumb geha 09:30 ,2014 شباط 26

I can confidently tell Haaretz that the evil Iranian terrorist militia will not do anything against their Israeli masters.

Thumb ice-man 09:10 ,2014 شباط 26

I am always deeply saddened by the news that HA leaders, members, or followers are targeted, killed, assassinated, or even simply tortured. Am I being too emotional here??

Default-user-icon Batman (ضيف) 13:06 ,2014 شباط 26

Am I missing something here..? Do I detect sarcasm...?

Thumb ex-fpm 09:16 ,2014 شباط 26

I hope they do, so we can get rid off HA once and for all. I doubt it though.. HA and Israel need each other.

Thumb general_puppet 09:29 ,2014 شباط 26

Gentlemen, at this very moment the Iranian militia is digging a Glorious tunnel and will pop-up right in the middle of Jerusalem any day now.

Thumb ice-man 09:32 ,2014 شباط 26

lol g_p:)

Missing phillipo 12:52 ,2014 شباط 26

East or West Jerusalem?

Missing un520 09:31 ,2014 شباط 26

Of course they will never dare (or manage) to hit an Israeli official. Instead they will end up blowing up a bus with jewish families on holiday somewhere in Eastern Europe, East Asia or South America.....like usual. All to apeace their followers, to keep the morale high....

Missing un520 10:39 ,2014 شباط 26

A joint Israli-Lebanese-United Nation investigation concluded that it was a Lebanese soldier with mental issues that was behind the killing of the Israeli border guard. (Whether he has Hezbollah affilliatons I am not sure, some would argue that all Hezbollah-mambers have some kind of mental issues..)He has been taking into custody by lebanese authorities, which was a key demand for Israeli self-restraint.

Thumb -phoenix1 11:28 ,2014 شباط 26

This is simply great, so Hezbollah is now officially the government of Lebanon, it alone decides when we go to war, when to invade parts of Lebanon, when to retaliate, how to screw up the economy, I mean, these days Hezbollah is everywhere, prompting me to ask, is there really something called a Lebanese state? Hezbollah goes to the Syrian war, the Syrian war comes to us, albeit all our public denunciations, nothing fell on any ear, but the sound of death and killings that have replicated Hezbollah's crazy venture in a war that is not ours. Now Hezbollah wants to take on Israel again? Well, that's fine by me, let Hezbollah then start its campaign of assassinations against the Israelis, maybe this time the death knell will ring on it for good, right?!!! My neighbor's son got married a few months ago, maybe from now on he should consult with Hezbollah, if he and his wife can plan for a baby too!!

Thumb kanaanljdid 11:43 ,2014 شباط 26

Mabrouk for your neighbor's son

Missing watan-libnan 12:17 ,2014 شباط 26

Bro can't you see everytime hizbollah is challenged in anyway by the arabs and lebanese state izrael comes to its aid to legitimize their so called resistance look how the current government is preparing a policy statement and talk of dropping the resistance tag from the statement there comes izrael in perfect time to rekindle everything again hizbollah is a izraeli creation don't be fooled the only people they resist is the lebanese.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:30 ,2014 شباط 26

WL, actually I have always felt this way about Israel and the Hezb, leading me for years to say this: Tizeyn bi fardel lbeiss. It's most likely that it's a classic situation of scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. But I also known that such marriages of convenience can also end up very bitterly, when it is no longer convenient to continue this convenience.

Thumb cedre 11:41 ,2014 شباط 26

Geagea was right...

Default-user-icon bennie (ضيف) 12:31 ,2014 شباط 26

look at the difference. When Israel sees a threat, it uses precision to hit the target and only the target. When HA decides to act, it plants a ton of explosives and blows up the neighborhood creating mass civilian casualties. HA is a death cult.

Thumb habib 12:37 ,2014 شباط 26

Dr geagea allways right Allah ye7mi

Default-user-icon dave (ضيف) 13:35 ,2014 شباط 26

la2 la2 allah yi7mina mnno

Missing phillipo 12:54 ,2014 شباط 26

So if HA can attack Israelis outside that countrys borders, does that mean that if/when Israel retaliates against HA on Syrian territory it is alright?

Missing watan-libnan 13:39 ,2014 شباط 26

Nazrollah izrael wont kill you it will be the relatives of the innocent 1200 odd lebanese that you and your fake resistance caused the death of that will exact retribution i hope your fate is that of gaddafi and you get dragged in the street for all to see

Missing watan-libnan 13:53 ,2014 شباط 26

Go back under the rock from which you crawled from you troll this fake resistance is taking lebanon back and inviting all the terrorist to roam all over lebanon so much so lebanon will be divided once again and giving the izraeli scum reason to attack what ever they see fit without consequences . The first thing the lebanese government should buy from the money they get from the arabs is sam missiles to shoot at the zionist planes maybe then they would respect our territory once and for all.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 15:21 ,2014 شباط 26


Thumb LEBhasNOhope 17:24 ,2014 شباط 26

As if these degenerates have the ability to do anything other then shoot their mouths off. The only people they can retaliate against are unarmed civilians that happen to be in the blast radius of a bomb they used to assassinate an opposing politician.

Thumb shab 23:20 ,2014 شباط 26

Filthy murdering militia