"إخوان" سوريا لميقاتي: تقايض على مستقبلك السياسي بوقوفك لجانب قتلة أطفالنا
Read this story in Englishإتهمت جماعة "الإخوان المسلمون" في سوريا رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي بأنه "يصطف إلى جانب قتلة الأطفال السوريين" متوجهة إليه بالقول "ستجد نفسك حيث اخترت في ذيل الذين سيذكرهم التاريخ ببعض ما يستحقون".
وقال الناطق الرسمي باسم الجماعة في سوريا زهير سالم في بيان نشرته وكالة "آكي" الإيطالية للأنباء اليوم أنه "لم يكن الشعب السوري ليمالئ يوماً ومهما عظمت التضحيات، على دماء أهلنا في لبنان، في طرابلس أو في بيروت أو في صيدا، في السهل والجبل من أرض لبنان كل لبنان".
وأضاف سالم:"لقد صدم الشعب السوري أجمع، بالريح الصفراء تهبّ عليه من لبنان، ليتابع مواقف المستهترين بدماء أبنائه، الممالئين عليه عصابات الفتنة والمؤامرة والفساد والاستبداد".
وكان قد تنصل لبنان العضو في مجلس الامن الدولي الاربعاء من بيان اصدره المجلس يدين حملة القمع التي تشنها سوريا على المتظاهرين إذ قالت مندوبته لدى المجلس أن "البيان لا يساعد على حل الاوضاع في سوريا لذلك فهو ينأى بنفسه عنه".
وأوضح أن "الطامة الكبرى كانت حين أقدمت حكومة دولة الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي ابن طرابلس على اتخاذ الموقف نفسه (...) ليصطف السيد نجيب ميقاتي إلى جانب قتلة الأطفال السوريين، المستبيحين للمدن السورية، والمرتكبين لجرائم الإبادة الجماعية ضد أبناء الشعب السوري".
وإذ أشار سالم إلى أنه "لم يكن المأمول من دولة الرئيس الميقاتي أن يقايض على كرسي الرئاسة الذي أرهقه على ما يبدو، بدماء أطفال سورية، وبحرمة الحرائر في سورية" أضاف:"ينسى السيد ميقاتي أنه بهذا الموقف المستنكر والمستفظع والمدان، إنما يقايض على مستقبله السياسي، على مستقبل العلاقة بينه وبين الشعب الواحد، الممتد في ظل الدولتين في سورية ولبنان على السواء".
وخلص إلى القول "نقول لدولة الرئيس: سيرحل الطغاة، وستنتصر الشعوب، وستجد نفسك حيث اخترت في ذيل الذين سيذكرهم التاريخ ببعض ما يستحقون، الرجل الذي اصطفّ إلى جانب قتلة الأطفال".
وأردف "إن الشعب السوري الذي لن يتخلى عن حقائق الأخوة التي تفرضها وشيجة العقيدة والرحم والحضارة والتاريخ، ينظر إليكم يا دولة الرئيس خاتماً في أصبع من وظف نفسه لتدمير لبنان وسوريا، فاخترت أن تكون له بئس المعين".
These Salafists terrorists called Syrian Muslim Brotherhood that are threatening our PM Mikati , are the same terrorists that are making the troubles in Syria against the Regime and the Syrian President and all over the Arab countries .
They are the allies and the partners of Saad Hariri and Al Mustakbal , they are finnanced and equiped by KSA the Wahhaby and backed by USA and Europe unfortunately .
To hell with you and your fundamentalist revolution , bunch of terrorists , PM Mikati spits on you and on your beleives . The Alaouite President will kill you all till the last rat of you .
Well Mr Salem i would like to tell you one thing, do not judge on Miqati by his words. Ever since he stepped forth when called by the march 8 to play this part of the play. Deep inside he is a nice man, but he already realize that things are not as simple as they seemed. In 2005 he played reconciling role by holding the elections, and thought he was to do the same now but what is certain is that the more we get close on the STL agenda the less would be the margin on which Hezbollah bargains and the more marginal would be the role of Miqati. Now he realizes that his role is to save the most he can of what is left of a fallen state but i doubt he would succeed for Hezbollah is already at the Helms. Now, lebanon is a sinking ship, it is the only haven for hezbollah, when the international hammer will start falling, i think that the only solution for Hezbollah would be to invade the rest of lebanon en route to fight the hall world. Be sure the people of lebanon is with the people of Syria
Another lesson you should learn Mr Salem, it is that the most christians of lebanon are with the syrian people, therefore in the future, when you will be leaders in your nation and i know you will be, remember that in lebanon, Nadim Gemayel offered his house to the syrian people to hold their conference when the Bristol hotel was too scared to host it, remember that Samir Geagea is one of your toughest supporters, on the morrow my friend when your future will look bright remember that the christians of lebanon have been the only friends to the people of syria
40 pct of the christians of lebanon as with ahrar syria( hakim,gemayel soaid),,,as for the syrian christians, they are syrians after all.
no tawteen in bilad el arz wether syrian or palestinian.
You guys wanna be real Muslim fundamentalist extremists learn the proper way to do it forget about swords get that's so passé step into the new century use a machine gun you'd kill more infidels this way, like them ..
Billionaire Mikati made his money in Syria aided by the Assads.
If he behaves differently they will cut his throat.
Bravo brothers.
Funny how Miqati justifies Lebanon's position at the Security Council by saying Lebanon does not want to interfere in Arab countries internal affairs. Q to Mr. Miqati: What was Lebanon's position at the Security Council regarding Libya? Was it not Lebanon who was instrumental in lobbying for and drafting the resolution that resulted in military actions against Libya. Our foreign policy is directed by the Shiites of Lebanon. That is the true story here.
That's what we need next door. Al Qaeda by a another name. Hey Lebanese, especially the Christians and other minorities in the neighborhood, celebrate and thank the US, France, Germany, Turkey, etc.
Salem is right, but other 'great' leaders did the same mistake by siding with evil. Imperator or Japan, Mussolini & co sided with Adolf. They were all -eventually- crushed later on. Time to leave Lebanon before it blows!
Bipartisan... You are very naive to think the "muslim brotherhood" will remember the christains of Lebanon. I would laugh it it weren't so sad.
These "brothers" should stay out of Lebanon. "the Syrian people will never compromise... In Lebanon, whether in tripoli, Beirut or Sidon..." really?
They are terrorist. Muslim fanatics that will turn Syria into a junior Saudi Arabia or best case scenario, an Egypt/Iraq were the christains are bombed and persecuted.