حزب الله يقطع الطريق أمام أي طرح لتمديد ولاية سليمان

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أفادت معلومات صحافية أن "لهجة التصعيد التي اعتمدها "حزب الله" للرد على رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان تقطع الطريق كليا امام أي إحتمالات لطرح تمديد الولاية كخيار من ضمن خيارات اخرى".

وفي هذا السياق، أشارت صحيفة "النهار"، الأحد، الى أنه "في حين كان ينتظر ان تشكل عطلة نهاية الاسبوع فسحة أمام تحريك الاتصالات تمهيدا للتوصل الى توافق حول بند المقاومة العالق في لجنة صياغة البيان الوزاري، وذلك قبل الاجتماع الثامن المقرر لها السادسة والنصف من مساء غد، فرض التصعيد المفاجئ للهجة "حزب الله" تجاه رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان نفسه بندا أساسيا لما يحمله من مدلولات سياسية تفتح المواجهة عاليا بين الحزب ورئيس الجمهورية على مسافة أشهر قليلة من إنتهاء ولايته الرئاسية، بما فسرته أوساط سياسية مطلعة بأن الاستهداف المباشر من قبل الحزب للرئيس يقطع الطريق كليا امام أي إحتمالات لطرح تمديد الولاية كخيار من ضمن خيارات اخرى".

وفي هذا السياق، لفتت مصادر مواكبة في حديث لصحيفة "الشرق الأوسط"، الى أن "اللغة العالية النبرة التي توجه بها الحزب الى رئيس الجمهورية وهي غير مسبوقة في الخطاب السياسي ولا سيما حيال الموقع الاول في البلاد يؤشر الى ان المناخ الاقليمي والدولي الذي سهل قيام الحكومة قد لا ينسحب على الاستحقاقات الاخرى وفي مقدمها الاستحقاق الرئاسي بما يهدد بعودة شبح الفراغ وإمكان تحول حكومة رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام الى تصريف الاعمال ما لم تنجح القوى السياسية في الأسبوعين الباقيين أمامها في التوافق على صيغة مقبولة للبيان الوزاري لنيل الثقة على أساسه".

كذلك، رفضت مصادر الرئاسة اللبنانية الدخول في سجالات مع حزب الله، مكتفية في تصريح لـ"الشرق الأوسط" بالقول الى أنه "لا علاقة لما قاله سليمان بعدم التوافق، والأمور لم تكن بحاجة إلى كلامه لتتعثّر؛ فهي كانت متعثّرة أساسا".

وأكّدت في الوقت عينه أن "المباحثات بين الأفرقاء اللبنانيين مستمرة في محاولة للتوصل إلى نتيجة إيجابية في جلسة غد الاثنين، من دون أن تستبعد إمكانية التوافق على "بيان عام ومقتضب" لا يدخل في التفاصيل والقضايا الخلافية، إلا إذا كان هناك قرار بالعرقلة، عندها تصبح كل المحاولات دون جدوى".

وكان حزب الله قد أشار في بيان له، السبت، الى أنه "مع احترامنا الأكيد لمقام رئاسة الجمهورية وما يمثل، فإن الخطاب الذي سمعناه بالأمس يجعلنا نعتقد بأن قصر بعبدا بات يحتاج في ما تبقى من العهد الحالي إلى عناية خاصة لأن ساكنه أصبح لا يميز بين الذهب والخشب".

وكان قد أعلن سليمان الجمعة أن "اعلان بعبدا هو من الثوابت ولا لمعادلات خشبية تعيق البيان الوزاري"، مردفاً أن "الأرض والشعب والقيم المشتركة هي الثلاثية الدائمة والذهبية".

ويتمسك الحزب بالمقاومة في البيان الوزاري في حين تدعو قوى 14 آذار إلى إعطاء حق المقاومة للدولة في حين يصر سليمان على إعلان بعبدا مبديا ثقته أن من يرفضه الآن سيتمسك فيه لاحقا.

وصدر إعلان بعبدا في حزيران 2012 نتيجة لطاولة الحوار وتم التوافق فيه على تحييد لبنان عن سياسة المحاور والصراعات الإقليميّة والدوليّة ما عدا ما يتعلق بواجب إلتزام قرارات الشرعيّة الدوليّة والإجماع العربي والقضيّة الفلسطينيّة المحقّة.

التعليقات 43
Thumb popeye 08:55 ,2014 آذار 02

Unprecedented intimidation, unprecedented terror, unprecedented sectarianism, unprecedented disloyalty.... that is what HA is all about.

Thumb geha 10:48 ,2014 آذار 02

Fake comments from hizbushaitan as usual while the president himself and all m14 have said No extension :)
they are just trying to keep their so-called Christian allies in line :)
those same so-called Christians who covered the expansion of this extremist terrorist Iranian militia.
they promise them the presidency, and they follow like puppies: what would some traitors do for a chair :)

Thumb geha 11:29 ,2014 آذار 02

All these attacks against the President and blocking the cabinet is only to block any military assistance to the army.
hizbushaitan cannot afford that the Lebanese army is well equipped, thus not following their orders :)
they want the destruction of all Lebanese instittutions, they want void, so they can rule :)

Missing VINCENT 22:51 ,2014 آذار 02

Iran. Need I say more?

Default-user-icon Charlie (ضيف) 09:14 ,2014 آذار 02

God protect you Mr President. Your position and the army are the only institutions holding the country together. We hope you maintain the presidency if a vacuum arises. As for that baffling silly theory "resistance , army and people" equation, not even the authors of it can explain how it works ! :)

Thumb scorpyonn 09:57 ,2014 آذار 02

Goddamn ignorant and uneducated villagers- as stupid as their Iranian masters/

Thumb general_puppet 10:03 ,2014 آذار 02

"land, people and common values"… this statement should satisfy anyone with Lebanon's interest at heart. The Iranian militia and Assad's stooges specially the lunatic Aoun have attacked the President at every turn.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:39 ,2014 آذار 02

And where did you read or heard the President say he wanted an extension? In fact the President has consistently and adamantly been saying he will not accept an extension.

Thumb cedre 12:04 ,2014 آذار 02

what kind of logic is this ?
do u know how stupid u sound ?
HA says something---> it's right
If those khomeynists were saying the truth and were keeping their word, we wouldn't be talking about Baabda in the first place.
They're dying for their prostitute Aoun to become president...

Missing theobserver 10:41 ,2014 آذار 02

how u expect the "rest of the lebanese" u mentionned to be prospeous if they are constantly at war on the israely and syrian fronts ?

Missing theobserver 10:43 ,2014 آذار 02

yea actually the president himself say he didnt want an extension, but the media seems always to ignore that.
Seems they know better than the president himself about his intentions ! :P

Thumb general_puppet 20:28 ,2014 آذار 02

Yeah spin it baby :-) you said you were leaving on a number of occasions and came crawling back to Naharnet… kind of like your Idol the Lunatic Aoun did, except you came back 14 years too soon.

Thumb geha 11:12 ,2014 آذار 02

you are such a fake :)
I am a Lebanese, and I know this is something strange to you, as in your obtuse mind there are only Iranians and Saudis in Lebanon!

for your information, in Lebanon there are plenty of Lebanese and we will ultimately clean our house from the likes of you.

Thumb general_puppet 11:22 ,2014 آذار 02

"everyone knew his agenda'… Mr blowhard himself is back, when is your next "I am leaving Naharnet" speech?

Look at me I have a picture of a lion, I call myself the roar, I see into the future, everything I say comes true… all Hail the greatest general that ever lived Aounnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

Default-user-icon Nick (ضيف) 11:23 ,2014 آذار 02

If the president was seeking an extension, the easiest thing to do was not to take sides with anyone. which obviously is not the case.

Thumb popeye 11:32 ,2014 آذار 02

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you,-_Flamethrower_- , but alas!

Thumb popeye 11:33 ,2014 آذار 02

I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you,-_Flamethrower_- , but alas!

Thumb general_puppet 11:46 ,2014 آذار 02

Flimflam you and the other Assad lovers don't have opinions, you have a script.

Thumb Loubnani 12:20 ,2014 آذار 02

The country as it is is heading to its doom. There is anger raging in the air and I fear the smell of civil war is starting to creep in.
Does any of you see a solution to this? One side has a specific agenda and the other a completely different agenda. Now in most countries this comes in the form of political differences not sectarian ones.
I fear the only way to save the people of this country and spare them from years of death and destruction is to partition. Let everyone make their own future. You cannot eliminate anyone. We tried war and it achieved nothing but misery and despair. What choice do we have now? I hate myself for saying this but I honestly see no solution to avoid war. Let's amicably split and let each faction decide its own future. National pride doesn't exist anymore only sectarian pride rules.

Thumb geha 13:23 ,2014 آذار 02

you live on a different planet altogether as per your comments.

come to Lebanon and see for yourself then allow yourself to post comments.

Thumb Chupachups 13:56 ,2014 آذار 02

How could u disrespect their Iranian masters? Now they will condemn u... But it's ok for the terrorist militia Iranian party to make fun of the president

Thumb Chupachups 14:07 ,2014 آذار 02

Where did I say in my last post that I support takfiris? Or is that just a figment of ur imagination? Or are u hallucinating.

I didnt know that supporting ur president made u a takfiri terrorist.

Thumb Chupachups 14:28 ,2014 آذار 02

@ roar, what did he do?

What can he do?!..if bashar al Assad and Hezbollah can't even contain them with all their support from Iran and Russia, then what can the Lebanese army do, which is being supported by none

..and it's not like he enjoys these suicide bombers...duh no one does

Thumb -phoenix1 16:19 ,2014 آذار 02

(1). Ghaltetel shaterr bi alf ghalta. Hezbollah has always been very very shaterr, but at some stage it had to trip and fall right over its nose, if one such happening then it is now, with its upping of its ante of the president. Hezbollah, having undertaken all the things that work against the well-being of the nation now finds itself again swimming against the current, this time against the highest vesitges of legality, in this case, represented by what is possibly one of the most decent presidents Lebanon ever had. Hezbollah has been fabricating situations after situations...

Thumb -phoenix1 16:23 ,2014 آذار 02

(2). Creating excuses after excuses, using its muscles tyo intimidate people into submission, but today, after having tried everything in its might, Hezbollah finds itself confronted with a man way too decent to be attacked. Maybe Hezbollah now cannot believe that people do not believe it anymore, that people still believe in honesty and decency, all its attempts to assassinate the good character of this hinest president is now leading them to slam the wall harder than they predicted. The fact that the partisans of Hezbollah, and those parties subjugated to it are now in a bahavior that is nothing short of burning their candles from both sides, fuming, insulting,derogating a man who has done nothing worng but stand in the face of oppression, Hezbollah's oppression.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:30 ,2014 آذار 02

(3). It shames us to the bones, that some people refuse to see things behind the distance of their noses, people who have now come too drunk with the effects of dictatorship, that when a man decides that enough is enough, that he becomes the object for their wildest interpretations of slurring in the name of their desire to discredit at any cost. Here is a president who is doing his job, steadfastly refuses any pressure of any kind, be it their attempts to bribe him, or buy him, or intimidate him, nothing for them all, left, right and center has worked, here is at last, a Lebanese president who is what we all wanted, pure honest and patriotic. Now Hezbollah, and its other so called allies know that times have changed, that no one will rubber stamp anything anymore for them, that the stooge they thought will replace him cannot replace him, so now Hezbollah has started its campaign of attack against him.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:35 ,2014 آذار 02

(4). What will Hezbollah hope to get this time, his assassination?! His replacement by use of sheer force and deceit?! What?! Hezbollah, aided by its Christian stooges has defeated all hopes of State Legality, gnawing its way slowly and gradually for the demise of the Lebanese State. The army was given a grant by the Saudis, for Hezbollah it was bribe of the capital order, well WRONG!! The president want to dissociate Lebanon from the regional conflicts, and suddenly for Hezbollah he becomes a traitor, who is the traitor, the man who fights for his country or the man who takes it to war after war and without even bothering that the country has a government or a president?

Thumb -phoenix1 16:37 ,2014 آذار 02

(5). It wants to call itself a resistance, well good, that's fine by me, but today it can go wholly and entirely to that regime it has always owec allegience, Syria's. There Hezbollah can fight and continue to call itself a resistance, Syrian, Iranian, whatever it wants, but certainly NOT Lebanese. You bought everything that is selleable in Lebanon, but some are not up for sale. Leave our president in peace, he is too decent for you guys, 3ayb, it won't go past us anymore. If Suleiman is voted to stay, then he will stay, and you can go to Syria.

Default-user-icon Benton Hartzig (ضيف) 23:10 ,2014 آذار 02

minibash, how's your own blabber for the sake of blabbering website coming alon?

Thumb shab 16:46 ,2014 آذار 02

Filthy murdering militia

Missing helicopter 17:40 ,2014 آذار 02

THis might explain your fpm leaning very well. Is fpm using the HA stick? If so, in this case, the stick will throw fppm once it reaches the top of the hill.

Thumb eli-g 18:38 ,2014 آذار 02

People who support him do so because he is a good, honest, patriotic and most importantly clean.

Default-user-icon Klaustro Phaubik (ضيف) 18:45 ,2014 آذار 02

What extension when our good-for-nothing president-by-parachute swore (and we believe this good-for-nothing neker al jamil character when he swears) that he is not seeking an extension?

Thumb eli-g 19:35 ,2014 آذار 02

I am still debating the fact that there is a Lebanese president that is un corruptible for once and everyone needs to support such a person.

Thumb general_puppet 20:23 ,2014 آذار 02

"hashem.sleiman case has been clarified as an incident!!!"…. the Israelis did it!!!!!!

Thumb Chupachups 22:26 ,2014 آذار 02

God bless that bikini, have a chupachup

Missing VINCENT 23:04 ,2014 آذار 02

Karim: You speak as though Iranian style Islamic Revolution State is considerably better than the Wahabi sorry excuse of human beings. For those of us who truly respect our religion, whether Muslim, Christian or Durzie, neither version of Islam that comes out of the Saudis or the Iranians are acceptable. There is an immutable truth about so called Islamic revolutions or its corrupted interpretations by those who seek power and influence by intimidation and murder. Such have not value amongst civilized societies. We still hold our Wattan as such.

Missing ex-tayyar 23:22 ,2014 آذار 02

or Syrian or Iranian....

Missing ex-tayyar 23:33 ,2014 آذار 02

Go and look how the Emirates/Qatar/Jordan/Kuwait/Yemen/Oman have a beautiful life! They are improving and Lebanon is going backwards.
Yesterday they had a magnificent air show in Dubai...and we in Lebanon we want to spend our life destroying Israel.
Soon the Palestinians will sign a peace treaty, but Lebanon will still want to make war.
Some Lebanese are doing harm to themselves.

Thumb -phoenix1 01:20 ,2014 آذار 03

Brother Roar, some wishes do not come true, but it's never a sin to keep hoping, trouble is that old man Aoun will never live in Baabda again nor enjoy this so much farfetched dream of his. Our dear old general has now run low on ink,.....for his rubber stamp for what was once known as the Resistance, now no more. It now looks certain, that the battle lines have been drawn, between Hezbollah's wishes, blindly toed by its Christian allies to remove an honest man who refuses to kneel or buckle to Hezbollah's dictates. Your new battlefront is no longer with the President of Lebanon, but with the PEOPLE of Lebanon. Be cautious brother, this trip could possibly be a downhill one for you folks.

Thumb -phoenix1 01:25 ,2014 آذار 03

Mystic, brother, this time we stand on opposing side of the fence. You are my brother and will remain so for life, but accusations without proof enjoy but a very short life span. However to reassure you, every prophet came to be accused of the worst things, yet their message survives to this day. It might surprise you brother to know just how much support the president has today, and the position siblings like you are having just go to prove the point of the disagreement you will face with my likes, even if I respect you so much. Maybe a poll will prove that Suleiman now enjoys a lot more popularity than he did not so long ago. Maybe a simultanuous poll to compare just how much Hezbollah has lost recently will help clear the picture.

Thumb -phoenix1 01:27 ,2014 آذار 03

Aren't we already partitioned ya Karim? Do give it a thought bro.

Missing helicopter 03:53 ,2014 آذار 03

The resistance will not allow scantly dressed women like you on their beaches in Tyre.