جعجع: "حزب الله" لا يعترف بشرعية الدولة ويريد أن يكون وضعنا نسخة عن ايران

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أكد رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن "حزب الله لا يعترف ضمناً وفعلياً بالمواقع والمراجع الشرعية اللبنانية"، مردفاً أن "الحزب يريد أن يكون وضعنا في لبنان نسخة عن إيران"، ومعرباً عن "تحيته الكبيرة لرئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان".

وأشار جعجع في حديث لصحيفة "المستقبل"، الإثنين، الى أن "رئيس الجمهوري ميشال سليمان قال ما قاله يوم الجمعة الماضي بلساننا جميعاً وهو في الحقيقة يعبّر عن حالة أكثرية اللبنانيين الذين ضاقوا ذرعاً بتصرفات حزب الله وممارساته في التعاطي معهم على الصعد كافة الاستراتيجية والعسكرية والأمنية والسياسية والاعلامية والشخصية".

وإذ وجه جعجع "تحية كبيرة" الى سليمان، لفت الى أنه "انطلاقاً من كيفية نظر حزب الله الى الدولة ومؤسساتها والى رئاسة الجمهورية، يجب أن لا يستغرب أحد مواقفه. لأنه بالنسبة إليه، رأس الدولة هو المرشد الأعلى ومجلس الثورة ويجب أن يكون وضعنا في لبنان نسخة عن إيران في رأيه"، مردفاً أن "في ايران هناك المرشد وقائد الثورة، ورئيسا الجمهورية والحكومة يسيران في الوجهة ذاتها".

وشدد على أن "هذه المرة تخطى حزب الله كل حدود. وبصراحة أقول، انه في قلب المواطنين، خصوصاً في الفترة الأخيرة، هناك ضيق كبير انطلاقاً من الواقع الذي يعيشونه والذي سببه الفعلي والحقيقي والعميق، هو وجود الحزب بالشكل الذي هو عليه"، موضحاً أن "حزب الله ليس حزباً سياسياً مثل بقية الأحزاب. وكان يمارس التقيّة في مواقفه أكثر من هذه المرة بحيث انه لم يمارسها انطلاقاً من الظروف التي يمرّ بها في الوقت الحاضر".

وأكد جعجع ان "اللبنانيين يستغربون موقفه من الرئيس، لكن يبطل العجب إذا عرفوا ان القرار الفعلي في نهاية المطاف هو في يد المرشد الأعلى ومجلس الثورة، أي انه هو المرشد الأعلى أما رؤساء الجمهورية والحكومة والمجلس النيابي فهم في تصرف ذلك المرشد ومجلس الثورة. يعني يجب علينا أن نكون بتصرف حزب الله، هكذا نفهم ردة فعله القاسية وغير المقبولة التي أطلقها رداً على موقف رئيس الجمهورية".

وتابع جعجع ان "حزب الله يعتبر ان ما قام به رئيس الجمهورية هو تمرّد ولذلك اضطر لأن يوجّه إليه الملاحظة القاسية، لأن الشرعية في نظره ليست كما هي في نظر الأكثرية الساحقة من اللبنانيين، ويعتبر أن القرار الفعلي هو الذي يصدر عنه وكل الباقي مجرد مؤسسات رديفة عليها أن تنسجم مع قراره ومواقفه"، معتبراً أن "ما جرى يؤكد ما حصل ان "حزب الله" لا يعترف ضمناً وفعلياً بالمواقع والمراجع الشرعية اللبنانية ويسعى الى تقويض هذه المواقع والمراجع عندما تحاول ممارسة صلاحياتها لقيام دولة فعلية في لبنان".

وكان حزب الله قد أشار في بيان له، السبت، الى أنه "مع احترامنا الأكيد لمقام رئاسة الجمهورية وما يمثل، فإن الخطاب الذي سمعناه بالأمس يجعلنا نعتقد بأن قصر بعبدا بات يحتاج في ما تبقى من العهد الحالي إلى عناية خاصة لأن ساكنه أصبح لا يميز بين الذهب والخشب".

وكان قد أعلن سليمان الجمعة أن "اعلان بعبدا هو من الثوابت ولا لمعادلات خشبية تعيق البيان الوزاري"، مردفاً أن "الأرض والشعب والقيم المشتركة هي الثلاثية الدائمة والذهبية".

ويتمسك الحزب بالمقاومة في البيان الوزاري في حين تدعو قوى 14 آذار إلى إعطاء حق المقاومة للدولة في حين يصر سليمان على إعلان بعبدا مبديا ثقته أن من يرفضه الآن سيتمسك فيه لاحقا.

وصدر إعلان بعبدا في حزيران 2012 نتيجة لطاولة الحوار وتم التوافق فيه على تحييد لبنان عن سياسة المحاور والصراعات الإقليميّة والدوليّة ما عدا ما يتعلق بواجب إلتزام قرارات الشرعيّة الدوليّة والإجماع العربي والقضيّة الفلسطينيّة المحقّة.

التعليقات 64
Thumb ice-man 08:03 ,2014 آذار 03

Hakeem W'Basssss!

Thumb general_puppet 08:33 ,2014 آذار 03

habub, how long did it take you to convert?

Thumb ice-man 08:45 ,2014 آذار 03

@ultrababib: Why are you not posting under helasilassie anymore?

Thumb popeye 09:00 ,2014 آذار 03

what about me, habib?

Thumb general_puppet 09:34 ,2014 آذار 03

habub, how long did it take you to come up with that witty come back? As we have told our friend the Simple Southerner many times, a mind is a terrible thing to waste stop repeating propaganda and get an education.

I see your first stupid comment has already been deleted :-)

Thumb EagleDawn 08:13 ,2014 آذار 03

Geagea is very correct in describing hizb's behavior. We are all fed up with this fake resistance which is nothing but a sectarian militia with iranian agenda.

Missing greatpierro 08:15 ,2014 آذار 03

and the answer is: because hizbollah does not have a lebanese agenda but an iranian one.

Thumb Mystic 10:34 ,2014 آذار 03

Does Hezbollah blow up booby trapped cars at LAF checkpoints and civilian areas? No, but your beloved Geageas 'freedom seeking fighters' does.

Thumb Mystic 08:18 ,2014 آذار 03

Mr. Geagea is mad, because he knows his main goal seeing the ouster of Syrian President Al Assad has failed indeed. President Sulaiman, the paid Saudi stooge along Mr. Geagea has proven they have more and more in common.

Thumb general_puppet 08:31 ,2014 آذار 03

This is a Lebanese site Mystic moron you can take your beloved "Syrian President Al Assad" an shoved him where the sun don't shine.

Thumb Mystic 08:40 ,2014 آذار 03

zionist puppet, shouldn't you hold hands with Netanyahu and pray in sorrow with him?

Thumb general_puppet 08:48 ,2014 آذار 03

Mystic stop taking trash and go wipe that boot polish of your beard… Why don't you tell us again about the Assad clans historic resistance against the Israelis over the last 30 years.

"hold hands with Netanyahu and pray in sorrow with him?'… is that all you can come up with, pathetic :-)

Thumb ice-man 08:49 ,2014 آذار 03

@MyStical: Stick to the topic and refrain from insulting your fellow posters. Your frustration at the mounting losses of the glorious resistance in Syria should be no reason for your online behavior!

Missing helicopter 08:53 ,2014 آذار 03

Netnayahu is already betrothed to HA and he will not cheat on what he considers a saccred relationship.

Thumb Mystic 08:54 ,2014 آذار 03

Bashar Al Assad never shaked the hand of the zionists, unlike your FSA salafi brethren. How come if Assad isn't Israels enemy, that the Israeli PM shakes hands with his enemies in the FSA?

Your theories doesn't add up, if you could just admit that you are supporting Israel and their proxies the FSA Al Nusra etc.

That would be much easier for everyone, to follow whats going on in the region.

Thumb general_puppet 09:15 ,2014 آذار 03

"Bashar Al Assad never shaked the hand of the zionists" that is because the Ayatollah never taught his dog Assad how to shake hands, he only taught the Assad clan how to roll over and play dead :-)

How many times do want to hear Mystic… we don't care about the Israelis, Saudis, turks or FSA, you are the one always praising the foreign Axis and the local Terrorist militia.

Thumb Mystic 09:24 ,2014 آذار 03

Now you say you do not care about the FSA, that is not what you said the other day Mr. puppet, you have to stick to one subject, you say Al Assad rolled over whenever Israel said so, i ask you again, how come Israel is supporting the FSA then?

Missing helicopter 08:52 ,2014 آذار 03

Mystic, your posts reflect an inflated ego and a deflated mind

Thumb general_puppet 08:56 ,2014 آذار 03

That is too funny… but he might not get it :-)

Thumb Mystic 10:30 ,2014 آذار 03

Imagine, first you said you were against Israel, but you are supporting the FSA whom gets medical treatment from the zionists. How can you be both against and with the Israelis at the same time?

Who is the hypocrit then?

Missing imagine_1979 08:52 ,2014 آذار 03

U know mystic, (sadely) the war in syria is not over yet, all the effort of assad to popular uprising into confessional war might have helped him scare the west but he is fucking up his country... I'm not trying to mark points here, i wont go in rethorics but i woulfd just suggest u to look at something else than SANA (and regional afiliates) sometimes just to see the all picture.. Assad is far from winning the war but is willing to put all his country in blood and fire to keep his regime, as if assad family was created by god to rule over syria, as if 4 decades were not enough...
Anyway now u hv free access to internet (they are struggeling to get access to facebook in iran) so take advantage of it, look to other sources/point of view, not telling u this so u change ur mind (obviously u wont) but at least see a widder picture (i watch syrian official news from now and then.. Well it seems they are living in another syria..)

Thumb Mystic 09:23 ,2014 آذار 03

Imagine what you are saying doesn't add up again, I remember a few weeks ago, you said you were against Israel etc. Yet you praise their allies the FSA, why do you talk about Iran? You have probaly never been there. You westernes thinks your so called freedoms should be forced upon everyone, remember not everyone wants it.

Missing imagine_1979 09:51 ,2014 آذار 03

Yes i am against israel of course, in fact my family was more implicated in the fight against the zionist enemy than most of ur syrian politicians but that doesnot matter, i was just showing u hypochrisy, u clap for aoun knowing that he tooked pictures with israelly soldiers while other were trying to liberate our land (3amaliyet el wimpy for exemple..) u stayed with el assad while there presence in lebanon was inder saudi-american deal and u condemn fsa getting medical help from israel.. That i find a litle hypochryte, no mystic?..
And yes freedome should be for everyone, we , the syrian, the palestenians... We are not second zone people we have also right for freedome..
Now really go jave some chupachups man...

Missing imagine_1979 08:53 ,2014 آذار 03

Anyway man take it easy, have somw chupachups, relax in our small lebanon war lasted for 16 years... U saddely have time in front of u...

Thumb Mystic 09:21 ,2014 آذار 03

Now you say you do not care about the FSA, that is not what you said the other day Mr. puppet, you have to stick to one subject, you say Al Assad rolled over whenever Israel said so, i ask you again, how come Israel is supporting the FSA then?

Missing imagine_1979 09:56 ,2014 آذار 03

If israel was really supporting fsa they would hv bombed syrian aerian bases, if saoudi really support fsa they would have send sam7 lauchers and stingers (they have the money) if the international comity supported syrian opposition (really supported tgem) they wouldn't have hundreeds of thousand of deads (the count stopped at 140k for a year now) lebanese war (in our small lebanon lasted 16 years (and still ongoing but sporadicaly) so imagine syria..
Chupachups, really..

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:35 ,2014 آذار 03

Paid Iranian & Syrian stooges have nothing to say about Saudi stooges.

Both are definitely not Lebanese, and traitors to this country.

Thumb popeye 08:18 ,2014 آذار 03

3 of their terrorists came back in body bags yesterday;)

Thumb Mystic 08:21 ,2014 آذار 03

When a Resistance fighter becomes matyred, he manages to take a bunch of takfiris with him. That is a honorable death, just the same as fighting Israelis, since we all know the Wahabis and Israelis works hand in hand inside Syria.

Thumb Mystic 08:38 ,2014 آذار 03

http://www.musawvir.com/israel-pm-netanyahu-shakes-hands-fsa-injured-militant/ It all speaks for itself. Yes Israel and the Salafis are working together so stop denying it.



Missing imagine_1979 09:00 ,2014 آذار 03

We have similar pictures with aoun shaking hand with israelly enemy in stavro's book for exemple (yes it was a protocol pic, blablablabla...)
And what is the difference between accepting takfiri sunits fighter presence (wich are rejected and fought against by fsa) and getting shiites fanatic soldiers (from lebanon, irak, iran..) anyway man i wish my country would find peace and democracy and that is coming from someone (like most of the guys on this site) who grew up in war, who was forced to move from a village to another, wake up.... Those syrian guys taking the street peacefully for months, hamza el khatib.. Those were asking for some freesome and a better living, anyway i might be wrong but really take some times a think of the future of syria instead of thinking of who winning some battles on the ground..

Thumb general_puppet 09:02 ,2014 آذار 03

"Resistance fighter becomes matyred, he manages to take a bunch of takfiris with him"… and you know this because you where there each time? Why is it that you and the snore make so many stupid pompous comments?

Thumb kanaanljdid 10:22 ,2014 آذار 03

Mystic, you are a robot spam, your posts always include the same tag, i.e. wahabi, israel, takfiri, resistance : it's artificial and not human

Thumb -phoenix1 11:59 ,2014 آذار 03

Mystic brother, trust me, as an undiluted LF fighter, when a Hezbollah fighter dies in the fight against Takfiris, he receives our salutes, our respects and honor, he returns back home as a hero. But brother, what truly pains me is the repeated fact that Hezbollah for each wining factor it provides, it matches it with ten losing factors, this is what puts people like me in a serious quandary. Right now, please, do not insult the president, do not demonize him, for a growing majority of the people respect him and hold him in high esteem. Also, do stop working against the state and its consitutional institutions. Stand by the state in all its embodiment, and the people will continue to stand by you in your cares.

Thumb Mystic 22:32 ,2014 آذار 03

My friend phoenix, I will tell you what i told the rest. The Resistance will stay in Syria until the takfiris are done for, whatever the western news say about the conflict it isn't true, the syrian government has gained alot of ground these months, and the takfiris are slaughtering one another.

It wont end immediately, but the wind is blowing in our direction.

Thumb Mystic 08:19 ,2014 آذار 03

The Resistance will stay in Syria until their mission is accomplished, and that wont stop before the takfiri zionist threat is turned to ashes.

Thumb general_puppet 08:54 ,2014 آذار 03

The militia will stay in Syria until they get their marching orders from the Ayatollah.

"takfiri zionist threat is turned to ashes."… a new drama queen is born!

Thumb Mystic 08:56 ,2014 آذار 03

You are the one repeating all my comments, so who is the drama queen Mr. Puppet?

Thumb popeye 08:56 ,2014 آذار 03

the resistance should stay in Syria and never come back. Maskeen enta if you think your terror party can win the war in Syria))

Thumb Mystic 09:01 ,2014 آذار 03

A victory is being sealed in Yabroud, salafis beware, and watch your downfall closely - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKdeSyV3Jig

Thumb ice-man 09:05 ,2014 آذار 03

@Mystical: What is your Fadl Shaker's favorite song?

Thumb -phoenix1 12:05 ,2014 آذار 03

Mystic, believe me bro, I am with you on this one, but in all honesty I very much fear that this war in Syria is entering a design I've seen before, it won't be as simple as you wish, or as I wish. Me too, I'd want to see an early end to this war, with the defeat and demise of the Takfiris, I hate them as much as you do. But it won't be so simple, I feel that HA will be in Syria for years to come, and by then, it would have drained it down with an outcome so far no one can predict. Masalan, look at the events in Ukraine and why Putin is doing what he is now, don't you feel that this is additional pressure on Russia for its Syria policy? As I said, I have the experience of our civil war to feel bad about the Syrian war and for HA.

Thumb general_puppet 08:28 ,2014 آذار 03

"Hizbullah considers the supreme leader of Iran as the head of the Lebanese state." 1000%

Thumb general_puppet 09:21 ,2014 آذار 03

Yes Habub, we have all heard Geagea threatening to go to war if the Saudis are attacked many time and LF officials are always insulting Lebanon and Praising Saudi Arabia.

Tell me are you guys just naturally stupid or does it take a lot of practice?

Thumb Mystic 09:26 ,2014 آذار 03

So how come that Saudi Arabia you love so dearly, are the main financer of the Al Nusra front, whom exploded a LAF checkpoint in Hermel with a booby trapped car, and a sucidal driver?

Does Saudi Arabia really care about LAF?

Thumb general_puppet 10:01 ,2014 آذار 03

Mistic, what is your problem??? You are fixated with every other country but Lebanon. I don't care about the Saudis or what they do as long as they do not post an occupying militia in Lebanon.

Btw, did your I Love Assad underwear arrived or was it blown to bits with the rest of Hizbullahs cargo in transit?

Thumb Mystic 10:33 ,2014 آذار 03

It is you who have a problem with the resistance, i'm simply questioning your views. Which are all lies and deceive, I can tell that you are frustrated by my questions, which indeed proofs how low your mind is.

Thumb general_puppet 08:29 ,2014 آذار 03

I thought you were an Iranian Chiwawa?

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 08:38 ,2014 آذار 03

Bravo Geagea! Enough of this stupid Hezzob Kezzob "resistance" theory.
Not even its authors can explain how it works. Thank God we have a maronite head of state or else the country would of disappeared long ago.

Thumb ice-man 08:47 ,2014 آذار 03

@karim: what is the size of the shia community in the Ivory Coast?

Thumb popeye 08:59 ,2014 آذار 03

karim, I appreciate your honesty))

Thumb kanaanljdid 10:18 ,2014 آذار 03

Because Lebanon is just a tool for them, so as to achieve their goals, not their goal in itself

Default-user-icon Zephlash Bashkim (ضيف) 10:44 ,2014 آذار 03

One word explains Dr. Arreet 7akeh's support for our good-for-nothing president-by-parachute in addition to proving that the 7ak...awati bou la2a is nothing more than a retarded arreet 7akeh: WIKILEAKS.

Missing imagine_1979 11:39 ,2014 آذار 03

Indeed he needes very secular demacratic modern hezbollah..
And again geagea and civil war crimes, as bery, joumblat, kawmeh,chouyo3eh, marada,kateeb, ur dear and modern also very secular hachem minkara in tripoli/mina, and all the others were throwing flowers during that time..
Man really go have some chupachups..

Thumb -phoenix1 12:08 ,2014 آذار 03

Different people will have different feelings on Geagea, but then, he leads the LF and has his current policies to work for. I will focus on his present stance, over the dispute between Hezbollah and the Lebanese presidency, and right up till now, I cannot fault an inch of Geagea's position on this matter, but Hezbollah.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:21 ,2014 آذار 03

Oh get off it ya Roar will you?

Thumb .@..wolf. 12:27 ,2014 آذار 03

Phoenix1 with due respect to your intelligence , you have said on several occasions that you're a businessman , and successful one as well , which I also wish you all the best for a prosperous future , but could you answer this question for me , if you had someone applying for a position at your business , obviously you as the owner have every right to scrutinise his or her credentials and references , would you employ this person if he or she had a reference from a well known convicted criminal ? Or would you have some reservations ? Regardless whom ever that person might be ? Don't you think the past is as important as the present ? With regards ,
Signed Wolf .

Thumb -phoenix1 14:26 ,2014 آذار 03

Hi Wolf, thanks for the kindness, give me a moment to take off the straigh-jacket you clothed me with. Ok, that's better. Now, your question is skin deep and nothing more, so I may have to answer in exactly the same depth and no further. My answer is a straight No. But if the matter was inferring to Geagea, even if I disagreed with him a lot, but then, if we want to label him a criminal, then that would make all the old oligarch class of wartime leaders no better than him, he was a militia leader and was doing what the rest were doing, to me that is as simple as it could be. Now in 2014, my ideal would be to see the back of him, just as much as I would dearly love to see the back of them all, M8 and M14 attached, this is why I keep saying, new generation, new generation, but is anyone listening? Today I agreed with what he said about the president and Hezbollah, but that that does not mean that I will drink bitter tea if it was offered to me. Stay blessed bro.

Missing imagine_1979 12:30 ,2014 آذار 03

U are back sagh.. Hello..
Now go back to having some chupachups..and pass my saluts to assad and co. all so humanitarian..

Missing peace 15:18 ,2014 آذار 03

His remarks “reflect the viewpoint of the majority of the Lebanese who are fed up with Hizbullah's behavior and practices at the strategic, military, security, political and media levels,”

he is right.... the majority of lebanese are fed up with these gangsters....

Thumb -phoenix1 18:17 ,2014 آذار 03

A man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.
Charles M. Schwab

Missing --karim_m2--- 19:15 ,2014 آذار 03

Woof woof, I'm a Saudi-khaliji dog, woof woof.

Default-user-icon Jieto Woujeena (ضيف) 05:07 ,2014 آذار 04

When Geagea defends someone you can rest assured that this someone is going to end up in a worst situation than the defender himself. After all, nobody can deny his track record in defending the Christians, especially as he trampolined into the arms of his enemy-of-late-late-lateness, the Syrians. alla yer7amak ya bassel ya batal, the defender was heard murmuring when offering his condolences.

Default-user-icon Jill (ضيف) 05:05 ,2014 نيسان 05

I really lіke it when individuqls ɡеt togetheг and share opinions.
Ԍreat blog, қeep іt սp!