جعجع تتلقى "تهديدات وشتائم" بعد رفضها الهجوم على رئيس الجمهورية
Read this story in Englishأعلنت عضو كتلة "القوات اللبنانية" النائب ستريدا جعجع الإثنين تلقيها مجددا اتصالات تتضمن تهديدات وشتائم وذلك بعد دفاعها عن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان.
وبحسب بيان للمكتب الإعلامي لجعجع الإثنين فإنها "تلقت على هاتفها الخاص بين الامس واليوم سيلا من الإتصالات التي أطلق أصحابها تهديدات متنوعة ومجموعة من الشتائم والعبارات النابية، وذلك من أرقام تم إخفاؤها".
واشار البيان الى انها "ليست المرة الأولى التي تتلقى فيها النائب جعجع مثل هذه التهديدات، فالمرة الأولى كانت في الفترة التي سبقت تشكيل الحكومة، حيث ترافقت مع تحليق الطائرة المجهولة فوق معراب، علما أنه بعد تشكيل الحكومة توقفت تلك الإتصالات التهديدية ومعها طلعات الطائرة فوق معراب".
ولفت المكتب إلى أنه بعد إعلانها الأحد "موقفا واضحا يرفض فيه التطاول على رئيس الجمهوية ويعتبر أن "حزب الله" لا يريد فرصة للتلاقي بين اللبنانيين، لوحظ أن هاتف النائبة جعجع عادت لتتلقى اتصالات من أرقام مجهولة تتناولها بالتهديد والشتائم، وهي اتصالات بدأت مساء واستمرت قبل ظهر اليوم الإثنين".
هذا وعولت جعجع على الوزارات والأجهزة القضائية والامنية المعنية لملاحقة "هذه القضية الخطيرة" داعية إلى "اتخاذ كل الإجراءات اللازمة لمعرفة الفاعلين وسوقهم إلى العدالة".
وكان قد انتقد حزب الله موقف رئيس الجمهورية من "المعادلات الخشبية" قائلا ان "ساكن قصر بعبدا أصبح لا يميز بين الذهب والخشب" ما دفع إلى سلسلة ردود بينها من النائب جعجع.
في الخامس من كانون الثاني الفائت أعلنت جعجع ومعها عدد من النواب والإعلاميين في قوى 14 آذار تلقيهم تهديدات وذلك بعد أيام على اغتيال الوزير الأسبق محمد شطح.
The planes were imaginary, snipers were too, phone threats are illusions and even the assisinations since 2005 were fake, this is how Hezbollah interprets the situation. Sniffing the government phone infrastructure, not paying electricity and building illegally on the airport road are simply the minimum tiny tiny price that the resistance should earn.
Solution: physio therapy to kill the cancer cells that were planted by the Syrian mukhabarat and Assad shabiha that are Ba'ath, SSNP and HA
FT., I thought it is the other way around .... HA is justified because Shia are the victims of Israeli/PLO aggression over the years. RIGHT?
FT, today in this same forum, there's a thread about Mr. Berri also claiming to be threatened as well. To be honest, I did not see you gentlemen of the M8 ideology write in the same way as concerns Mrs. Geagea. Then, why is it that what is good for the goose is not good for the gander if I may ask?
When your sayyed accuses israel of being behind everything just minutes after it happens, he has proof ya hypocrite!
I think she would be a dead root in bed. What do you think boys? Or maybe she is a wild one? She does look like a stallion. No wonder she separated from Samir lady geagea. Seriously this family and tribe has an itch to show up on TV or make their voice heard.
"threats are usually directed at a politically strong person".... was Shatah a politically strong person @Jaafar!
Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabb Ya the new and improved Flamethrower for exposing their lies!
Hizb doing what it does best, ie killing sunnis...
looool strida desperate to get attention! nobody had even noticed she made a speech, now she wants people to believe she is under pressure to keep silent, because she's such an important voice! ya mama what a bad drama!
suggest she bends over to ... "pick up flowers" that should keep her safe from the... "snipers"
Count how many Hizballah paid bloggers are defending the threatening of MP Geagea in this thread and you will know who threatened her.
Brother Roar, why the surprise? Berri said it a couple of days ago, imagine in the Lebanon of today, someone talking falsely on behalf of Berri. Then to you my honorable brother FT, I respect your views too, but what I am trying to bring you to focus upon, is why treat what Mrs. Geagea says with such disdain, yet prefer to have quite another approach when it comes to an M8 figure. Just my drifts bros.
phoenix there are big differences:
first, berri did not come and say oooh i received phone calls they are threatening me, it's the army who said they had information from arrested terrorists that they were planning to assassinate him
and second, berri whether we like him or not, is one of the main players. on the same level as nasrallah and aoun in m8. but who is strida? does she have any weight? seriously now.. who would even bother? unless it was to create a renewed wave of sympathy for m14
@ Wolf, not that i support Geagea and his zero charisma so as his speeches which have more rhymes than sense, but your answer to him is pathetic, so as your signature at the end, who the hell do you think you are? Victor Hugo? Grow up and find some real arguments to deal with those kind of speeches of politicians that you do not support. Let me give you an example, Geagea says there are drones flying by , might be right, but they might be Israeli drones, or maybe Hezbollah, but yet again, why would any of them send a drone to Ma3rab? to spy on what type of food he likes and if he eats with salt or not? in both cases , it makes no sense. As for the phone calls or messages to Sitrida, as Flamethrower said, it can be traced back by security forces allied with the telecom ministry of Boutros Harb. Unless a new kind of separate communication network has been setup by March 8th during their tenure of the governement...
Strida should run for President... In fact, all candidates should be women this time around! Yalla
If you were an ipad I would tap you all day long. Go put something on before you catch Pneumonia.
Lady gaga doesn't know what to do to get noticed...haram!! i pity the guy seeing GMA reaching the top :))
"first, berri did not come and say oooh i received phone calls they are threatening me, it's the army who said they had information from arrested terrorists that they were planning to assassinate him
and second, berri whether we like him or not, is one of the main players. on the same level as nasrallah and aoun in m8. but who is strida? does she have any weight? seriously now.. who would even bother? unless it was to create a renewed wave of sympathy for m14"
Phoenix doesn't have double standards, but neither logic sadly.