جنبلاط لا يرى فائدة من السجالات "البيزنطية": لا مفر من إعلان بعبدا والمقاومة معا

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أعلن رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه لا مفر من التوفيق بين إعلان بعبدا وحق مقاومة إسرائيل في البيان الوزاري، مشيرا إلى أن السجالات الأخيرة لا فائدة لها.

وقال جنبلاط في موقفه الأسبوعي لصحيفة "الأنباء" الصادرة عن الحزب "يكفي لبنان حروباً ساخنة وباردة، ولا مفر من البحث في صيغة توفق بين الطروحات المختلفة المتصلة بإعلان بعبدا، الذي للتذكير تمت الموافقة عليه بالاجماع، وبين حق لبنان في حماية حدوده ومقاومة أي عدوان إسرائيلي محتمل".

وسأل "ما الفائدة من الدخول في سجالات وجدالات بيزنطيّة في الوقت الذي تتجاوز فيه الأحداث السوريّة كل الواقع الداخلي بالتوازي مع تفشي الارهاب الذي لا يميّز بين المناطق والطوائف والمذاهب؟".

وكان قد انتقد حزب الله السبت موقف رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان من "المعادلات الخشبية" قائلا ان "ساكن قصر بعبدا أصبح لا يميز بين الذهب والخشب" ما دفع إلى رد من سليمان مشيرا إلى أن قصر بعبدا "يحتاج للإجماع الذي تم في أرجائه وهو إعلان بعبدا".

إلى ذلك استنكر جنبلاط كيف أن "هناك العديد من القضايا التي لا تلقى الاهتمام الكافي من أحد، ومن بينها مسألة التصحر في ظل إنحباس الأمطار وغياب البحبوحة المائية التي لطالما كان يتغنّى بها لبنان والتي تتطلب إجراءات هامة وخطوات متلاحقة لتلافي الجفاف".

من جهة أخرى أبدى جنبلاط خشيته من أن تتحول "الحرب الباردة" في أوكرانيا حاليا "سلباً على المفاوضات السوريّة- السوريّة المعقدة والمتعثرة أصلاً في جنيف مما سيزيد من تشرذم وتفاقم الوضع السلبي في سوريا وينعكس سلباً على الشعب السوري وطموحاته المشروعة في الحرية والكرامة والديمقراطيّة".

التعليقات 13
Thumb ice-man 17:35 ,2014 آذار 03

Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabb Ya new and improved Flamethrower for pointing out the obvious. I enjoy reading your comments more than the articles on naharnet.

Missing imagine_1979 17:46 ,2014 آذار 03

Jumblat is free to be afraid of black shirts, to seek stability of mont lebanon to the regard of 7 may events, and is so free that his saying outload that decision to fight or pulback hezbos from syria is not in lebanon..
That doesnot supress our right to say that hezbollah is a sectarian fanatic millicia, who is imposing his will on us (including jumblat), who has members wanted in the assassinations of political lebanese leaders, assassination attempt on other lebanese political leaders, who donnot hesitate to use force (aka 7may) to impose his will on us...
South lebanese army were lebanese people (a lot soldiers in the lebanese army) but acting a proxy millicia for israel, we didnot surrender to those, as we will not surrender to hezbos sectarian iranian millicia...

Missing imagine_1979 17:46 ,2014 آذار 03

And please donnot come with hezbollah saved us from zionist, communist, kawmeh souri, socialist...a lot of lebanese under the banner of the national partiotic resistance liberated beirut before hezbollah was even created (1984) and in anyway that doesnot give the right for any of those to have its own millicia and launch wars at it please them...
Perfect banana republic... Chupachups flame, chupachups...

Thumb ice-man 17:47 ,2014 آذار 03

still on medication?

Missing imagine_1979 18:33 ,2014 آذار 03

Cedre what do u call threatening politicians voting against u by armed force (7may, black shirts..)? how do u call killing political oponents in daylight in front of armed forces (aka hachem salman)? How do u call engaging in war and threatening any political governement to disagree with it?...
Not terrorism?....

Thumb cedre 20:05 ,2014 آذار 03

lets start a real lebanese resistance, we go rid of the syrian army, lets get rid of the iranian now...

Missing ex-tayyar 18:55 ,2014 آذار 03

Do we want a president who is sbmitted to Syria and Iran?

Missing lebaust 00:02 ,2014 آذار 04

I watched the utube mike-malleh and it is truely upsetting. But unfortunately the internet can not be trusted. Any one can go into these unfortunate damaged churches claim they are Christian and make statements to fuel hatred and anger. Unfortunately the www is not a source of media to be trusted and is now the latest most effective tool in spreading misinformation and confusion to suit the instigator.

I can dress up as a monk grab a camera film a damaged home and claim act out the part of a monk who has been beaten, tortured and had my home damaged by a group of nuns, and actually make it look more credible by adding some paid witnesses.

Moral of my story is never trust footage that you see on the Internet

Missing lebaust 00:05 ,2014 آذار 04

Btw my comment doesn't cover historical footage that has been confirmed to be accurate. I'm just pointing out that random unconfirmed footage mixed into real past confirmed footage doesn't make the claims any more accurate.

Missing beirutbastard00 00:31 ,2014 آذار 04

id have to agree with jumblatt. this is our country, all of us. we need to find common ground quickly.

Thumb beiruti 15:51 ,2014 آذار 04

The Baabda Declaration and the legitimization of the "Resistance" are two entirely different subjects. Baabda addresses the waging of war on foreign soil and the Resistance is about defending Lebanese territory from occupation. Let us be clear.
The Baabda Declaration is violated daily by Hezbollah due to Hezbollah's active participation with Assad partisans in Syria.
There is no more need for a Resistance in Lebanon. We are not occupied. the Faux occupation of Shebaa Farms is a ruse. Shebaa Farms is Syrian territory not Lebanese.

Thumb beiruti 15:52 ,2014 آذار 04

The real issue with the Resistance portion of the policy statement is Hezbollah seeking to legitimize its operations on Lebanese soil. To make legal that which is inherently illegal. Gun running, smuggling, diamond smuggling, drug running, money laundering, avoiding the payment of fees at the Port of Beirut and at the Airport, all done in the name of "resistance" activity. Without the reference in the policy statement, all of this becomes illicit, as it should be.

Thumb beiruti 15:54 ,2014 آذار 04

Of course, Hezbollah has no fear of Lebanese authority as it flaunts that authority to its face every day. No, Hezbollah is wary of international law enforcement which tracks Hezbollah's world wide operations but must stop at Lebanon's shores and borders because there, the government sanctions Hezbollah and all of its "resistance" activity through the policy statement. Hezbollah cannot stand even a 90 day window for INTERPOL or other international criminal investigators to make their cases.