غارة سورية جديدة على جرود عرسال

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أغار الطيران السوري الخميس مجددا على جرود عرسال في حادثة تتكرر منذ بداية الأسبوع.

وفي التفاصل أفادت إذاعة "صوت لبنان 100.5" عن "سقوط صاروخ على منطقة عرسال مصدره الطيران السوري".

وأشارت قناة "المستقبل" إلى أن الصاروخ سقط في محلة المصلحة.

إلا أن إذاعة "صوت لبنان 93.3" أشارت إلى أن الغارة تمت على خربة يونين في جرود عرسال و"استهدفت تحركات لمسلحين معارضين".

وكانت قد قصفت طائرات عسكرية سورية الاربعاء البلدة عينها على ثلاث دفعات واستهدفت تحديدا مناطق خربة يونين ووادي عجرم.

وبعد ظهر اليوم عينه تجددت الغارات واستهدفت طرقا تربط سوريا بلبنان ومناطق خربة داوود ووادي الخيل وخربة يونين مجددا.

ولا تعترف السلطات الرسمية بالغارات على عرسال وغالبا ما تقول أنها تستهدف مسلحين فروا إلى المدينة مع احتدام المعركة في القلمون المجاورة.

وتهدف القوات السورية إلى قطع طريق فليطا التي تربط عرسال بالقلمون بهدف قطع إمدادات السلاح عن المعارضين.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon MIKATI (ضيف) 15:04 ,2014 آذار 06

Better yet, why not file a complaint with the United Nations?? This is the same as Israel attacking Lebanon!!!

Thumb .mowaten. 15:44 ,2014 آذار 06

why would the army protect rebels who are hiding in arsal, firing rockets into lebanon and butchering our soldiers?

Thumb .mowaten. 16:38 ,2014 آذار 06

roar i think you are under a false impression.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:40 ,2014 آذار 06

Waynak Ya Gebran Bassil, representative of a "strong president" who can stand up for Lebanon and defend our sovereignty !

File a damn complaint against the terrorist regime of Bashar al Assad to the UN Security Council or line up with other traitors such as Hassan Kezballah on death row !

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:39 ,2014 آذار 06

Those who voted me down are M8 traitors who want to give our country back to Bashar. They do not believe in Lebanon, its borders or sovereignty.

They want to go back to a time where the country was run by Syrian Moukhabarat and their dogs including Sayyed, Lahoud, n co...

You guys are traitors.

Remember ya Aounies when Sayyed and Lahoud were beating you up when you called for Syria to back off Lebanon ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 18:53 ,2014 آذار 06

They remember honik charghlé !

Always was and always will be a true patriot against foreign influence including Syrian, Iranian and Saudi filth !

Thumb ice-man 05:49 ,2014 آذار 07

leb_roar: When will your status be changed from asylum seeker to refugee?

Thumb FlameCatcher 11:49 ,2014 آذار 07

Please let me know who I have supported... it's pitiful that you have to make up lies about me.

Unlike you, I do not support "men", I support ideas and whomever is siding with them. You support erratic leaders who switch positions to fulfil their personal gains...

Thumb .mowaten. 18:20 ,2014 آذار 06

roar man i kept telling you i'm the one and only mowaten, even used the other account to tell it to you. but you never looked back to see my answers... i wont be using the underscores one, can we just move on from that!!! lol

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:23 ,2014 آذار 06

here you go: i, the underscore mowaten, hereby appoint the dots mowaten as my sole representative on naharnet and grant him full powers to post on my behalf ;)

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:24 ,2014 آذار 06

ghabby is trying to be sarcastic

Thumb .mowaten. 18:54 ,2014 آذار 06

hahah great, finally!
i knew you were taking me for an impostor, so i actually appreciated you taking my defense. but it was a bit frustrating to see the misunderstanding go on like this ;) glad we finally sorted this out!

Missing peace 19:19 ,2014 آذار 06

yes! come on syria bomb Lebanon with the full support of M8ers!

bomb Lebanon with brotherly missiles that do not hurt!

Thumb cedre 20:31 ,2014 آذار 06

it's a shame the army doesn't do anything, when u think that almost all families in Arsal have a son that served in the LAF or fought the israelis in the south.

Hizbiran oppressing sunnis and LAF turning a blind eye :

Thumb cedre 21:21 ,2014 آذار 06

Arsal, the land of lions, will resist Assad, Khamenei and their lebanese lackeys...

Missing VINCENT 21:43 ,2014 آذار 06

It is Israel just as they killed Hariri

Missing VINCENT 23:59 ,2014 آذار 06

Look it, if you apply the concept of "six degrees of separation" it is true. Lets at least be consistent with the "Joker Wild".

Thumb ice-man 05:50 ,2014 آذار 07

I enjoy reading your valuable comments as usual, mowaniten!