باسيل: نتخوف من ان يصبح لبنان معبرا للجهاد والحل يكمن بتسليح الجيش
Read this story in Englishأعرب وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل عن تخوّفه من ان يصبح لبنان "معبراً" للجهاد، لافتاً الى ان الحل لدرء ذلك، يكمن في تسليح الجيش اللبناني وتمكينه.
وفي كلمة ألقاها خلال اجتماع وزراء الخرجية العرب في العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، ظهر الاحد، أشار باسيل الى ان "سياسة الابواب المفتوحة لا يمكن اعتمادها بعد اليوم".
وطالب بتوزيع النازحين السوريين "بشكل عادل الى الداخل السوري الآمن والى الدول العربية القريبة والبعيدة".
وشدد على ان قضية النازحين هي "قضية وجودية وكيانية للبنان ومكوناته كافة"، مشيرا الى ان لبنان يستقبل اليوم 45 بالمئة من النازحين السوريين فيما مؤسسات الدولة لم تنل شيئا من المساعدات الدولية.
من جهة أخرى أبدى باسيل خوفه من أن يصبح لبنان "منطلقاً أو معبراً لتصدير الجهاد غرباً وشرقاً"، متسائلا: "هل ان الموت اصبح هدفا في بلد الحياة لبنان؟ وهل تصدقون انه في بلد التعايش هناك اناس انتحاريون يسترخصون حياتهم الى هذه الدرجة نتيجة احتضان سياسي مذهبي".
وأضاف ان "الارهاب اصبح معولما واذ لا مبرر ديني او حياتي لاعتماده فهو لا فكر له ولا عقيدة وهو مناقض لكل ما فيه حياة ونبض ومواجهته تتطلب سياسة امنية حازمة وصائبة ومحاربته في لبنان فوق ذلك تتطلب دعما للجيش وتسليحه".
وأمل أن يكون مؤتمر روما لدعم الجيش مناسبة لدعم عربي متجدد للبنان.
من جهة أخرى، شدد على حق لبنان في استرجاع أراضيه ومقاومة أي عدوان اسرائيلي.
peace, give credit where credit is due.. what he said is on the spot in numerous areas. i hate it that a christian is allied to a party like HA, but that is not the topic of conversation. Strengthen the army, stop this influx of syrians that Lebanon can not bear.
this was a huge test for Bassil and i think he passed. Nothing like that garbage mansour. and speaking about Lebanon the state, not petty party interests.
i agree with his statement that the Lebanese should have the right to resist Israel, but it should stop right there.. ALL Lebanese. not this petty foreign serving concoction, HA. The Lebanese should also have the right to resist any transgressions committed by anyone not only Israel. Syria being on level playing field of enmity to Lebanon as Israel.
Nothing wrong to say about what Bassil said, forget about his alliances and judge his words.
it should be, and unlike mnasour, he did not take sides, and speaking in general terms. I do believe his next step would be to ask to have no other militias in Lebanon and only the Lebanese army to apply the rules and laws. but what i am speaking of is what he said, nothing wrong. again i believe the FPM would be the biggest party that can bring back Lebanon, but not when it is allied to HA and covers for one militia against the next. Let Aoun return to his words in France, not join M14, but really say things the way they need to be said. and it can rule Lebanon and take it back to its rightful place. pity he changed, Lebanon could have been so much.
give them time, they will, and i believe they are in the process of, find out how unholy their alliance is with HA.
Roar, Bassil's words were like a spray of mist in the face compared to Mansour. and regardless if i am against their current position (mainly their alliance with HA, and christian cover for them) does not change the fact that what was said is to lebanons benefit. I hope he continues in these steps and takes further ones that will distance himself from HA, AMAL and other thugs (not to say that he should join M14) but if he can walk that fine line, between what he used to say in France and his fight against corruption and building of the state, there is hope for Lebanon.
P.S. i NEVER said i am pro-M14, i am pro-lebanon, and will talk out of conviction and my own firmly held principles. i am anti HA, i do not believe there can be a state with such a party in existence. i am also anti old guard, and that means all our "elected" politicians. i do not believe a single one of them has lebanon's interest at heart. and would love a changing of the guard. If you ask me who i would vote for president, PM, speaker, and 164 times MP it would be baroud.
"All lebanese. not this petty foreign serving concotion HA" 100%
"Syria being on level playing field of enmity to lebanon as israel" 100%
Nicely said.
Roar, take it from me. Unfortunately, when the time does come and the fpm asks HA to disintegrate militarily, you will see the answer will be NO and a campaign launched against Aoun and others of being zionists. Aoun will not be able to disarm HA peacefully. Only Iran can do that. And they are not letting go of their ace because Aoun said so. Then what?
LF. Thank you. If only more people in Lebanon saw that we are surrounded by enemies of equal calibre maybe that would unite us. But to most of us it is one or the other. What a shame to lie to yourself like that.
what basil is saying is full of contradictions:
1- strengthen the army: hezballa his close ally doesn't want a new strong sheriff (lebanese army) in town to uncover their mafia activities.
2- “...we fear that lebanon will become a passageway for jihadists.” this is absolutely true and its because once again his close ally ha along with others are interfering in syria's conflict thus bringing retaliation into Lebanon.
3-“...we can no longer adopt the open door policy..." damn right so shut the f... door in both directions if once again hezballa your close ally will let you do it???!!!
4- "...the importance of lebanon's right to liberate occupied land.." : what occupied land??? mazere3 sheb3a was in syrian hands when the israelis occupied it and yet, syria and the un till now refuse to acknowledge sheb3a as lebanese territories. in my dictionary the only occupied territories left are somewhere else between the Palestinian camps and the mrabba3et amnieh run by pro Iranians and pro and anti syrian regime proxies.
5- "...we demand that the refugees be fairly distributed...in near and far arab countries..." yes absolutely right but then again your hezballa ally antagonized the overwhelming majority of arab populations across the board from morocco to the arabian peninsula without forgetting north africa and considering this fact do you expect any favorable outcome to your request from any arab countries?????!!!!!
Bassil's speech is interesting.
He wants to cater to the three audiences: M8 and M14 and lebanon lovers.
For M14, he says that Lebanese army should be reinforced, for M8, he talks about jihadists, and about israel (their favorite topic),
and for lebanon lovers, he talks about the plight of lebanese under the refugee load and how much we should get money.
Roar 100percent.
What we need now is a supper assertive president who has strong arab contacts that demands our rights. But not specially from the west. It is the arab worlds who should pay up. KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Emirates... These rich sunni countries should be in the first line of help, since lebanon is hosting people from their umma.
eagle. Yeah. nice way of looking at it. But iran's budget for lebanon is only to help destabilize lebanon. There is no budget for other "issues"
leb_roar: I am not going to ask you anymore why you broke your promises of never posting on weekends.
ice-man, the Queen of the jungle also promised to go away on more then one occasion but as you can see that did not happen. The-snore you are a pompous windbag :-)
“Can you believe that in the country of coexistence some individuals have taken the path of suicide bombing as a result of the political and religious environment that harbors such sentiments?”… coming out of the mouth of a block that gives cover to a terrorist militia.
"In addition, he highlighted the importance of Lebanon's right to liberate occupied land and resist any Israeli assault."… same all BS propaganda, go tell your boss Nasrallah to let the LAF control all of the border and to stop to warring on behalf of Assad.
Wolfy… most of the other M8 cheerleaders are here to spread the Assad/Iranian propaganda, but you sound like nutcase!
Hello Southern, they did not teach us how to read jibber jabber in my school… illiterate stooge :-)
"sectarians traitors"… Souther I keep telling you that Hizbullah is not sect and I am not Iranian so speaking against them does not make me a traitor or sectarian. Btw is it true that all of the Assad/Iranian propagandist have a tattoo of Nasrallah on their backside so that they can recognize each other?
Wolf; your posts show who yo really are, a person without manners or morals. You are devoid of any decency or humanity. I had the honor of meeting the man you constantly insult and I can tell you know nothing about him, his position in life, his family, or his big heart. It is shameful you are allowed to go on with such despicable language. I cannot begin to imagine the kind of person you are in real life, but judging by your comments on this forum I am sure you are a beast.