"جبهة النصرة" تتهم "عناصر شيعية من الجيش اللبناني" بالقتال في سوريا
Read this story in Englishاتهمت "جبهة النصرة" في لبنان "عناصر شيعية من الجيش اللبناني " بالقتال في سوريا، معتبرة ان الجيش لم "يتجرأ على التصدي للجيش الاسرائيلي أو الجيش السوري".
وفي بيان نشرته على صفحتها على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"، توجهت الجبهة بـ"رسالة توضيحية" الى اللبنانيين، "حول حقيقة الجيش اللبناني"، معتبرة انه اصبح "أداة بيد المشروع الشيعي".
واعتبرت ان الجيش اللبناني "لم يتجرأ منذ تأسيسه على التصدي للجيش الاسرائيلي أو الجيش السوري اللذين احتلا لبنان"، متهمة اياه بـ"التصدي لأهل السنة بذريعة انه ضمان للشعب اللبناني".
ويتابع البيان، ان "الوقاحة بلغت "حين شاركت عناصر شيعية من الجيش اللبناني في القتال في سوريا متحدية اي جهة على محاسبة من أرسلهم".

You and your primitive terror party are the last ones to even talk. You got us into this mess in the first place. Are you surprised this report might be true? On May 7th, shia members of the LAF were participating in the attack on Beirut and firing in the air in celebration of your glorious victory over the peaceful residents of Beirut. Now, you are calling for the eradication of arsal and tripoli ! and you have the nerve to call others sectarian.

On May 7th, shia members of the LAF were participating in the attack on Beirut and firing in the air in celebration of your glorious victory over the peaceful residents of Beirut.
Utter bs, you should be locked up for criminal slander

mowatin iraní; stating facts is not slander. Slander is when you accuse someone out of spite, for example, when you slander the president:
The president should apologize to the entire country, for having turned his back on its dignity for a fat saudi suitcase."
Now, that is SLANDER!

" On May 7th, shia members of the LAF were participating in the attack on Beirut" this is sectarian, a lie and defaming. i repeat, if we could we'd have you extradited from israel and judged here.

stinky israeli want to see our resistance disarmed, and our army divided along sectarian lines. i wonder why..

Why es th meo Ben publish what those terrorist thugs have to say? Why give them a voice?

Shia think they are unstoppable in Lebanon this is going to keep happening if no one stands up to these bullies they speak of terrorism when the have the A-team of terror on there side they kidnap people sell drugs do a lot of nasty acts what co exsistance do you people want is this a joke it's only a matter of time Shia of Leb.

So are all the lebanese people being held hostage by your terror party not just in Arsal and Tripoli but in all of Lebanon. Can a normal family in Lebanon plan a normal future without having to worry about the next adventure your terror party embarks on be it with Israel, in Syria, Bulgaria, Thailand, Nigeria, Argentine, etc.

Surprise surprise! Some more of renegades who shot two sunni clerics at an army checkpoint recently, and got freed subsequently on the grounds the clerics were armed ! pffffff!!

god bless our army
strange how the same people who are attacking the army even before the Syria war and even since 75 war are the same

im sure there is some truth to this, individual members of the army could very well be going to fight in syria. A while back they arrested a tikfiri group in the army. so it wouldnt surprise me to see a lebanese institution not in complete control of its members.
but nusra is only using this as an exuse, knowing that more and more army will be targeted as theyve taken over security in shia areas.
id like to say something tho. there is a general feeling in lebanon that shia criminals are somewhat above the law. this has to end. the law has to be applied to all, equally.

Your "blessed" LAF is a joke. I'm not one to run back to the Civil War to remind you of how the "Army" behaved then. Or on May 7/8th when they stood by and watched Hizthrowup take over the streets of Western Beirut. Or how 1st Lt. pilot Samer Hanna was killed because the State of Hizthrowup didn't know the "LAF" was suppose to fly over their territory. The consensus from notable think tanks across the globe believe that another civil war in your beautiful country would again "Fragment the sectarian makeup of the Lebanese Army." I stand for a peaceful and UNITED Lebanon. I stand for a military that will punish all who break the law...no matter the political affiliation or religious belief. Unfortunately, that is not your current "Army."
May peace be with Lebanon and Israel.

Southern. No. People of Lebanon do NOT enjoy the same treatment.
See, Sunni criminals are put in jail. Christian criminals are put in jail. Shia criminals are covered by Berri, and reasoned with and given jobs in the state to "alleviate their poverty". A lot are NOT put in jail.
You are not living in Lebanon. I am not sectarian- A lot of my friends are shia. And they are the first ones who complain about the impunity vs the shia community.

southern, don't ever question my loyalty and love for my country, you iranian shill.

@cityboy youre right 100%, I didnt in any way mean to say that being shia is linked to criminality. and youre right also that many come from historically lawless land, like the zoaters mqdads shreifs etc...
but im personally speaking about beirut. theres a general feeling that if u belong to a shia or syrian party (amal, HA, or ssnp), you are above the law. people are so tired of these za3ran man. its 2014, its time we form a state already.

This is an idiotic joke, but not funny similar to the idiotic accusations that the Lebanese army was being bribed with the $3 billion Saudi donation.

joulani never recognized Nusra-Leb, so it could be takfiris, or syrian intelligence, or a mix of both...

mowatin; do you realize that when you make completely false and unfounded claims, you lose all credibility?

Let us be very clear, which Lebanon do we want as Lebanese citizens? clearly some want Lebanon allied to Syria and Iran period. Others to KSA, and the rest of us would like a friendly with respect with ALL neighbors.
We will never have peace as long as we have a door or window in the house open for ingress and egress of militias/arms period.

This is a big lie from AL-Nusra, the Lebanese Army is not in Syria, case in point we have not seen a single LAF soldier being prayed on.
On the other hand, the Leb institutions do have members planted by the Syrian Moukhabarat during their 30 yrs in Lebanon that are incapable to even read or write a single sentence and misfit/corrupt but loyal to the Baath first then Lebanon.

as for "sources" talking to al arabiya, we all know how reliable they are :)
The question remains, who went in first, and thus, who will come out first, not easy questions to answer, well not yet.