قاووق: أي بيان وزاري بدون المقاومة ميت ولن يأخذ ثقة مجلس النواب
Read this story in Englishأكد نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في "حزب الله" الشيخ نبيل قاووق أن البيان الوزاري للحكومة الجديدة يعتبر "ميتا" إذا لم يلحظ المقاومة ضد إسرائيلأ.
وقال قاووق خلال احتفال تأبيني أقامه "حزب الله" في حسينية بلدة مجدل زون الأحد أن "المقاومة روح البيان الوزاري، وأي بيان بدونها هو بلا روح وميت، ولن يصل إلى أن يأخذ ثقة من اللبنانيين، فضلا عن المجلس النيابي".
ولفت إلى أن "فريق 14 آذار منذ عام 2005، وحتى اليوم، لهم وظيفة واحدة في الداخل مدعومة من الخارج، وهي استهداف المقاومة"، لافتا إلى أنهم "لم يحققوا أي شيء من هذا الإستهداف، ولم يستطيعوا أن يحركوا حرفا واحدا من أحرفها".
وإذ أبدى ثقته أن "المقاومة اليوم هي في ذروة قوتها وفي أيامها الذهبية" لفت إلى أن "المستفيد الأول والأخير من مؤامرة شطب المقاومة من البيان الوزاري هو العدو الاسرائيلي".
وأوضح "أننا في حزب الله لم نقاتل ونقاوم من أجل المشاركة في الحكومة، وإنما شاركنا في الحكومة من أجل المقاومة، ونحن حاضرون بأن نتحمل كل إساءة واستفزاز وضغوط من أجل حماية المقاومة".
عليه اعلن "إن كل الذين يعرقلون إنجاز البيان الوزاري هم يعرفون تماما أنهم يطلبون المستحيل، عندما يطلبون شطب معادلة المقاومة منه".
هذا وأبدى قاووق حرص الحزب "على إنجاز البيان الوزاري، وحماية الاستحقاق الرئاسي من موقع الحرص على البلد" قائلا "لا يفكر أحد أن المقاومة سهلت تشكيل الحكومة لأن المعادلة قد تغيرت وأنها في موقف أضعف".
وفشلت لجنة صياغة البيان الوزاري حتى الآن بالتوصل إلى اتفاق حول كيفية مقاومة إسرائيل، في حين تطالب 14 آذار بـ"مرجعية الدولة في المقاومة" الأمر الذي يرفضه حزب الله وحلفاؤه.
It is really frustrating to have people say it will be this or nothing at all. I understand HAs concern as the only legitimacy it has is its mention in the policy statement.
But this is not how a democracy works. The resistance cannot tell the state it's our way or the highway. I say have two policy statements. One mentioning the resistance and the other the Baabda declaration. And put both up for vote in the parliament. My vet is on the Baabda. But we all know that HA and Amal ministers will then resign. (Like the saniora). Question is how will Aoun and jumblat swing.
Hello Mr. Flimflam, please tell your terrorist militia friends that no one is trying to change the spelling of the word resistance. The last time I looked in a dictionary the word "resistance" was not defined as an Iranian militia or have a picture of Hizbullah's flag next to it.
I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, ..Flamethrower.. , but alas!
but what the hell, let's find out put it before Parliament for a vote what do say Bily boy.
Worst thing to ever happen to our people. People-army-"self proclaimed resistance".
This circus needs to end. It is enough that those Islamic clerics look just like their masters in Iran.
“The resistance is the soul of the policy statement and any statement without it will be dead and soulless and it won't win the confidence of the Lebanese or the parliament,”… Qaouq has been taking pompous lessons from the_snore.
Mr. Quaouk, you're not getting it are you? Hezbollah is gradually losing its support from a steadily growing segment of the Lebanese population who now want an end to your repeated obstruction to their normal life. Should I repeat it to you Mr. Quaouk, lest you forgot, not a day passes by without your ex-resistance screwing up our daily life. I haven't yet forgotten masalan some years ago when Hezbollah prevented a well-known artist from landing in Lebanon, and whay was that? because one miserable part of the plane was found to be made in Israel? And what about the others who were also prevented ya Sheikh? Drop by drop, the jug filled, there's no doubt the last drops will spill the jar, get off our backs will you?!!
Id argue it's stayed the same if it hasn't risen. Don't include dreams of yours and include them as fact.
hammouds fact is hezb conceeded seats to form a govt.. but that had strings attached. they hoped by giving a little they can negotiate a lot. except there hasn't been any negotiations just demands,rhetoric and a few 'holier than thou' speeches. it is this contempt that they show which is loosing them favor with their once vocal m8 allies who for but a few have gone into hiding.
He's clearly telling us, Baabda never and will not exist, Resistance made Lebanon to exist because it fought Israel. He has no interest in the state, or government because the peak he is talking about which includes the drones from Iran and rockets that will reach any Israeli city have basically put him on top. I can only imagine the massive infrastructure destruction the Israeli Air Defense is going to cause the next time they hit all Lebanon.
Amazing isn't it...Lebanon will never be at peace until it has a unified government capable of uniting the people to a common goal...heck i would even accept hezb to keep their weapons and stay seperate from the government if we could achieve this....sadly I am not confident hezb has the same agenda as the people and my dream of peace in Lebanon will not be fulfilled..
Gabby, there are many free Shiites, but till now they prefer to remain incognito. Once one of them told me this "a free Shiite is a dead Shiite".