وزراء الخارجية العرب: من حق لبنان مقاومة أي اعتداء أو احتلال اسرائيلي

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قرر مجلس وزراء الخارجية العرب بالقاهرة الذي دعا فيه وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل إلى مساعدة لبنان في ملف النازحين السوريين ، دعم جهود الحكومة مادياً وتقنياً في مؤتمر احتياجات النازحين.

كما تقرر الطلب إلى الدول الأعضاء السعي للمشاركة في تحمّل الأعباء، والتأكيد على أن وجود النازحين على الأراضي اللبنانية موقت والعمل على عودتهم إلى بلادهم في أسرع وقت.

إلى ذلك كشفت قناة "الجديد" أن مجلس الوزراء العرب قرر حفظ "حق لبنان واللبنانيين في تحرير واسترجاع مزارع شبعا وتلال كفرشوبا والجزء اللبناني من قرية الغجر ومقاومة أي اعتداء أو احتلال اسرائيلي بالوسائل المشروعة".

كما أشاد "بالدور الوطني الذي يقوم به الجيش اللبناني في صون الإستقرار والسلم الأهلي"، مرحبا بالمساعدة الإستثنائية للجيش اللبناني التي قدمتها السعودية.

وكان قد أعلن باسيل أمام الوزراء الأحد أن "سياسة الابواب المفتوحة لا يمكن اعتمادها بعد اليوم" مطالبا بتوزيع النازحين السوريين "بشكل عادل الى الداخل السوري الآمن والى الدول العربية القريبة والبعيدة".

وحصل لغط مؤخراحول اقتراح باسيل للمجلس العربي وقيل بداية أنه اقترح فقط "حق لبنان واللبنانيين في مواجهة الاحتلال" دون ذكر كلمة "مقاومة".

يذكر أن هذه الكلمة هي محط خلاف بين الأفرقاء خصوصا لناحية صياغة البيان الوزاري، تلك العملية التي تتعثر بسبب تمسك قوى 14 آذار بمرجعية الدولة في المقاومة، الأمر الذي يرفضه حزب الله.

التعليقات 35
Missing beirutbastard00 23:54 ,2014 آذار 09

all these years later and we still havent learned that no one side can destroy the other.

anyway, bassil is doing a good job so far. I say bring back saad, make aoun president, and lets have our first stable summer in 4yrs. we need tourists, we need investors.

Thumb Kalzyturks 00:21 ,2014 آذار 10


Missing cedars 00:46 ,2014 آذار 10

There is one evil destroyer who already have a nuclear weapon and that is Israel, we all know that fact. Instead of outsmarting the devil and sign a peace treaty to return our lands, we get a group with rockets similar to the Palestinians with rocks to stone this devil? get real and the only way to get a strong state to obtain properly effective weapons from the west is the way I mentioned above, otherwise stick to the rocks/rockets meanwhile they are destroying the entire country from the air.

Thumb .mowaten. 12:43 ,2014 آذار 10

you're not going to outsmart them if you start off by being gullible and blind. israel will not settle for any peace deal where they do not get everything they want and more. as long as they are stronger and have more to gain potentially through strength, they will favor the confrontation. we've seen that everywhere, in Palestine, Lebanon, and even Jordan and Egypt:
in Jordan they got everything they wanted, Jordan absorbed millions of Palestinians (to the point that about 70% of Jordanians are actually Palestinians, meaning they became a minority in their own country)
in Egypt, even though Egypt was stronger and israel had much to fear from it, the peace deal ended up being in favor of them, including for instance the commitment by Egypt to supply it with natural gas at reduced prices (costing Egypt 4Bn$ a year).

Thumb .mowaten. 12:43 ,2014 آذار 10

do you think Lebanon will get them to just give up land by asking nicely? give up shebaa which is one of the most important water resource in the region? the oil and gas in the sea? their ambition of making us absorb Palestinian refugees? i'm not ready to pay such price, not because it is too high, but also because it is unjust, and that if we bend to this, they will bend us on much more.

Missing cedars 13:29 ,2014 آذار 10

You state and set your conditions before you go into a treaty, explain to me how a small country like Lebanon was providing electricity to Syria before the 1970s, Israel needs water and peace from Lebanon, give it to them in return to our conditions. Entertain these discussions because in the end we will end up like North Korea, Iran, Syria, Venezuela against the world.
Do they control the media, of course they do but check the stats of Lebanese population versus smart educated people that we have produced, they control the world because of every damn lawyer and doctor is at least half Jew. This is how you fight them and outsmart them.

Thumb kanaanljdid 22:03 ,2014 آذار 10

Jordan and Egypt got back all the land they claimed. And Lebanon will get 100% the land it claims for a peace deal with Israel. Lebanon will enjoy tourists from Israel coming to Lebanon, more stability to develop and the gas fields will be demarcated. A real patriot in Lebanon wants to end this useless war against Israel. Only traitors want to use Lebanon as a battlefield for Khomeinist schemes.

Thumb .mowaten. 12:41 ,2014 آذار 11

lol kanaan is now the chief negotiator for israel. he speaks on their behalf and all :D

Missing hammouds 01:40 ,2014 آذار 13

Kanaan. Jordan and Egypt got back all the land? At what cost? Sinai is governed by Israel through Egypt. Egypt cannot conduct troop movements without the consent of the Israeli government. Egypt was bound by the "peace treaty" to sell Israel natural gas at a fraction of the international price. Is this peace or submission?

Missing cedars 00:49 ,2014 آذار 10

Syria will automatically cut its relations with Lebanon if the latter is secure and stable as their intentions are to control the small neighboring country.

Default-user-icon Omar (ضيف) 02:42 ,2014 آذار 10

Cedars, you mean like egypt who cant even enter sinai without israeli permission? Or like jordan which has no sovereignity at all. Get real.

Default-user-icon pekah (ضيف) 02:00 ,2014 آذار 10

why Arabs always blame ISRAEL for their problems, the truth is you must stop Hezbollah from firing rocket into Israel first and again don't allow anyone to use your territory as a launching pad against Israel. then secure a peace deal with your neighbour, if the government. of Lebanon will do this all their problem with Israel will automatically stop.

Thumb .mowaten. 12:45 ,2014 آذار 10

shut up israeli goon, israel IS the source of all our problems, and all the effort they put in trying to divert our attention and create problems between us to try to make us forget that, is one more problem that we owe them.

Missing greatpierro 23:12 ,2014 آذار 10

the source of our problem is incapacity of some in making peace with israel.

Missing greatpierro 23:13 ,2014 آذار 10

the source of our problem: the assad regime that has massacred 100 times more lebanese and palestinians than israel would ever do

Missing greatpierro 23:13 ,2014 آذار 10

the source of our problem: Iran islamic revolution spreading the wilayet el fakir in lebanon, syria and iraq

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:49 ,2014 آذار 17

Israel is a source of some of our problems and not all and indeed not even the majority. Iran is a bigger threat. Arab incompetence is perhaps the biggest threat.

Default-user-icon pekah (ضيف) 02:06 ,2014 آذار 10

there's nothing like Israel enemy, the true enem
y of Lebanon is those who parade themselves as resistance.

Thumb scorpyonn 08:35 ,2014 آذار 10

What about Iranian aggression through the Shiite militias?

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:11 ,2014 آذار 10

Lebanon has the right to resist any aggression !

Hezbollah however does not represent Lebanon and has no right to decide which aggressions to resist and which not ! On it's own terms... under orders of Iran !

As such, Hezbollah, a "Shiite Islamic Resistance" should be dismantled or turned into HezbLebnan, a Lebanese resistance composed of lebanese citizens of all sects !

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:50 ,2014 آذار 17

Lebanon need to re-instate the draft and have a reserve civilian force like they have in Switzerland and Israel.

Thumb .mowaten. 12:24 ,2014 آذار 10

israelis hate the resistance so much they pay goons to spread propaganda all day against it :)
shows how efficient it is, and how much they fear it :)

Thumb Abubakr 12:44 ,2014 آذار 10

The trap in this new equation is "shebaa farms" and "ghajar".. SHebaa farms is considered Syrian and no proff of it being lebanese. And ghajar residents are alawiyes who identify themselves as Syrian..

Thumb .mowaten. 16:57 ,2014 آذار 10

not true.


Government officials in Jerusalem said the UN cartographer handling the matter in recent months has determined that the area is indeed Lebanese. The officials added that Syria and Lebanon also agree that the area is Lebanese. Therefore, the UN has said there is no reason for Israel not to relinquish control over the area.

Thumb kanaanljdid 21:57 ,2014 آذار 10

But most Ghajjar residents don't want to pass under Lebanese sovereignty... Anyway Lebanon and Israel has to sit down and settle all these matters in a peaceful and civilised way. The most efficient way for Lebanon, as Egypt and Jordan got back all what they wanted that way.

Thumb .mowaten. 12:32 ,2014 آذار 11

dont speak on their behalf, and in any case, that's not how it works. if they want to move to israel let them move to the other side of the border. lebanese land is lebanese.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:52 ,2014 آذار 17

Mowaten - Do you know why Ghajar resident do not want to be Lebanese? Because we have failed and there is no prospect of building a modern state with opportunities. The biggest reason is the Hezb. In a state, you can have only one army and one authority.

Thumb Abubakr 12:49 ,2014 آذار 10

Bassil's equation delegitimizes all hezbolla activities.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:05 ,2014 آذار 10

We as Lebanese have the right to recover any territory that is ours, from any form of occupation. But as some worthy people here have mentioned, in the case of Shebaa and Ghajjar, the best route now is to take the diplomatic one under the auspices of the UN. A whole country and everything in it cannot and must not be sacrificed because of two tiny dots, the UN is here and fully willing to support our plight to recover them, if first the Syrians let go off Shebaa in writing, and two, if the residents of Ghajjar vote to live under Lebanese jurisdiction. Then form now on, we want no on to claim to do any kind of resistance on our behalf, we just want the State of Lebanon enjoying its full sovereignty and constitutionality, wou bass.

Missing peace 15:44 ,2014 آذار 10

hezbollah is NOT a lebanese resistance as it chooses who to resist and who not to resist! they even welcome "brotherly" fires from foreign countries...
they decide instead of the state of peace and war thus works for its own interests and not those of the lebanese people....

Thumb thepatriot 15:52 ,2014 آذار 10

In this Wikipedia link below, you will find a list of territorial claims and disputes between nations... there are over 300... and we are at the mercy of Israel and Hezbollah because of the chebaa farms... what a joke... we know very well that it is a a pathetic excuse for Hezbollah to keep its power, political agenda, means, influence, and project...


Thumb bashir 16:04 ,2014 آذار 10

someone please teach He Who Lives Underground the difference between "Resist Israeli Aggression, Occupation" and "Instigate Israeli Aggression, Occupation"

thank you.

Thumb bashir 17:59 ,2014 آذار 11

There is a difference between legitimately created and operating legitimately. HA has brought far more trouble than it has prevented re: Israel in the past decade.

Thumb chad 22:11 ,2014 آذار 16

Bashir - you can convince yourself of all those funny tales if it makes you happier, but it's not going to change anything about the reality:
HA is a lebanese resistance, serving lebanese in lebanon.
They are beloved and supported by the majority of the country and they are here to stay.
Now continue dreaming if you wish.

Default-user-icon xlf (ضيف) 19:46 ,2014 آذار 18
