الأطرش يعترف بنقل أسلحة من لبنان إلى سوريا فقط

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إعترف الشيخ الموقوف عمر الأطرش أنه نقل أسلحة من لبنان إلى سوريا فقط.

وقال وكيل الشيخ لقناة الـ"LBCI" الإثنين أن موكله "نفى أمام قاضي التحقيق كل ما نسب إليه من إدخال سيارات مفخخة وأحزمة ناسفة وانتحاريين إلى لبنان".

وأشار إلى أن "الأطرش اعترف بإدخال أسلحة إلى سوريا وليس من سوريا إلى لبنان".

في الرابع من شباط الفائت استجوب قاضي التحقيق العسكري نبيل وهبه الأطرش وأصدر مذكرة توقيف وجاهية بحقه.

وأتت المذكرة بعد الادعاء عليه من قبل القاضي صقر صقر، بجرم الانتماء الى تنظيم ارهابي مسلح بقصد القيام بأعمال ارهابية، ونقل انتحاريين وتجهيز ونقل سيارات وأحزمة ناسفة وصواريخ ومتفجرات والاعتداء على الجيش في مجدليون وجسر الاولي، واطلاق صواريخ على اسرائيل وحيازة اسلحة ومتفجرات.

التعليقات 21
Thumb popeye 19:35 ,2014 آذار 10

"It said that he confessed to only transporting weapons from Lebanon to Syria."

Under the circumstances and for the sake of being just and fair, the Judiciary should immediately release Mr. Attrash since his offense is no different to identical offenses committed by thousands of the terror party's members who cross daily into Syria and transport weapons.

Thumb .mowaten. 12:50 ,2014 آذار 11

he confessed to transporting booby-trapped cars that were used for terrorist attacks that killed dozens of innocents.
now he's denying because he realized that this would mean death sentence for him. desperate move from a lying murderous scumbag, hope it doesnt stick, and he gets the rope. but with the justice minister we have, i'm worried this scum will be set loose.

Thumb popeye 13:48 ,2014 آذار 11

it does not make it a fact, simply because some mouthpiece said so.

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:02 ,2014 آذار 11

Let him rot in jail !

Having said this ... Hassan Nasrallah confessed to smuggling weapons in and out of Lebanon... what's the deal with that ?

Anyone care to put shackles on this terrorist too?

Thumb ex-fpm 14:11 ,2014 آذار 11

flamecatcher; it is either the law applies to all equally or the rule of the jungle applies.

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:25 ,2014 آذار 11

M8 has a hard time understanding what "double standards" mean and how they believe whatever BS they request does not apply to them.

IE :
- No to foreign influence (Saudi) but it's ok for Syria / Iran to interfere
- No to terrorist groups but it's ok for Hezbollah to conduct acts of terror
- No to smuggling bombs to lebanon but it's ok for Samaha to do so
- No to "corrupted" M14 politicians but it's ok for M8 politicians to be corrupt
- No to "M14" propaganda media but it's ok for their M8 media to spread lies

And the list goes on !


Thumb popeye 19:36 ,2014 آذار 10


Thumb popeye 19:40 ,2014 آذار 10

nadine is "legit's" new look aka "beautiful mind"

Thumb ice-man 19:48 ,2014 آذار 10

leSayyed, you are funny:))

Thumb EagleDawn 20:03 ,2014 آذار 10

you mean Sagh?

Thumb nadine 20:49 ,2014 آذار 10

And you are?

Thumb ex-fpm 20:57 ,2014 آذار 10

his name is phoenix, what's your point?

Missing coolmec 23:28 ,2014 آذار 10

Oooops I know why
the burnng idol of tunis...

Thumb cedre 01:10 ,2014 آذار 11

how is benzona doing ? tell him we miss him...

Thumb ice-man 05:01 ,2014 آذار 11

samy is my friend and benzona is my friend. Very nice posters

Missing -karim- 23:37 ,2014 آذار 10

LOL, beautifully said Nadine.

Thumb cedre 01:10 ,2014 آذار 11

+1000 ibn harit, they will release atrash coz they dont have anything against him, just HA/assad told mukhabarat jaich to arrest him like many sunnis supporting syrian rebeels...

Missing cedars 05:03 ,2014 آذار 11

For 30 years your blind mind never witnessed how much weapons got dumped on Lebanon and the shells that landed on every civilian city from your beloved long neck terrorist, the day when your direction direction goes around and comes around then you pied in your pants and just woke up on the location location. I have two words for you: there is a god and you ripe what you planted.

Missing cedars 05:05 ,2014 آذار 11

Good one. I think he wanted more bahar in the kafta

Thumb ice-man 05:58 ,2014 آذار 11

then get on with it james!

Thumb fx.990 17:03 ,2014 آذار 11

Lock him up regardless. If he has cooperated with the very same terrorists that have been sending carbombs to lebanon then he is no better than they themselves. Besides, I'm sure it's illegal to send bombs anywhere, so his defense is actually quite amusing to say the least.