141 سيدة سورية عدن إلى بيوتهن بعد الإفراج عنهن في إطار صفقة راهبات معلولا

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في إطار صفقة الإفراج عن راهبات معلولا قالت المعارضة السورية أن مئة وواحدة وأربعين سيدة أفرج عنهن وعدن إلى سوريا.

وأفاد الناشط هادي العبدالله الذي صور فيديو عملية التبادل لوكالة "فرانس برس" عن "وجود معلومات لدينا ان 141 سيدة تم الافراج عنهن".

وأضاف "نقلوا على متن اربع حافلات صغيرة الى نقطة المصنع الحدودية، وعادت غالبيتهن الى سوريا لانهن يرغبن في البقاء مع عائلاتهن"، مشيرا الى ان الافراج عن غالبيتهن "تم في الامس، تزامنا مع الافراج عن الراهبات".

ورأى ان عملية التبادل "كانت ناجحة لاننا (كمعارضة) انتصرنا فيها".

واشار مصدر في المعارضة السورية للوكالة عينها الى ان "عددا قليلا من الرجال" تم الافراج عنه ايضا، من دون تحديد العدد.

وكان قد بث ناشطون معارضون صباح الاثنين شريطا مصورا يظهر نقل راهبات دير مار تقلا، وهن لبنانيات وسوريات، من مكان احتجازهن الى جرود بلدة عرسال حيث تسلمهن الامن العام.

وبدت الراهبات يغادرن منزلا في منطقة غير محددة. وقالت راهبة للمصور "هذا الشهر الرابع. لا ناقة لنا ولا جمل... معليش (لا بأس)، لا شيء يضيع عند الله". وسمع احد المقاتلين يقول لها "اذكرونا بالخير"، في حين بدا مسلح آخر ملثم يحمل راهبة غير قادرة على المشي، قبل ان يضعها في سيارة رباعية الدفع، وهي تقول له "الله يقويك (يمنحك القوة)".

وصعدت الراهبات في سيارات رباعية الدفع يقودها ملثمون، رفع احدهم علم جبهة النصرة. واظهرت اللقطات السيارات وهي تعبر منطقة جردية وسط ظلام دامس، قبل الوصول الى نقطة الالتقاء تحت المطر الغزير.

التعليقات 17
Thumb ex-fpm 20:55 ,2014 آذار 10

I just don't get it... when @cedre posts a link to the same video, someone reports him and his post gets deleted. Now Naharnet posts the same video...LOL!

Thumb ice-man 22:42 ,2014 آذار 10

yes yes.... "Hezb is like the preventive medicine, it maintains the body sane and strengthens it to avoid the forthcoming diseases that otherwise the body could end collapsing!"

btw, did you watch the videos @cedre posted below? What's your take on those? Good for the resistance?

Default-user-icon Yahia (ضيف) 08:26 ,2014 آذار 11

for some reason i think that those nuns wanted the be "held" to help release innocent women! maybe not all the way but somehow among those lines. coz they were so happy for the women & families being released, not for their own release!

Thumb cedre 21:21 ,2014 آذار 10

thats nothing, coz at the end of the day those are men.
U dont want to see whats done to women and kids...

Thumb ex-fpm 21:46 ,2014 آذار 10

found this on same page.... women massacred in cold blood

Thumb ice-man 21:55 ,2014 آذار 10

hey james, when is your next bond movie?

Thumb ice-man 04:45 ,2014 آذار 11

hello james, I think they already filmed in cold places in Iceland. How about some action scenes from Dahieh?

Missing mohammad_ca 22:31 ,2014 آذار 10

Actually in watching the video I see nothing but that there was complete cooperation between the nuns the Jabha. At one point the head nun tells Hadi "salimli 3ala Abu Malik", she pays that they meet again, even after the release she says they were treated with the utmost respect. The video is very clear in this regard.

Missing mohammad_ca 22:38 ,2014 آذار 10


Missing mohammad_ca 22:40 ,2014 آذار 10

frankly it didn't seem like a traditional kidnapping at all. The nuns seemed like they coordinated with the Jabha to help free the women.

Thumb cedre 00:56 ,2014 آذار 11

they were not kidnapped, first they were evacuated from maloula coz of the shelling, they were relocated in a building/villa of a christian (heard a priest but not sure) in yabrud. They had all comfort and good care.

Then FSA/JAN told them they were going to exchange them against prisoners. I know its unfair to hold people against their will, it's 3 times unislamic coz they are women,civilians and religious people but if somebody took my wife and kids I would probably do the same...
Hamdolilah everything went ok, it's win-win for all sides, pro assad TVs are cursing the nuns and calling them traitors for not depicting as monsters...LOL

Thumb cedre 00:57 ,2014 آذار 11

nuns being evacuated from assads shelling...


Default-user-icon josephani (ضيف) 22:56 ,2014 آذار 10

Here is another lovely comment justifying our Christian nuns by the Salafist and Sunni extremist pajama boy. And You don't think this user should be suspended for such a crude and disgusting statement. He is justifying the kidnapping of our nuns. Can everyone here please comment on user name pajama boy. All you M14er who support the comments of pajama boy are coming out in hordes to condemn his cowardly statement. I am proud of you.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 07:10 ,2014 آذار 11

hey cedre.. did you see at 0:42-0:45 ???? the guy takes a piece of meat off the knife and chews it... CANNIBALS!!!!! lol

Missing lebanese_uae 07:50 ,2014 آذار 11

really clever..
first, how do you expect they own such cars ?? they were send from the other party who received the nuns..
second, they are thanking them not because they kidnapped them, because they treated them well, and because they were the cause of releasing 150 women and kid. this is the message of peace they want to spread..

Missing lebanese_uae 07:59 ,2014 آذار 11

that's terrible man..
after watching just half of it, i've got a pain in my stomach and feel to vomit
how comes somebody can be happy and smile doing such things ?

Thumb cedre 08:00 ,2014 آذار 11

arzak, i didn't see it and cant watch it again...