سليمان: علينا الإعتذار من اللبنانيين لأننا لم ننفذ مقررات الحوار الوطني

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اعتبر رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أنه "علينا الإعتذار من الشعب اللبناني لأننا لم نحترم ما اتفقنا عليه في المجلس النيابي وفي طاولة الحوار"، مردفاً أن ""اعلان بعبدا كان السبب الرئيسي لتشكيل مجموعة الدعم الدولية".

وشدد سليمان في كلمة له خلال حفل توزيع الجائزة اللبنانية للامتياز، الثلاثاء، الى أن "البيان الوزاري يجب أن يُكتب بحبر الوفاق الوطني، والحبر ذاته الذي كتب فيه اعلان بعبدا، وقرارات الاعلان موجودة على باب قاعة الاستقلال في القصر الجمهوري".

ولفت الى أن"اعلان بعبدا يخدم الميثاق الوطني والاستقلال وبعض الأحزاب خرجوا عنه"، معتبراً أننا "لم نحترم ما اتفقنا عليه في المجلس النيابي وفي طاولة الحوار، ولا في القصر الجمهوري، لذلك نحن كمسؤولين لبنانيين علينا الاعتذار من الشعب اللبناني".

وأكد سليمان أنه "على البيان الوزاري الارتكاز على الوفاق الوطني"، مردفاً أن "المجموعة الدولية وافقت على مقررات إعلان بعبدا كسياسة عامة للبنان ومن يعترض يعرقل المساعدات الدولية".

وأضاف أن "اعلان بعبدا كان السبب الرئيسي لتشكيل مجموعة الدعم الدولية".

ورأى سليمان أن "أهمية اعلان بعبدا تدخل في الموضوع الذي نتحدث عنه، حيث أن البند 7 من اعلان بعبدا يتحدث عن خطة اقتصادية واجتماعية لتنمية المناطق، ومن لا يريد أن يعترف بإعلان بعبدا يريد أن يفشل مقررات المجموعة الدولية في باريس التي تبنت السياسة اللبنانية ودعم الجيش اللبناني ومساعدة لبنان في معالجة ازمة النازحين السوريين".

وأشار الى أن "الهبة السعودية للجيش أكبر مساعدة تأتي للبنان كأكبر مساعدة منذ الإستقلال ويجب متابعتها من قب الحكومات المقبلة وهناك دعم دولي كبير لها".

ولفت الى أنه "علينا التوصل إلى استراتيجية شاملة بالنسبة للقطاع العام والخاص"، معتبراً أن "الاستراتيجية تشمل تعيين اشخاص أكفاء في المؤسسات".

وبالنسبة لموضوع النفط، أردف رئيس الجمهورية أن "إدارة الموارد النفطية في لبنان جيدة جدا حتى الآن، ونأمل أن تستمر على هذا النحو".

يشار الى ان اللجنة الوزارية المكلفة صياغة البيان الوزاري تجتمع الثلاثاء بعد أن أخفقت تسع مرات آخرها الجمعة بالتوافق على بنوده.

يذكر ان رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري كان قد لفت الى أنّ "المهلة الدستورية لإنجاز البيان الوزاري ونيل الحكومة الثقة تنتهي في 17 الجاري، مذكرا ان "الدستور يتكلم عن مهلة 30 يوما وليس شهرا".

واوضح انه إذا لم ينجَز هذا البيان، على رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الدعوة فورا إلى استشارات نيابية ملزمة لتسمية رئيس مكلّف جديد، وتصبح الحكومة في حال تصريف أعمال بالمعنى الضيّق.

وفي هذا الاطار، أفادت صحيفة "الجمهورية" ان احدى المخارج التي من الممكن ان توصل الى حل فيما يتعلق بالبيان الوزاري هي الدمج بين موضوعي "إعلان بعبدا" و"المقاومة" بالعبارات الآتية: "حقّ لبنان في المقاومة بكلّ الوسائل المتاحة مع احترام قرارات الشرعية الدولية ومقرّرات طاولة الحوار التي انعقدت في قصر بعبدا وفي مجلس النواب".

التعليقات 32
Thumb Kalzyturks 13:05 ,2014 آذار 11

If this brings peace & stability, so be it.

Thumb popeye 13:06 ,2014 آذار 11

The only party that should apologize is the terror party. It is is the only party that reneged on all agreements made for the benefit of the Lebanese people. Nothing has been implemented starting from the first National Dialogue conference. It pursued and is pursuing a foreign agenda that has led Lebanon on the path of chaos and destruction.

Thumb ex-fpm 18:25 ,2014 آذار 11

I am watching the "debate", phoenix.... just a perfect example of what we talked about earlier!)))

Thumb liberty 23:58 ,2014 آذار 11

jerry; your comments are very well placed. I am afraid your comments have already been mass reported by the very same people who claim they are here to debate. Let's see if your comments will be here tomorrow. I might be wrong.... Good day or Good night to you in Lebanon.

Thumb popeye 13:16 ,2014 آذار 11

Stop accusing the president Southern!

Thumb cedre 13:38 ,2014 آذار 11

says almanar and co...

Thumb ex-fpm 14:07 ,2014 آذار 11

southern, I am sure you saw the video links posted by cedre yesterday showing women killed in cold blood and men being tortured beyond description. I want to know your opinion please?

Missing imagine_1979 14:14 ,2014 آذار 11

Southern when other political party get armed, funded, religious commends (wejeb el char3i) from some other countries and u aplaud them, u look very stupid for blaming others to try get help from foreign powers...
Don't u think so?...

Missing imagine_1979 14:31 ,2014 آذار 11

No influence?... Bravo southern, really iran is a caritative charity organisation with no regional afenda at all...

Thumb Chupachups 14:46 ,2014 آذار 11

@ imagine - if u need some
Chupachups to hand out, just let
Me know ok?

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:19 ,2014 آذار 11

Ya Southern ... please shut up when it comes to "External countries" interfering in our business. No lesson to take from an Iranian terrorist and mercenary army in Lebanon acting above all laws and hijacking our country's prosperity and future !

Missing helicopter 15:11 ,2014 آذار 11

It is a reality only in your HA brainwashed mind. And bitter only to those who prefer HA/Asaad hegemony over Lebanon.

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:43 ,2014 آذار 11

Reality ? Reality is Iran has created a $20 billion dollar army in Lebanon over the years ! and you talk about Saudi intervention ?

I'm against foreign intervention just like you but this also includes IRAN. So unless you can publicly say that you are against Iranian influence too, you have nothing to say !

Thumb popeye 13:42 ,2014 آذار 11

he is using whatsnahar:)

Thumb Chupachups 14:47 ,2014 آذار 11

You tell them mr

Default-user-icon GB (ضيف) 14:58 ,2014 آذار 11

What has a dentist got to do with drugs for madness??? Maybe you should go and consult a psychiatrist!

Thumb cityboy 15:25 ,2014 آذار 11

yawn, have a great day!

Default-user-icon infinity (ضيف) 15:40 ,2014 آذار 11

At least he expressed an opinion jerjer, instead of spamming the site with personal attacks and argumentum ad obsurdum type posts. Btw, how much does the JIDF give you?

Thumb -phoenix1 15:40 ,2014 آذار 11

The president is absolutely right, both M8 and M14 politicians have abused the system and the people, but sadly, they are definitely typical politicians, each one feels he is right and the opponent always wrong. If only military rule could be decreed and all these rotten politicians sent to jail or shipped well well away from Lebanon, yareyt.

Missing hajjradwan 16:30 ,2014 آذار 11

"HA was being helped by Iran to be armed only, there is no influence!"

No influence?! not according to the head terrorist


....so southern, "don't be stupid to learn that by now"

Thumb EagleDawn 16:33 ,2014 آذار 11

"but regardless, is this really worthy of a news story, probably not."

I don't understand.... why comment and write one paragraph if you think it is not news worthy)?

Thumb -phoenix1 17:02 ,2014 آذار 11

JB, thanks goodness for one of the few good posts of today. My salutes to you.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:22 ,2014 آذار 11

Southern, maybe the time has now come when we must be real honest with each other. Not so long ago, M8 was standing by the side of the president, which at the time earned him the scourge of M14. Now, M8, led by Hezbollah is not missing one opportunity to attack Suleiman, you see, the trouble is this: that this president does not side with anyone for just any reason, the president is like the Compass needle that always points North. He is not here to please anyone side but his principles at saving this nation from destroying itself. It has now dawned on us all, that Hezbollah has other aims, other than the national ones, thus the president is not here to facilitate Hezbollah's aim, but preserve the national unity and viability of the nation. We thank him for his vigilance.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:53 ,2014 آذار 11

Josephani, you would rather see Geagea become president than Suleiman? Eupht wloh, I still wonder why we can't spot good people to be elected, such as Demianos Kattar, or Ziad Baroud, for example.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:17 ,2014 آذار 11

Roar, walaw?

Thumb EagleDawn 19:05 ,2014 آذار 11

Stop your rants or go seek some help. You cannot jump on every poster for the sake of being disruptive. Grow UPPPPPPP!

Missing greatpierro 02:53 ,2014 آذار 12

is hizbollah respecting the lebanese institutions and authority by refusing that the lebanese state control the soit disant resistance? buy stating high and loudly that the resistance obeys the wilayat el fakih, nasrallah is imposing the will of the iranian islamic revolution on our country.

Default-user-icon Herlardo Panshukur (ضيف) 03:44 ,2014 آذار 12

blah blah blah blah blah. blah blah blah blah blah. 3ishtom wa 3asha blah blah blah blah blah

Missing forces 04:50 ,2014 آذار 12

thefact, what you say friend is absolutley true, us lebanese know very well the wrongs of our supreme leaders yet politics has turned into our national pastime. we are aware that we spend thousands educating our children so they can leave the country or work in a restuarant, we know that our beloved libnan that we all confess to loving cannot grant us simple basic human necessities such as health care, security amongst a long list and we know that all our troubles will simply go away the second we all truly consider ourselves proud lebanese and more importantly act accordingly, yet this is the way we like it and unfortunatley we show time and time again we need to be told what to do, instead of doing what is right..

Missing forces 05:01 ,2014 آذار 12

josephani you would have guessed i am a LF supporter and whilst modern day Geagea has my support it is my opinion Lebanon needs a president that can win the hearts and minds of the country and achieve great things. I don't doubt Geagea would make a good President, But i for one need to see new blood with new ideas and no baggage.

Missing cedars 13:30 ,2014 آذار 12

Truth hurts president, now you are going to see a rocket hitting baabda or car bomb attempt. You wait and see

Missing cedars 13:31 ,2014 آذار 12

The liars are being witnessed again and called by their name to show everyone there loyalty to Iran and Syria first