مؤيدون للأسد يخونون راهبات معلولا والزعبي يشير لمبادلتهن بـ25 شخصا فقط

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اعلن وزير الاعلام السوري عمران الزعبي ان دمشق افرجت عن 25 شخصا فقط مقابل افراج مجموعة مسلحة عن راهبات معلولا، في حين ان العدد المعلن للمعتقلين الذين تشملهم الصفقة كان اكثر من 150 امرأة.

وكان المدير العام للامن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم، الذي قاد عملية التفاوض بالتعاون مع مسؤول استخباراتي قطري، اكد شمول الصفقة اطلاق "اكثر من 150 سجينة"، وهو ما اكده كذلك ناشطون معارضون.

وقال الزعبي في تصريحات للتلفزيون الرسمي السوري مساء الاثنين "أن العدد الحقيقي للذين أطلق سراحهم مقابل الافراج عن راهبات دير مار تقلا في معلولا (...) هو 25 شخصا ممن لم تتلطخ أيديهم بدماء الشعب السوري"، نقلتها وكالة الانباء الرسمية (سانا).

اضاف "كل ما يقال خلاف ذلك غير صحيح وهو من قبيل التكهنات والمبالغات".

وكان ابراهيم اعلن الاحد عند نقطة جديدة يابوس السورية الحدودية مع لبنان، ان ثمة "موقوفات وسجينات تم اطلاق سراحهن"، وان "العدد اكثر من 150".

واتى هذا التصريح اثناء انتظار وصول الراهبات اللواتي نقلن من مكان قريب من مدينة يبرود السورية، وتسلمهن الامن العام في جرود بلدة عرسال، قبل نقلهن الى نقطة المصنع الحدودية مع سوريا، فجديدة يابوس.

وافادت مصادر معارضة قريبة من عملية الافراج ان 141 سيدة وعددا "قليلا" من الرجال اطلقوا، في مقابل الافراج عن 13 راهبة وثلاث سيدات كنا يعملن معهن في دير مار تقلا، احتجزن منذ كانون الاول بعيد دخول مقاتلين معارضين الى بلدة معلولا الاثرية المسيحية شمال دمشق.

ونفى الزعبي اي دور لقطر، الداعمة للمعارضة السورية، في الافراج عن الراهبات. وقال "عملية تحرير الراهبات جرت من دون أي اتصالات سورية قطرية مباشرة أو غير مباشرة على الاطلاق، بل كانت الجهات الامنية اللبنانية والتي مثلها اللواء عباس ابراهيم (...) على اتصال مع الاجهزة المختصة فى سوريا".

وشدد على ان الحديث عن اتصالات سورية قطرية "هو محاولة لترويج بعض الافكار وتسميم الاجواء وتحريض الرأي العام".

ووجه بعض مستخدمي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من مؤيدي الرئيس بشار الاسد، ووسائل اعلام قريبة من النظام، انتقادات للراهبات بعد الافراج عنهن، على خلفية شكرهن لدور قطر، وقولهن ان الخاطفين، وهم عناصر من جبهة النصرة المتطرفة، عاملوهم معاملة جيدة.

وكتب احد المستخدمين على موقع "فيسبوك" للتواصل الاجتماعي "من العار على الراهبات ان يشكرن من يقوم بذبح السوريين وتدمير سورية والاولى بهن ان يشكرن الجيش السوري البطل ودمائه الزكية".

كما قالت قناة "سما" الفضائية السورية في نشرتها الاخبارية الاثنين "ان تنسى راهبة تم تحريرها او تتناسى الجيش العربي السوري ودماء شهدائه، فذلك يندرج في خانة الخيانة او على الاقل الانحراف عن الوطن".

واضافت ان "ما قالته تلك الراهبة (...) شكر قطر والدفاع عن المسلحين ومدح انسانيتهم، تصريح لا مسؤول ولا مقبول ولا وطني (...) بل ويرقى الى مستوى وصمة العار".

التعليقات 22
Thumb popeye 13:40 ,2014 آذار 11

You have no shame, really. These were women and children and now you are asking the syrian regime to re arrest them?

Thumb cedre 13:41 ,2014 آذار 11

'agonic situation' ? thats not what they said...

'I hope from the SAA to follow up those released and catch them back'

please SAA arrest them and rape those women and kids again...

southern how much are u paid to sound so stupid and ridiculous ?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:35 ,2014 آذار 11

Nadine and Southern have no shame. Many (and likely most) of the women in Syrian jails are held there as hostages to pressure relatives who are part of the opposition. Many of these women suffer horrowing conditions. One can only hope that both of you end up in Syrian Mukhabarat jails so you have the chance to experience the humanity of that regime. And if anyone of you two is Lebanese, you should be ashamed. How many thousands of Lebanese perished under torture or executed by Syrian regime or were simply disappeared?

Thumb ex-fpm 18:12 ,2014 آذار 11

nadine is @sagh for your information

Thumb cedre 15:00 ,2014 آذار 11

i just love his sources, always .sy or .ir or .taqiyaBS

the website is new, most links are not working, articles from sana, the syrian electronic army is getting worse day by day...

Please visit the site just to see the level of stupidity of Southern, please ya chabab....

Thumb cedre 15:10 ,2014 آذار 11

of course it's fake, everything is fake, we're all living in the matrix, the khomeynist matrix.

Pro Assad/Khamenei muppets are very quiet today coz their leader ft is absent.MOUHAHAHAHAHA

Missing imagine_1979 15:11 ,2014 آذار 11

First thanks naharnet for deleting my coment.. Anyway i will rephrase it maybe it will pass:
Southern ur coment proves that u are no better than israelly or south lebanese army (jeich lahed), when i think of how many patriotic lebanese gave their lives so u can live freely... I thought we just have difference of opinion, but clearely u lost all sense of humanity...
Ur coment is a disgrace...

Missing imagine_1979 17:09 ,2014 آذار 11

So hilarious sagh/nadibe/lebpatriot...
U are so funny... And so human...
I wish that none of ur family will hv to live what those poor women went through...
Now, like usual, go have some chupachups...

Missing helicopter 15:27 ,2014 آذار 11

You consistently defend the Syrian regime and the Pro-Iran HA. You consistently attack the President of Lebanon. I suggest you change your avatar to something more indicative of your political and secterian affiliation.

Thumb zahle1 15:31 ,2014 آذار 11

I really don't understand why you are all jumping on Southern. He is not stating they should recapture women and nuns and children. He is referring to the terrorists that were set free. It was not clear their gender in the above article, it just says 25. Although we know the Assad regime has Lebanese locked up for their political beliefs, I am sure some of these individuals Nusra wants were some wackos. I see way more atrocities against helpless Christians by FSA/ISIL/Nusra. I know how dirty Assad can be, but I really believe in this war he is the better choice for our region.

Thumb cedre 15:41 ,2014 آذار 11

'He is referring to the terrorists that were set free.'


Thumb -phoenix1 17:05 ,2014 آذار 11

Thank you Zahle1, this is exactly the reason why I posted today, it seems that there are some people who just cannot accept in good faith the different opinions of others, this place could soon become stale.

Missing imagine_1979 17:29 ,2014 آذار 11

phenix u are right, i cannot accept that we give us the choice beteween assad and takfiri,i cannot accept that assad passes for our protector after all he did to our country, i cannot believe that after all we went through to make him leave our country he still can find a way to impose himself on us..
I cannot believe that 13 years old billal hamza killed while in custody of assad firces and sent back to his parents was a cleaner and more modern death than those of takfiris..
I cannot believe that after the destruction of towns by airstikes, scuds, explosive bariel on civilians they still can defend him bc of takfiris...
I cannot believe after 13political assassination, takfiri chaker el abssi, smaha/mamlouk... Some lebanese still count on this guy and his regime...
I think i will go hv some chupachups...

Thumb -phoenix1 18:09 ,2014 آذار 11

Thank you Imagine, I share in every single line you wrote, me too, I want neither the Syrian regime, nor the Takfiris or for that matter anyone to come and mess up our country. We are simply too fed up with them all, we pay a very high price for those who supported anything BUT Lebanese. It's time the Lebanese live in peace, the rest should go out now, out of Lebanon.

Missing imagine_1979 18:10 ,2014 آذار 11

U are perfectly right, all those against assad are takfiri/zionist/ksa/imperialists (like hamza el khatib, or takfiri also tortured him while in assad custody before giving back his corpse to his family...
Joe always great post man, keep it up... Now go have some chupachups...

Missing imagine_1979 18:12 ,2014 آذار 11

Sorry zahle the later coment was not intended to u... And the name of the child tortured by assad chabiha was hamza el khatib...

Thumb ex-fpm 18:06 ,2014 آذار 11

Zahle, no southern was not referring to what you describe as terrorists. He was referring to women because he clarified it in his later post which I am quoting

"you claim to be against the terrorists, but now I doubt in you.

here you got another link, Woman Held for Trying to Recruit Females for al-Nusra, Fugitive Hurt in Bekaa Chase!"

Thumb lebanon_first 15:53 ,2014 آذار 11

I just checked the website of southern... I found the following hilarious news!!! Tx southern for the laugh.

"st petersburg academy confers president assad a medal to defend syria's interests" WOuhahahahhahahahaaa!

Can you beleive that?

Thumb ex-fpm 17:15 ,2014 آذار 11

phoenix: I answered you yesterday on this matter. Do you feel your friend FT got censored for no reason? When you got censored do you believe it was unfair? I read your comments at that time and I believe you should have been censored and I think you agree. FT also used unacceptable language attacking another poster and I happened to read those comments. I am not defending anyone here as I get many of my comments deleted for no reason other than a multitude of people press the report button. Yes, it would be nice to stick to certain standards, but I think you are being unfair.

Missing imagine_1979 18:12 ,2014 آذار 11

U are perfectly right, all those against assad are takfiri/zionist/ksa/imperialists (like hamza el khatib, or takfiri also tortured him while in assad custody before giving back his corpse to his family...
Joe always great post man, keep it up... Now go have some chupachups...

Default-user-icon Rajeev (ضيف) 00:18 ,2014 آذار 12

Thank you President Assad. We, the American people (not our leaders and the Israel lobby), are fully behind you. It's terrible that you had to release all of these terrorists. But your resolve to rescue these nuns shows the lengths to which you have gone to protect Syrians of all faiths and the fact that you value saving lives over destroying them. You are a wonderful man and people in the history books will realize it. I pray that you may win and that the unholy alliance between America, France, Israel, Erdogan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar will fail. Syrians must remain free from a barbaric law based on a narrow and perverted interpretation of the Quran. Long live Assad and all peaceful Syrians! Death to Al Qaeda, ISIL, and their supporters!

Thumb zahle1 14:57 ,2014 آذار 12

Well I think many of us are on the same page. The only thing I am confused about is why my post was deleted? Can I email a moderator?