مجلس الوزراء يفشل مجتمعا بصياغة بيان وزاري بعد جلسة دامت ست ساعات

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فشل مجلس الوزراء مجتمعا في التوصل إلى صيغة توافقية للبيان الوزاري وتحديدا بند مقاومة إسرائيل، وذلك بعد مشاورات مكثفة داخله إلى جانب اجتماعات هامشية واتصالات على مستوى القيادات دامت ست ساعات.

وقرابة الساعة الحادية عشر من مساء الخميس رفعت الجلسة إلى يوم الجمعة لاستكمال المشاورات التي ستبقى مفتوحة.

وتعليقا على الأمر قال وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل لـ"OTV" أن "ما حصل اليوم إهانة للبنان وجيشه وشعبه ومقاومته ودولته".

وقبل ذلك أشارت قناة الـ"MTV" مساء إلى أن "محاولات إقناع سلام لتعليق استقالته حتى الغد باءت حتى الآن بالفشل" في حين تبين أن سلام سينتظر أقله ليوم الجمعة.

وفي آخر الصيغ المطروحة على طاولة المجلس ضمن الصيغ التي طرحت هي "مسؤولية الدولة في التحرير وحق الشعب اللبناني في مواجهة الإحتلال" بحسب قناة الـ"OTV".

وعلى هامش الجلسة عقدت اجتماعات جانبية مكثفة ابرزها بين وزير الصحة علي حسن خليل ووزير الصحة وائل ابو فاعور ووزير الزراعة أكرم شهيب.

وعلقت الجلسة أكثر من مرة بسبب هذه المشاورات.

كذلك طرحت صيغة باسيل التي طرحها في الجامعة العربية مع بعض التعديلات، وهي حق لبنان واللبنانيين في مقاومة الإحتلال.

في الجلسة أمل رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في "إنجاز البيان الوزاري الليلة"، وقال: "ليس من المقبول أن يقف إنجاز هذا البيان عند جملة واحدة".

قبل الجلسة التقى سليمان كلا من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ورئيس الحكومة تمام سلام واستمر اللقاء خمس دقائق فقط.

وسئل بري اذا كان الإجتماع قمحة ام شعيرة فأجاب ممازحا "ذرة صفراء من دون ملح".

يذكر ان بري أجرى الأربعاء سلسلة اتصالات من اجل الوصول الى صيغة للبيان الوزاري وعمل مع رئيس "جيهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط على بلورة صيغة توافقية.

وأعلن بري في حديث الى صحيفة "النهار"، الخميس، أنه يعتزم استباق جلسة مجلس الوزراء المقرر عقدها، عصراً في بعبدا، عبر المبادرة الى التشاور مع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان وسلام من أجل الافساح لمزيد من الاتصالات علها تنجح في التوصل الى مخرج.

يُذكر أن لجنة البيان الوزاري فشلت اثر اجتماعها العاشر، الثلاثاء، في التوصل الى صيغة للبيان الوزاري، ما استدعى من سلام إحالة البيان الى مجلس الوزراء الذي يعقد جلسته الخميس.

وكشفت صحيفة "النهار" أن سلام قال امام زواره الأربعاء "كنتُ جزءاً من الحل وليس من العرقلة، وكنتُ ولا أزال أمثّل صوت الاعتدال والوسطية وقد جئت بصوت 128 نائباً".

التعليقات 34
Thumb geha 08:29 ,2014 آذار 13

m8 is trying to up the ant by stopping payments of fuel for the electricity just to force m14 to accept their policy statement :)

m8 does not realize that m14 is firm on this and will not accept anything less than resistance under the state control.

whoever wants to keep the same old song can dream as much as they want.

Missing ghzayel 09:51 ,2014 آذار 13

Lets hope m14 stand firm at least this time and dont capitulate at the last minute
In front of m8 and ha folks.

Missing ghzayel 10:08 ,2014 آذار 13

The strategy of m8 and ha folks is to pour in massive votes in m14 sites like naharnet while they dont take any opposing povs in their proper media outlets .
a clever tactic m14 should learn from

Thumb geha 15:57 ,2014 آذار 13


m8 guys have a major voting complex :)
they have people whose sole role is to come in at night to vote their idiots up to 60 times :)

they are childish and stupid, but what to do with these a..h...s

Thumb -phoenix1 16:46 ,2014 آذار 13

Jerry and FT, by the way, FT welcome back. Back to the off-topic subject, if this is the case then, no matter who the people involved in the use of multiple accounts are, with all due respects to the Mods, it is their responsibility to ensure that such a distasteful practice is rooted out. Allow only one user per IP even though I know the idea doesn't sound too practical, since in one home there could be one or more users who in all sincerity don't use this practice but are reduced to use a home connection such as ADSL.

Missing hammouds 22:25 ,2014 آذار 13

So this is a conspiracy now?

Thumb geha 10:36 ,2014 آذار 13

Hahaha... unfortunately I am sure that very soon Lebanon is going to explode in a deadly civil war, but that is due to the Iranians invading our country and their local cronies executing their orders.
you can try to twist things the way you want, but apparently what you do not realize is that unlike your typical m8 followers (who might believe your rhetoric) we see BS when it tis thrown at us. you know, unlike some: we do have brains and we analyze what is going on.

Missing helicopter 17:16 ,2014 آذار 13

M8 has reduced Lebanese politics into a bazaar, used car lot like tactics with piracy and intimidation practices added to it. M8 are stepping all over the constitution, legal practices, and political decency. All those circus-like maneuvers we (Lebanese) had to endure throughout are because M8 refuse to allow a Cabinet to be formed according to constitutional practices ........... and they use the threat of resorting to Civil unrest if Constitutional practices were enforced. This is why so many Government sectors are controlled by Amal and HA and are being used as cash cows until the cows die. I am praying for a strong Army, strong ISF so the threat of arms in the hands of a faction will not be able to derail a whole country again.

Missing hammouds 22:24 ,2014 آذار 13

We'll see about that. If there's one thing that history has proven, it is that M14 only speaks of principles as bargaining chips and never holds to them. The clearest example is the STL, when Hariri Jr. offered to scrap it in return for Hezb's vote of confidence of a govt with Hariri as PM.

Missing hammouds 22:28 ,2014 آذار 13

Helicopter. Why do you continue to assume it is M8 that refuses to accept a govt? It is just as much their right to oppose a policy statement as it is for M14 to do so. It's called politics. You are commenting from the standpoint that somehow M14 is the true governor of Lebanon and M8 is merely being granted a gift to join the government. You fail to realize that both are equally apart of the govt and both have equal say (the right afforded to them by the number of seats each party controls).

Thumb geha 08:30 ,2014 آذار 13

then they should add the resist iran clause too.

Thumb geha 08:47 ,2014 آذار 13

Hezbollah assigned a lawyer to defend Jamal Daftardar, one of the leading figures in the Al-Qaeda-linked Abdullah Azzam Brigades, As-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper reported.

The news of the assignment was circulated and the legal and judicial circles were surprised by it, especially that Daftardar was the main aide for former Abdullah Azzam Brigades leader Majed al-Majed.

According to the information, Hezbollah paid a high rate for the lawyer

Thumb galaxy 10:40 ,2014 آذار 13

yes geha, i read that too. Strange indeed!

Missing forces 08:31 ,2014 آذار 13

this is shameful at best. We must be the laughing stock of the international community. What could there possibly be new that hasn't been discussed already? It must be that miracle Geagea spoke of. When are we going to start focusing on whats right and whats good with our country and propose a policy statement that encompasses all this. A policy statement that provides clarity to the people and is simple to administer.provides aframe work for investment and infastructure etc. why must we always be slaves to this unhealthy addiction of being the victims and then spend eternity arguing over which evil is lessor..

Default-user-icon عصفورية (ضيف) 08:35 ,2014 آذار 13

بري: تراجعنا عن الثلاثية لكن لن نتراجع عن أي حرف من كلمة مقاومة.
يعني فينا نستغني عن الشعب او عن الجيش او عن الاثنين معا. logique.

Thumb geha 09:08 ,2014 آذار 13

you can easily thank your m8 friends for the state of our economy for all they have done since 2000 till today!
they have caused the 2006 war, they did 7 ayar, they have blocked the country in Beirut downtown, they killed so many m14 leaders, they blocked the airport road so many times, they threatened Arabs so they do not come anymore, they have held the whole country under the mercy of their weapons....
and you wonder about our economy?
all that is required is to accept to place their weapons under the state control, that is if they really support the LAF, they should do it without any hesitation.

Thumb geha 10:11 ,2014 آذار 13

thank you for your nice words :)
instead of this useless comment of yours why don't you pinpoint for me where in my comment I made errors!
all these events happened or not? did they affect our economy or not?

Thumb geha 10:13 ,2014 آذار 13

are you for real? sincerely do you believe any word you said?
any sane person realizes the futility of your comment not to say your obvious stupidity!

Thumb geha 10:40 ,2014 آذار 13

you insult our intelligence when you say what you say! it is either we call you off or ....
anyway I try to take what you said and try to stretch it in any way possible, it does not make sense, but a sign of someone who has learned the propaganda he was fed.

I asked you above to clearly say what is not real in my comment but you failed to provide a plausible answer, thus .....

Thumb galaxy 10:41 ,2014 آذار 13

you are posting spam joseph!

Thumb popeye 10:44 ,2014 آذار 13

absolute zero credibility

Thumb popeye 10:56 ,2014 آذار 13


Thumb popeye 11:05 ,2014 آذار 13


Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 11:28 ,2014 آذار 13

all parties applauded ,supported ,blessed and were willing to adopt the road map of the patriarch
let this road map be policy statement and build on it

Thumb mckinl 13:19 ,2014 آذار 13

This the last chance to keep Lebanon to keep from descending into political and financial chaos. The stakes couldn't be higher.

We see the Lebanese credit rating plummeting. The Central Bank will soon be in disarray. Unemployment will expand, social unrest explode.

Of course this is good news for the likes of Suleiman who wants to privatize public assets. The IMF will have to be called in to "sort things out".

To understand how the IMF "sorts things out" just take a look at Greece, Spain, Portugal and many eastern EU countries ... it isn't pretty.

The parties must put aside "policy posturing" or Lebanon is on its way to asset stripping and debt serfdom to banksters and western corporations.

Missing helicopter 17:22 ,2014 آذار 13

All the chaos you mentioned happened when your HA was in charge of the whole cabinet. But as a spoiled thug, M8 never have enough of the spoiler game and to top it they lack the honesty of owning up to their evil deeds. They are like the woman who sweeps in front of her door and moves it all to the door of her neighbour.

Missing jeff070 15:26 ,2014 آذار 14

To keep from descending into financial and political chaos? aren't we already in it @mckinl?

Thumb beiruti 14:59 ,2014 آذار 13

The Hezbollah arsenal can be quite easily made legitimate by putting it under the political direction and control of civilian government authority in Lebanon. A mutual defense treaty could be executed between Lebanon and Iran whereby the force could become legitimate as an Iranian force at the service of the Lebanese Government, like the US has treaties with South Korea or Germany.

Thumb beiruti 15:19 ,2014 آذار 13

But, this is not the strategy. Iran wants to keep freedom of operations with its Hezbollah brigade. The last thing it wants is to lose political control to the Lebanese political class.
Hezbollah needs the legitimization that comes with the policy statement in order to secure its sources of funding from all of the illegitimate sources that it derives its income.

Thumb eli-g 15:34 ,2014 آذار 13

have peace with Israel. Its best solution to Lebanon. Have peace and prosper. Forget about this chest pounding war mentality.

Thumb beiruti 16:00 ,2014 آذار 13

Israel first has to have peace with itself before we can have peace with Israel. The conflict with the Arabs since 1948 has been the one great unifying factor for Israelis. They can all agree about that. But about everything else they disagree, even about the definition of what it means to be a Jew.
Just yesterday, the Knesset passed a law to require the Ultraorthodox Jews join the Army and to work and this has touched off great demonstrations over their special status as special Jews.
There is much left undefined about Israel besides its borders. Like with any relationship, you have to know the person before engaging in a relationship. However, if the person does not know herself, how are we to know her?

Thumb -phoenix1 16:52 ,2014 آذار 13

Forming a new cabinet was probably seen as a political fight that one side had to win, but making a policy statement for the new cabinet that will only serve for a couple of months anyway, and it taking such a ridiculously long time makes of this issue a truly laughable matter. In light of this latest joke, my advice for Mr. Salam who in all cases is held in high esteem by us all, best would be for him to resign and leave the clowns to their own sick devices. Let them all take a good look around them, nothing works anymore in Lebanon, if these sods cannot think of the nation, then let Salam leave them till all is completely messed up. I now believe that a wise man saw all this joke and preferred not to join the circus.

Missing coolmec 00:42 ,2014 آذار 14

No not walad but idiots and corrupt people are running this country. The same ones who took us through a devastating civil war and nothing was changed afterwards. And they are still leading the country
Poor Lebanon
Poor lebanese

Missing jeff070 16:05 ,2014 آذار 14

Question to the Lebanese: what is more important, Hezbollah having arms/fighting in Syria? or improve the economy, improve infrastructure, create jobs, improve education, etc...?

What's our focus?