اتصالات ولقاءات للراعي لـ"انقاذ الدولة وتحقيق المصلحة الوطنية"

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شهدت بكركي يوم الخميس، حراكاً سياسياً عبر لقاءات واتصالات أجراها البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، بحث خلالها مع عدد من المسؤولين الشأن الحكومي.

فقد أجرى الراعي اتصالين هاتفيين بكل من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ورئيس مجلس الوزراء تمام سلام، وتشاور معهما في الشان الحكومي.

وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، ان الراعي شدد خلال الاتصالين على "ضرورة تضافر الجهود من اجل الخروج بحلول وانقاذ الدولة وتحقيق المصلحة الوطنية العليا".

يُذكر أن لجنة البيان الوزاري فشلت اثر اجتماعها العاشر، الثلاثاء، في التوصل الى صيغة للبيان الوزاري، ما استدعى من سلام إحالة البيان الى مجلس الوزراء الذي يعقد جلسته الخميس. وسط أجواء عن توجه رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام الى الاستقالة.

والتقى الراعي قبل ظهر الخميس، وزير العمل، نائب رئيس "حزب الكتائب اللبنانية" سجعان قزي ووزير الاقتصاد آلان حكيم، عن "حزب الكتائب" ايضاً.

وأعلن قزي بعد لقاء الراعي أنه تم التداول في آخر ما توصلت اليه لجنة صوغ البيان الوزاري و"اﻻتصاﻻت الجارية للتوصل الى بيان يخرجنا من اﻻزمة".

التعليقات 9
Missing moonsear 13:35 ,2014 آذار 13

great...so they salvaged it...

Thumb beiruti 14:55 ,2014 آذار 13

Patriarch should hang up his Jibi and run for political office, or he should cling to his jibi and leave the politics out of the church. He should not have ambitions to do both because by attempting both, he succeeds at neither.

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:52 ,2014 آذار 13

@Beiruti ... I agree.

But I would also argue that Hassan Nasrallah should either drop the fake Cheikh / Sayyed BS and embrace politics rather than terrorism. Or drop Hezbollah and stick to his fake titles !

Thumb beiruti 15:34 ,2014 آذار 13

In modern states, no FT, there is a separation of Church from State. The Church is not the State. When it was in Europe, there was nothing but discord. In the Third World now, in Sudan (Christian v. Muslim), in CAR (Christian v. Muslim), in Ukraine (Catholic v. Orthodox) there is conflict based on religious differences that have worked themselves into the government.
Lebanon is plagued by clerics who are politicians. Do Christians make that situation better or worse, by miming their Muslim counterparts?

Thumb beiruti 17:03 ,2014 آذار 13

FT, America is far from being a homogeneous country when it comes to race, religion, national origin or anything else. The only thing that binds the US together is its constitution and laws in which there is enshrined in the First Amendment the separation of church and state and the fact that no religion test shall be required to hold office.
We have religious people competing against atheists, but because political rights are not defined by religion, its not a source of discord.

Thumb beiruti 18:37 ,2014 آذار 13

FT, you get your information about America too much from Faux News, I'm afraid and it sounds like you have not spent much time in the States. Americans are all equal under the Constitution and laws regardless of race, color or creed. It doesn't matter about demographic majorities because the Constitution does not favor one religion over the other, one race over the other, or one group of people who share a nation of origin over the other. America is a nation of emigrants. We are all mongrels.

Thumb beiruti 18:40 ,2014 آذار 13

In Lebanon, do you really think that all Lebanese share the same culture? Really? There are 18 religious sects, women's rights are dependent upon which religion and culture they were born into.
To allow religion to be the organizing principle of a multi-cultural and religious nation like Lebanon is insane. Religions spout religious dogma, it is ideological, not subject to compromise or dilution. Yet, politics, statecraft is all about compromise and pragmatism to allow all the people in pluralistic state enjoy the benefits of citizenship. How is this done by religious leaders who are the exemplars of their religious doctrines, and not given to compromise?

Missing peace 18:54 ,2014 آذار 13

M8 is rather working to salvage its privileges and interests ...
they do not care about the country and never did!

Thumb beiruti 23:05 ,2014 آذار 13

As I thought, FT, Fox News is your source and if you're getting it from "pure bred" Americans, over here we call those skin head White Supremists. To that bunch, me, being Lebanese American, 3rd generation, I'm not considered a "pure bred" American and if you came over here, you would be considered one either by your rather biased sources.