سلام يريد جلسة الحكومة قبل مهرجان "البيال"

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يأمل رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام أن يعقد مجلس الوزراء جلسته الجمعة، لبحث البيان الوزاري قبل بدء مهرجان قوى 14 آذار في البيان عصراً.

ونقل زوار سلام عنه قوله لصحيفة "السفير"، الجمعة، انه يريد لجلسة مجلس الوزراء أن تنعقد اليوم، قبل بدء مهرجان البيال، والسبب هو "خشيته من تعقد الأمور أكثر في الساعات المقبلة".

ويقوم سلام وفق الزوار "من يضمن لنا أن فريق 14 آذار لن يتصلب أكثر بعد الاحتفال".

وفشل مجلس الوزراء مجتمعا، عصر الخميس، في التوصل إلى صيغة توافقية للبيان الوزاري وتحديدا بند مقاومة إسرائيل، وذلك بعد مشاورات مكثفة داخله إلى جانب اجتماعات هامشية واتصالات على مستوى القيادات دامت ست ساعات.

وبعد ان كان سلام على وشك الاعلان عن استقالته، تمنى عليه المجتمعون ارجاء استقالته 24 ساعة افساحاً في المجال امام المشاورات، فاستجاب.

بدورها نقلت صحيفة "القبس"، الكويتية عن سلام تأكيده ان ثمة مسؤولية تاريخية على كل القوى السياسية بسبب الاخطار المتراكمة التي تخضع على البلاد.

التعليقات 11
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 08:31 ,2014 آذار 14

The Hizb will not agree to abide by government decisions or put its militia under the command of the military. If m14 agrees to the resistance clause without the Hizb agreeing to the above, then they should pack up and leave. If they succumb I will only vote for LF candidates.

Thumb gebran_sons 09:25 ,2014 آذار 14

Hizbollah is a curse on the Shia community before being a curse on Lebanon. Its support among the Shia is not much different than North Korean support to their despot leader; a mixture of ignorance, fear, indoctrination and imaginary victories. As North Koreans will surely one day wake up from its misery and depose their tyrant so will the Shia but the damage is already done and have reached the bones. Hizbollah is a criminal organization created by the Iranian Basij not much different from the Assad criminal regime. Their seemingly field victories are in fact time bombs that will isolate and impoverish their community for generations to come. With the help of the three musketeer useful idiots Aoun, Berri and Jumblat, they have imprisoned Shia and Lebanese in an Iron Curtain of hate and war where freedom and democracy never shine.

Thumb gebran_sons 09:25 ,2014 آذار 14

Lebanon was once the region’s beacon of freedom and tolerance and the regional headquarter for all multinationals providing good jobs and high standard of living. Now we are a banana republic on the verge of bankruptcy afflicted with leprosy that no multinational would touch. Any formal risk analysis would show that the economic cost of Hizbollah is in the hundreds of billions. Hizbollah and Israel are two sides of the same coin spreading a culture of hate, war and destruction. Likewise, Takfiris are a Hizbollah creation and the product of the misery, extremism and foreign agenda of Hizbollah. Sadly, March 14 has failed in upholding the principles of the Cedar Revolution and resorted to sectarian speeches. It is time for Cedar Revolution II to save Lebanon from its current path to the abyss and restore in Lebanon the flame of freedom, democracy, justice and human rights, the bacon to rectify the path of what left of the Arab Spring!

Thumb geha 08:44 ,2014 آذار 14

M14 officials know clearly this is the last straw: this trilogy is no more acceptable, and we reject being under Iranian invasion.

if ever m14 officials back down on this, then they will all be totally rejected by m14 base.

and as usual, now the personal insults and death wishes from mowaten, ft, and other m8 goons will start :)
what they do not know is that each time they do that, it means they have no valid reply to logical comments so they go personal, which makes me laugh :)
enjoy your day guys :)

Thumb geha 09:07 ,2014 آذار 14

I agree with you: we need to be defended.
that is why we have a state and an army.
what we reject is the so-called resistance that is under the orders of iran while it should be under the orders of the Lebanese state.

I hope YOU see the difference.
and if you are Lebanese, then you should approve my comment.

Missing coolmec 08:51 ,2014 آذار 14

Unfortunately the current balance of power is pretty much equal. In my opinion regardless who you want the country is paralyzed because our leaders are corrupt and look only for their personal interests instead of looking out for the Lebanese people who are in dire needs of the basics.. namely water, electricity, roads, medical care, jobs etc... you name it and what are they doing? bickering for a stupid statement..
Go figure

Missing imagine_1979 09:01 ,2014 آذار 14

Coolmec, long time no see, back to leb?...
I do agree with u, but in my opinion to adjust the gaps of our social and economic system stability is a must, since a part of our fellow lebanese can engage in wars (and pulling all the country with them) it will be hard to fix any issue (provided that there is a will to fix things) so we disagree on priorities i think...
I think that hezbollah just want a political cover from march 14 and that he is not reqddy to make any conscessions on his political and regional adgenda...
Anyway i might be wrong
Good to see u back anyway bro

Thumb geha 09:10 ,2014 آذار 14

well said imagine.
may I add, that after so many years with m8 blacking or governing, we reached the current economic situation.
thus, if we want really to see change at the economical level, then we need to have change at how this country is run.
and I am not saying that m14 officials are that good too :)
so we need change, but change with a lot of Lebanese interest first.

Missing coolmec 09:30 ,2014 آذار 14

Yes back in Beirut now will return to the US in about 40 days or so
you in Beirut?

Missing imagine_1979 11:56 ,2014 آذار 14

I live in north lebanon bro, in the middle of all this fun...
Happy to "see" you back

Thumb -phoenix1 17:46 ,2014 آذار 14

Mr. PM, well, to be honest, what is so wrong with the M14 position of now? Are they the only ones totally fed up with what is called the resistance?