قوة اسرائيلية خرقت الخط الازرق في محور تلال كفرشوبا وتقدمت 150 مترا

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خرقت قوة مشاة اسرائيلية حوالى الساعة العاشرة والنصف من قبل ظهر اليوم الاثنين الخط الازرق في محور تلال كفرشوبا وتقدمت الى مسافة 150 مترا الى الغرب من موقع السماقة.

ومكثت القوة الاسرائيلية التي تضم حوالى 12 عنصرا في المنطقة المحررة حوالى نصف ساعة، بعدها عادت الى مواقعها.

التعليقات 6
Default-user-icon Gabbanelli (ضيف) 17:53 ,2011 آب 08

Lebanon is like an accordion getting squeezed from both ends.

Thumb ado.australia 18:26 ,2011 آب 08

And why did the Lebanese army not fire warning shots? Maybe because they know that the Israelis are probing for an excuse to start a war? Bravo ya watan! As hard as it is to restrain themselves against such naked aggression, they are proving that they are led by a very intelligent commander in general Qahajie. With the domestic pressure that the state of Israel is experiencing with protests, they are looking for a diversion to galvenize the public opinion and distract them from their cause to oust their fanatical government.

Default-user-icon pong lenis (ضيف) 18:49 ,2011 آب 08

What? no comments from Israeli appologists?

The Lebanese Army did the right thing by not responding. They should continue doing so despite repeated provocations that are sure to continue...

Clearly, Israel, a warmonger as ever, is itching for a fight. They are hoping to use the economic crisis in the west and the unrest in Syria as cover: may be the world is too distracted to notice their crimes against the Lebanon, or perhaps they're hoping Hezbollah's is weaker now if the Syrian regime is too pre-occupied oppressing it's own people.

Yet Lebanon's had a parade of western officials "demanding" Lebanon honor it's international obligations. The Government should consistently respond to this nonsenes by showing Lebanon's diligence when it comes to international commitments and providing a detailed report of every single Israeli violation of Lebanon's sovereignty. Turn the table on these officials and demand that Israel too honor it's international obligations!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 19:02 ,2011 آب 08

What about the Syrian navy that ENTERED Lebanese waters and fired at fishermen!!! Is that not worthy of an article!! Why must it be ignored!! Were not Syria and will never be a part of Syria!!!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 19:06 ,2011 آب 08

Hahahaha, never mind :P

Default-user-icon fist (ضيف) 00:16 ,2011 آب 09

Lebanon is honoring it's commitments to the international community.
Israel is not honoring it's commitments to the international community.
The Islamic resistance in Lebanon is not honoring it's commitments to the Lebanese people on the other hand it will follow any order handed down from Iran even if it means the destruction of Lebanon, fida al moukawama al islamiya fi loubnan, fida al atatollah, fidaki ta filasteen