"تخوّف من ردات فعل انتقامية" بعد سقوط يبرود بيد النظام السوري

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سقطت بلدة يبرود السورية، الاحد، بيد القوات النظامية وهرب عدد من المسلحين الى جرود عرسال البقاعية الحدودية، فبرزت المخاوف الامنية من ان يتم اللجوء الى ردادت فعل انتقامية من قبل المجموعات المسلحة.

ونقلت صحيفة "السفير"، الاثنين، عن مصادر أمنية مطلعة، ان الاجهزة الامنية المختصة تأخذ بعين الاعتبار "احتمال أن تلجأ المجموعات المسلحة الى ردود فعل انتقامية، بعد هزيمتها في يبرود".

وكشفت المصادر عن ورود معلومات حول احتمال تسرّب أكثر من سيارة مشتبه فيها الى الداخل اللبناني.

الا أن مصادر عسكرية أفادت الصحيفة، أن وحدات الجيش اللبناني المنتشرة في عرسال اتخذت كل الإجراءات اللازمة للحؤول دون أي فوضى قد تترتب على التطورات الاخيرة.

في حين أشارت ال أن "الطبيعة الوعرة للجرود المتاخمة للحدود تجعل من الصعب ضبط التسلل اليها وبالتالي فإن مسؤولية الجيش تتركز على حصر بقعة الزيت ومنع توسعها الى ما بعد عرسال".

وليل السبت-الاحد سيطرت قوات النظام السوري يدعمها مقاتلو حزب الله على مدينة يبرود الاستراتيجية في ريف دمشق، محرزة تقدما ميدانيا مهما في الحرب مع مقاتلي المعارضة.

ومساء الاحد، انفجرت سيارة يقودها انتحاري في بلدة النبي عثمان البقاعية، تبناه تنظيم "لواء احرار السنة في بعلبك"، واضعا اياه ايضا في خانة "الانتقام ليبرود".

كما تبنت الاعتداء "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" المرتبطة بتنظيم القاعدة، التي قالت في بيانها: "فقد مكن الله لاخوانكم المجاهدين في جبهة النصرة في لبنان من الرد سريعا على تبجح وتشدق حزب ايران من اغتصابهم مدينة يبرود بعملية استشهادية مباركة على منطقة النبي عثمان احدى اوكار هذا الحزب".

التعليقات 13
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 08:19 ,2014 آذار 17

Karim - Please leave the Lebanese army out of your sectarian war.

Thumb popeye 08:30 ,2014 آذار 17

lol, exactly! They include and praise the army when they want. Yet, they are the first to attack the army when it does not do or they think is not doing what they want.

Thumb Elemental 08:22 ,2014 آذار 17

Let's use logic for a second. This feud has been going on for ages, centuries. Secondly? While this unnecessary death is happening, the rest of the world is advancing to further improve the quality of life for everyone. HA uses this ridiculous Zionist/Takfiri conspiracy which makes no sense, Salafi's are blind gun wielders, and nobody stops to ask themselves which side God's really on? The rest of this world is advancing, while this Karbala sourced fueled crap is solving nothing, just more death. Iran and KSA, go off and kill eachother, stop using Lebanon as your little playground. I watched and saw the same nonsense with NOTHING solved, you want to regress? go for it, I'm gonna see how there's plenty of good out there instead of this religion-fueled childishness. I can come on here 10 years from now, and IF you haven't nuked the crap out of eachother, the same policial and religious garbage will keep flowing. Quit being manipulated, grow a pair, and for ONCE think for yourselves.

Thumb Elemental 08:31 ,2014 آذار 17

HA/Iran will deny like usual and send their spokesmen out here too. Although they provide a good laugh, nothing changes in the end. Taqiya is what they live and breathe, and as for Qaeda? Ignorant gun toting fools. What logic is there where they kill eachother to please God? I'm sure even the almighty's pretty annoyed by both. I want both of you from each side to actually see a dead child and keep your "glorious composure" and I'm not talking on the net, I mean real life. Lebanon is their little playground, and the country de-evolves thanks to both of them. The rest of society advances, they remain regressed primitive children.

Thumb Elemental 08:39 ,2014 آذار 17

The primitive feud between them continues...

Thumb scorpyonn 09:17 ,2014 آذار 17

I think everyone should gang up and chase opur resistance back to Iran where it belongs.

Thumb Elemental 09:44 ,2014 آذار 17

Don't you dare use the LAF as cover for Iran's methods.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:13 ,2014 آذار 17

Hezbollah will get what it deserves for the lies that they spread.

Liar in Chief, Hassan Nasrallah has lied once again to the lebanese people claiming they are defending Lebanon from "takfiris". Why would he be "liberating" syrian cities and why would he and his ghanam be celebrating a victory for Bashar's Regime ?

Hassan Nasrallah has lied to you all, shown his true face, yet you M8 goldfish fail to see past the illusion when truth is staring you in the face !

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:19 ,2014 آذار 17

If you want to clean Lebanon, you should start with Dahyé. The Agitator in chief lives there...

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:29 ,2014 آذار 17

Simple roar : go have a walk in Dahyé ... find me a soldier ! And walk with a lebanese flag with you ! I'll see you on the other side !

Thumb cedre 15:17 ,2014 آذار 17

dont have others fake pictures from iraq to post ya brofessor ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:42 ,2014 آذار 17

Roar : he who supports Hezbollah and their pet dogs Tayyarjieh (because they smoke Hezbollah's crap) have no lessons to teach about false evidence and propaganda.

Go show me evidence that Hezbollah is fighting to "defend" Lebanon and maybe then we can talk. If they are truly defending Lebanon, they wouldn't be celebrating a "victory" in Yabrud because the terrorists are still out there.

Also, about fake propaganda, Aoun said the other day there were no Lebanese prisoners in Syria. What does he care to say about Bashars regime murdering them ?

Go play with your brainless peers instead of polluting this site !

Thumb -phoenix1 18:35 ,2014 آذار 17

This article makes it sound as if in Lebanon we were still living in a state of bliss. What more retaliation or retribution if one may ask? We are already deep in it, one more drop these days makes no difference, Lebanon has long since been dragged into Syria's war.