العثور على سوري مقتولا في الفنار: "انتقاما ليبرود ولشرف سوريا"
Read this story in Englishعثر صباح الثلاثاء، على جثة رجل من التابعية السورية، مقتولاً بطعنات سكين في منطقة الفنار، قضاء المتن وقد كُتِبَ بدمه عبارة: "انتقاماً ليبرود ولشرف سوريا".
وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، الثلاثاء، انه عثر على السوري علي موسى هرموش، مقتولاً بطعنات سكين، داخل مشروع "فنار رزيدانس"، الذي هو قيد الانشاء، قرب مبنى كلية الاعلام والتوثيق للجامعة اللبنانية - الفرع الثاني.
وقد كتب على حائط الغرفة التي وجد فيها بدمائه عبارة: "انتقاما ليبرود ولشرف سوريا".
ولفتت الوكالة الى ان القوى الامنية طوقت المكان بانتظار وصول الادلة الجنائية والطبيب الشرعي.
وليل السبت-الاحد سيطرت قوات النظام السوري يدعمها مقاتلو حزب الله على مدينة يبرود الاستراتيجية في ريف دمشق، بعد فترة من القتال، محرزة تقدما ميدانيا مهما في الحرب مع مقاتلي المعارضة.
ونزح الى لبنان، منذ بدء الازمة السورية في آذار 2011، آلاف السوريين، بعضهم من يدعم الثورة السورية والبعض الآخر داعم لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد. كما ينقسم اللبنانيون بين داعم للمعارضة ومؤيد للنظام السوري.
Monsters! Find him and televise his hanging! The only way to teach people like this a lesson.
Zalka, your is the one post that made my day. This exactly how it should be from now on. Our prison system is notorious for being excessively overcrowded, cramped and the situation for all but a few privileged inmates is beyond nightmarish. Some inmates are simply petty criminals, and yes, rest assured that there are also some innocents there too. But now to keep catching such criminals and throwing them in our jails will only exacerbate the tragic situation even further, so yes, I am for a full judicial procedure, till proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt, thereafter just hand them, in public will be even better. being a businessman, I'd suggest that an entry fee be charged, then the proceeds to go to improve our prisons.
Any terrorist should be hanged, be he or she Hezbollah, or Takfiri or whatever, a criminal is a criminal, period, and the same rope should be used, as bristle as it could be.
FT, you remind me how Hezbollah accuses anyone or anything that "bothers" them of being Israeli agents or takfiris to justify their murder and wars...
You mean like how they closed Samer Hanna's case by letting the killer run free ? This is the other way around but you see what I mean...
Until we determine who killed this guy and why he was really killed, we cannot advance such theories.
And no one is letting the killer run free because it's supposedly a political crime.
Do I need to remind you we have suffered much larger political crimes and the only ones letting these killers free are hezbollah (eliminating them or making them "dissappear" or sending them to Iran) !
You made the parallelism when you said "vented out as a political crime and the case closed and the killer running free"... this is what happened to Samer Hanna's case...
You have raised "pre-judgments" without knowing the first thing about the case above, who the killer is and reached a stupid conclusion that this case will end up closed.
And I don't have Hezbophobia... this would imply I'm afraid of Hezb which is not the case. I'm afraid of the imbeciles that blindly support the Hezb because they are too dumb to see the truth !
These takfiris are getting very creative in their methods of defeating... well... umm... duh... themselves??? with behaviors proving their extreme Sanni lunacy. The more they lose the crazier they get leading to more losses followed by more lunacy which leads to.... You get the idea. takbir