حزب الله يعثر على "وثائق خطيرة" تعود لـ"جبهة النصرة"
Read this story in Englishأفادت معلومات صحافية أن "حزب الله قد عثر على وثائق تعود لجبهة "النصرة" تحتوي على خرائط لطرق الضاحية وأحيائها ومداخلها و تؤكد خروج 15 سيارة مفخخة قبل سقوط يبرود بساعات متّجهةً إلى لبنان".
وكشفت مصادر أمنية في حديث لصحيفة "الجمهورية" نشر الأربعاء، أنّ "حزب الله عثر على وثائق تعود لغرفة العمليات التابعة لجبهة "النصرة" في يبرود، تحتوي على خرائط لطرق الضاحية وأحيائها ومداخلها، وقد وُضعت عليها إشارات".
ولفتت الى أن " الوثائق والمعلومات التي رصدها الحزب تؤكد خروج 15 سيارة مفخخة قبل سقوط يبرود بساعات متّجهةً إلى لبنان عبر معابر سرّية وغير شرعية داخل الحدود اللبنانية ـ السورية، وهي معابر لا تزال تحت سيطرة المسلحين لجهة سوريا، أمّا من الجهة اللبنانية فيصعب السيطرة عليها بشكل تامّ نظراً لوجودها تحت تضاريس معقّدة".
وأكدت المصادر عينها أن "الحزب يعمل جاهداً على ضبطها ومراقبتها عبر تسيير دوريات وإقامة نقاط استطلاع ومراقبة ورصد.
وأشارت "الجمهورية" الى أن "الحزب قد عثر على وثائق ستكشف أموراً خطيرة تتعلق بـ"جبهة النصرة" والجماعات المسلحة ومموّليها وداعميها، وسيكشف عنها في الوقت المناسب تاركاً لقيادة الحزب اختيار التوقيت".
يُشار الى أن لبنان يشهد وضعا أمنيا مترديا، وذلك منذ دخول عناصر حزب الله على خط القتال الدائر في سوريا يتوالى سقوط الصواريخ ووقوع الانفجارات الانتحارية في المناطق البقاعية المؤيدة ل وفي الضاحية، وذلك في اعتداءات يتباها أكثر من تنظيم منها "جبهة النصرة في لبنان" و"الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام - ولاية دمشق" و"سرايا مروان حديد" وهي كتائب سورية معارضة وإسلامية.
All of the things you said were done by ISIL (in Arabic Dahesh). Guess who is fighting ISIL? Clue: The rebels. Guess who has been providing ISIL with artillery and air support? The regime. Did you get the point?
"They will be made public at the appropriate time" LOL
Like kids who tell you "I can kill you if I want, you are lucky I won't do it"
I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, Flamethrower..... , but alas!
I would not be surprised they gathered documents, which would incriminate directly Qatar as the main supporter of extremists.
nothing new here! iran supports hizbushaitan and the Syrian regime, while Qatar supports sunni extremists including muslim brotherhood.
Hopefully HA has the documents related to Al Nusra's chemical attacks and who enabled them to carry out these operations.
The truth about the chemical attacks including Ghouta is just a matter of time ... It has already been shown that the shells used couldn't have been fired from Syrian Army positions. Their range was too limited. Well that leaves Al Nusra doesn't it ???
mckinl showing his ignorance again.
Do u know that those chemicals have to be set in a specific way?
Do u think a non trained person can use them ?
Do u think it's easy to prepare, like a noodle pot maybe ?
Add hot water, flavour sachet and wait ?
Funny that everytime regime is losing strategic places, nusra bomb itself with chemicals to provoke a western intervention that they know will not come...
man they did really found tons of documents,but they are all blank "probably secret ink they can never uncover" so they will do us all a favor & fill them up since they are soo smart & know what ison them, so sit tight & dont worry, they will tell us as they get filled, but that might take a bit till they boss "mo'alem" get out of the hospital, as they didnt find any heart to treat, it was an eveready battery that they swapped with energizer!
@ cedre
Al Nusra had chemical weapons ... It is well known ...
"According to former defense correspondent Kenneth R. Timmerman, writing in September 2013, sources with access to intelligence reports had told him that "intelligence reports from French and Jordanian military intelligence show that the jihadist al-Nusra front rebels acquired similar rockets and chemical agents earlier this year when they overran a chemical weapons depot in Aleppo on May 17 and captured a rocket unit in Daraa no[t] long afterward".[93]"
I await the day when I will read ONE meaningful post, ONE counter argument, ONE credible or mature info from you, flamethrower.... , but alas!
Just like they made public the evidence implicating Israel for hariri's murder ?
Hezbollah once again is obstructing justice. They are witholding evidence of terrorist plots...
How long will you M8 sheep accept that Hezbollah is pissing on the Lebanese state and its security forces be it the army or police ?
Really? They have maps of Dahiyh??? This is top secret stuff! Google Earth has maps of Dahiyh, maybe Hezbollah has captured Google Earth too!