سلام يؤكد حصر مرجعية الدولة: سنولي "اهمية استثنائية" لمواجهة الارهاب

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أكد رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام على ان مجلس الوزراء سيولي أهمية "استثنائية" لمواجهة الأعمال الارهابية التي تطال المناطق اللبنانية، مشدداً على "مرجعية الدولة الحصرية في كل القضايا السياسية العامة للبلاد".

وفي كلمة ألقاها في مجلس النواب خلال جلسة منح الثقة للحكومة، الاربعاء، أكد سلام على ان حكومته "تولي اهمية استثنائية لمواجهة الاعمال الارهابية وستتابع تعزيز قدرات الجيش والقوى الامنية للقيام بهذا الواجب اضافة لواجباتها بحماية الحدود وضرب الامن".

ولفت الى العمل على تسريع عملية تسليح الجيش وتجهيزه "من خلال مختلف مصادر التمويل وخاصة المساعدة السعودية".

الى ذلك، شدد سلام على "وحدة الدولة وسلطتها ومرجعيتها الحصرية في كل القضايا المتصلة بالسياسة العامة للبلاد وبما يضمن حماية لبنان، وسيادته، وعلى التزامها مبادئ الدستور واحكامه وقواعد النظام الدستوري وتطبيق الطائف".

ودعا سلام الى الالتزام بسياسة النأي بالنفس، "في ظل الاوقات العصيبة التي تمر بها المنطقة".

وأكد ان الحكومة ستعمل على "تأمين المناخات الايجابية للحوار، واستكمال النقاش حول الاستراتيجية الدفاعية وستعمل على تنفيذ مقررات الحوار الوطني، وستسعى إلى التأكيد على مبدأ الحوار والتمسك بالسلم الأهلي".

ولفت الى ان اهم تحديات الحكومة هي خلق الاجواء اللازمة لاجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في موعدها احتراما للدستور، متعهداً بسعي حكومته لاقرار قانون جديد للانتخابات النيابية.

من جهة أخرى أكد سلام الحرص على "تعزيز العلاقات مع الدول الشقيقة والصديقة والتعاون معها والتأكيد على الشراكة مع الاتحاد الأوروبي في إطار الاحترام المتبادل للسيادة الوطنية".

أما عن ملف النازحين السوريين، فأكد سلام العمل على "وضع آليات واضحة" للتعاطي مع ملف النازحين السوريين وتحميل المجتمعَين العربي والدولي مسؤولياتهما في هذا الامر.

كما شدد على عمل حكومته في المواضيع المالية والاقتصادية والعمل على تطويرها وحلحلة المشاكل المتعلقة بها، خصوصاً ملف التنقيب عن النفط والغاز في لبنان.

التعليقات 15
Thumb popeye 11:56 ,2014 آذار 19

"Salam Vows to Confront Terrorism at Confidence Vote Session"

Hello! Mr. Salam just a small reminder you are presiding over a cabinet that includes a party whose military wing is classified as a terror organization, the very same wing that is roaming the streets, putting up barricades, fighting in Syria, and committing massacres.

Thumb lebanesenationalist 13:25 ,2014 آذار 19

Growing up I, and many Lebanese like me, played counterstrike. Who would have known that as adults, our lives would be eerily similar to the game?

Thumb popeye 13:33 ,2014 آذار 19

Thanks for deleting my post, as usual by a spiteful user.

"Salam Vows to Confront Terrorism at Confidence Vote Session"

Mr. Salam you are presiding over a government that includes a party whose military wing has been classified as a terror organization by the world. This terror party is left to roam the streets and set up road blocks, fight in Syria, commit massacres, and intimidate the Lebanese. Charity starts at home Mr. Prime Minister.

Thumb ice-man 16:18 ,2014 آذار 19

who could that be? hehehehe!

Thumb -phoenix1 18:06 ,2014 آذار 19

I know one thing is for sure, if we Lebanese do not unite, then we are doomed.

Missing forces 10:01 ,2014 آذار 20

poor little boy will bear the scars of war for the rest of his life. Rightly so, you were wronged during the war.. however I tell you friend the ouwet of yesterday were born from necessity to protect the christian faith in lebanon. yes on plenty of occasions these were young men bearly old enough to shave and having witnessed the atrocities of war they turned to drugs as an outlet. they wronged alot of lebanese and did their cause no justice. not unlike the vietnam vet's that ended up in depression,drug induced deaths and the like..
This is by no means an excuse for their actions, but rather a context. I am comfortable with the knowledge that the lebanese forces for the main part acted the best they could with the best interest of the lebanese christians in mind. I also pray you learn that forgiveness is a true virtue, and that these young boys that wronged you did not ask to be put into their situation.

Missing coolmec 18:08 ,2014 آذار 19

who is????

Missing coolmec 18:11 ,2014 آذار 19

Hi Phoenix
If Lebanese would unite we would not be in such dire strait right now
I hope Lebanese can unite

Missing coolmec 23:47 ,2014 آذار 19

do you really rxpect the STL to bring justice and unmask the murderers??

Missing coolmec 23:47 ,2014 آذار 19


Missing coolmec 23:59 ,2014 آذار 19

I fully agree with you. In fact I think if we really can set this up we would not be where we are today and Lebanon and the Lebanese would be much better off. My concern is how much chance this STL would happen?
My God after all the Lebanese have been going through namely poverty, deceit etc.. in one word living hell they have not even moved or joined in a mass rally to denounce these corrupt politicians. so the chances of seeing an STL like to pursue our leaders are next to nil unfortunately.

Missing coolmec 00:02 ,2014 آذار 20

2) My hope is to see the Lebanese joining in and really pursuing the mass protest with the aim to restore Lebanese state and its institutions and have a government from the Lebanese for the Lebanese. KSA, Syria, USA, Europe should not determine our political course and dictate who our leaders are. WE the Lebanese should do that without any interference from the outside. Unless Lebanese do that I am afraid we are doomed and Lebanon soon will be absorbed by foreign elements namely Syria and the Lebanese entity will disappear

Missing coolmec 00:34 ,2014 آذار 20

we have yet to see these 3 billion military aid to effectively materialize and what kind of weapons will it bring to the LAF and how much will be pocketed by our leaders. we all know they will grab a share they really believe belongs to them so...
how can you expect the LAF to act if we have a weak and powerless president and prime minister and government??

Missing coolmec 00:03 ,2014 آذار 20

We Lebanese will be reduced to a diaspora which we already have and growing....

Missing coolmec 00:05 ,2014 آذار 20

OOOps Terrorist
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