أهالي المعتقلين في سوريا يطالبون ابراهيم بحلّ قضيتهم
Read this story in Englishأفادت معلومات صحافية أن "أهالي المعتقلين في السجون السورية يطالبون المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم حلّ قضية ذويهم القابعين في السجون السورية".
وطالب أهالي العتقلين، بحسب صحيفة "النهار"، ان "يبادر المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابرهيم، بما عرف عنه من خبرة في حل قضايا المخطوفين، الى طرح الموضوع على القيادة السورية من اجل حل هذه المسألة مرة واحدة ونهائية وتسليم الجثث واطلاق من تبقى وطي هذا الملف وابعاده عن المتاجرة به واستخدامه سياسياً سواء ضد النظام السوري او معه".
وأشارت "النهار"، الخميس، الى أن "ثمة طرفا واحدا في هذه العملية هو الجانب السوري الذي يملك كل المعطيات والتقارير التي قدمتها "اللجنة اللبنانية" برئاسة القاضيين جوزف معماري وجورج رزق. وليس هناك من حاجة الى التفاوض مع طرف ثان او ثالث او السؤال عن اي فدية، بل ان الاهالي يريدون معرفة الحقيقة سواء اكان احباؤهم احياء أم لا".
يشار الى أنه بفضل المفاوضات التي قام بها ابراهيم، ساهم بإطلاق سراح مخطوفي أعزاز في تشرين الأول الفائت بعد 11 شهراً على اختطافهم، كذلك أسهم بتحرير راهبات معلولا في آذار الحالي.
Poor families. THey are law abiding (they do not cclose roads and burn tires). They are unarmed (they do not kidnap Syrian regime loyalists to exxchange them with their sons and daughters), and they gave up on asking Aoun for help as he already told them there are no prisoners held by Bachar.
One of the greatest tragedies of modern day Lebanon are these missing persons.
I hope a concerted political effort takes place to liberate or at least tell the fate of these resistance heroes.
what tragedy? didn't Aoun pinky swear that there are no Lebanese prisoners in Syria???
what a truly sad fate, and i sincerely hope that their families get some closure, but it is extra sad because most of them are Aoun's men.
Distort events??? And you call yourself an fpmer? His words are clear for you to look up when he visited Syria. If you choose look it up GREAT. I have no time to do your homework for you. And if you choose not to you can stay in your shell and live your mouth fed charade for as long as you like. At the end it won't change the reality of his words.
FT there is no way you can deny that Lebanese were not kidnapped by the regime for politics... Many of us have family this happened to. I know post Syrian occupation it did not impact Shiites the same way but this is one of the reasons many of us are anti-Assad.
FT, when Aoun said that Bashar told him there were no Lebanese political prisoners and Aoun repeats it, it means he bought into it, or is agreeing with this statement.
So you are telling me that you are perfectly ok with Aoun going to Syria, having a pow wow with bashar, and bashar telling him, hey buddy, we dont have any Lebanese prisoners, scouts honor.. cross my heart and hope to die... and aoun walks out of that meeting and stands in front of cameras and says, hey folks bashar told me there were no prisoners in syria.. that does NOT mean he is agreeing with what bashar has to say?? Aoun could not have manned up and say i do not believe a word this two timer says? and as i have said in France MANY MANY times... there ARE Lebanese prisoners in Syria? (not to mention ALLLLLLLLLLL the other things he said of Syria in France)
Is he not held accountable? as i have said before FT, you have immense intelligence, but when it comes to Aoun you just go blank.
my interpretations are borne of my hatred of Aoun... sure FT.. as i have said on many occasions when it comes to Aoun you just go blank. go ahead and keep on coming up with your excuses... anything to justify your blind following of this or that man.. just like the sheep you claim everyone else to be...
and there you go again.. m14.. lump em all into one group everybody who is m8 is smart, good looking, and patriotic... everyone in m14, is short, fat stupid and an israeli traitor.. good job on the binary-ness...
and p.s. if i am not mistaken the visit was in december 2008... civil war? what civil war?
p.p.s. m14 has been asking since 2005 to demarcate... also civil war eh?
All of you guys are stupid. The problem is both M14 and M8. These are the same people who led the militias to slaughter each other in the civil war. What the hell is the difference between now and back then? There is none.
why was my comment deleted? naharnet do you read the comments before deciding if it is deleted or not? or just because it is reported?
as i said.. Aoun swore and guaranteed that there were no prisoners in syria, which is sad because most of those who are, or were, in syrian jails are his own men and followers..
may God give the families closure.
Uhuh, was that why the nuns were freed and the kidnappers' demands met? Interesting.