غارات سورية على جرود عرسال
Read this story in Englishنفذ الطيران السوري، صباح الخميس، غارات على جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية، دون ان تفيد المعلومات الصحافية عن سقوط ضحايا.
فقد تعرضت منطقة وادي عجرم وخربة يونين، لغارات سورية.
ومساء الاربعاء، اغار الطيران السوري أيضاً، على بلدة عرسال من دون الافادة عن وقوع اصابات، بحسب ما ذكر مصدر امني لوكالة "فرانس برس".
ورجح المصدر ان يكون القصف استهدف مقاتلين سوريين فارين من منطقة القلمون السورية الحدودية مع عرسال.
وكانت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام قد أفادت الاربعاء أن الجيش اوقف على حاجز في عرسال 15 سوريا دخلوا الاراضي اللبنانية بأوراق مزورة، بينهم عناصر من جبهة النصرة.
ومنذ سيطرة القوات النظامية السورية الاحد الماضي على مدينة يبرود في القلمون، لجأ الاف السوريين بينهم مقاتلون الى عرسال التي باتت تستضيف اكثر من ستين الف لاجىء سوري، بحسب السلطات المحلية فيها.
وواصل الجيش السوري مدعوما من حزب الله الاربعاء التقدم في القلمون وسيطر على بلدة راس العين الصغيرة. وكانت يبرود اكبر معقل لمقاتلي المعارضة السورية في القلمون.
Day after day, you grow closer to Al Nusra cedre. If you weren't so blind, you would realize it is your beloved Takfiris, that shoots upon those protesters, in order to create secterian strife, and civil disobedience.
Mystic, I dream of the day "someone" will bomb Hezbollah into obsolecense and you will come running to the rest of us for help and shelter !
NO FOREIGN ARMY, be it IRANIAN or SYRIAN or ISRAELI should be able to bomb our land and not be held accountable !
Hezbollah should be defending our borders from all attacks including SYRIAN MILITARY PLANES !
If you fail to do so, then you are traitors and will be hanged for this come judgment day... sooner than you would think !
Flamecatcher, run to where? I am Lebanese, and if i die here so be it. Who would stand for the hanging? You? As i had said many times to you, and other takfiri goons, I would like to see you try if you dare. Second, we have takfiris on our soil, pounding Syrian villages aswell as Lebanese, so i can't see anything wrong in getting support from our neighbours, just like we support them, they support us.
I agree that it's a shame that anyone is able to bomb our country especially a neighboring regular army. This town may have some extremists in its population but we have our people there. This is the double standard I speak of and the disrespect to the greater Sunni community.
zahle1, the people of Arsal, as i mentioned before are being held hostage. The Al Nusra front which the Syrian army are targeting, are the same people that blew up a LAF checkpoint in Hermel, not a month ago. You should rather focus, on the Al Nusra infestation, which holds the Arsal community hostage. They must be freed, just like Nahr Al Bared.
@Mystic : thank you for showing you're indeed a traitor to this country.
1- Who asked Bashar for support by bombing Lebanon ? Hezbollah ? Or the Lebanese Government ?
2- Who ordered Hezbollah to support Bashar in Syria ? Iran or the Lebanese gov ?
Hezbollah is the takfiri on both Lebanese and SYrian soil. You are traitors, you will be hanged and I will pull the string !
And don't threaten me or "Dare" me with all your weapons. We kicked out Bashar with nothing but words ! We will deal with you just the same ! You're not the first terrorist group to try and hijack lebanon !
First off, the village is being bombarded by a regular army. I don't really have an opinion on who is right Assad or FSA. However, the double standard is that Arsal is allowed to be bombed by a regular army. If a Lebanese Sunni wants to fight in Syria they are arrested. If a Lebanese Sunni wants to have arms they are arrested. I'm not saying we need to get rid of all of the armed foreigners in Arsal. I am sure there are plenty we need to get. But what makes HA arms so holy and untouchable, and be a be able to travel free back and forth to Syria? That is all I am saying. That is the double standard. Maybe there are some normal Sunni in our country that feel threatened by HA overstepping their promise to fighting Israel only.
Bashar drops barrel bombs on his people INDISCRIMINATELY!!! you Mystic REEEEE... just as back in 2011 he was Shooting at Demonstrators... HE and your Group are Super Sectarian in nature you Reeeeee Hypocrites!!!!
DO NOT TURN the Table and say it was the other way ...
AND do not Say there was even foreign fighters back them either...
The army is doing it's job, and soon we don't have to listen about these airstrikes anymore, because the army would've freed Arsal by that time. Just like they freed Nahr Al Bared, this is the same episode, a minority Al Qaeda group, keeping the good people of Arsal as hostages. People of Hermel and other villages in Baalbek, lived side by side with their sunni neighbours, for generations. They can still do that, but first Arsal have to be freed by it's captors.
let's be fair. I'd say to both sides go to hell. You simply cannot blame one side alone. The problem stems from our army simply unable to control our border. we need a strong government to give the green light to our army to effectively protect our border.
What other side? I talk about the ones threatening, the National security of Lebanon, that is the takfiris indeed.
No, Hezbollah is protecting Lebanon from the takfiri invasion, along with our beloved LAF.
if indeed HA is protecting Lebanon from the takfiris invasion, HA better then attack the takfiris currently in Lebanon. It is no secret the Palestinian camps as well as some towns IN Lebanon are infested with takfiris along with booby trapped cars ready to explode. If I were HA I'd redirect my strategy inward and fight these takfiris currently inside Lebanon BEFORE I fight those who may enter.
Don't you think it would make more sense???
I don't have a problem you supporting HA. every person is entitled to his /her own view and I respect that but at the same time I have more respect if mistakes made are recognized. I never go for blind support
Indeed we have takfiris in Lebanon, but in order to eradicate them in Lebanon, we have to find their main source at the moment, which is Syria. When we have helped the Syrian National Army restore security at the border, and when the Resistance missions are accomplished in Syria, then we can focus on the remaining takfiris in Lebanon.
Hezbollah is already in Lebanon, you make it sound like they all left for Syria, which is not true. The Resistance are doing everything they can, in order to help the LAF and state secure the cities and checkpoints.
Phil, if you live in Lebanon you should consider yourself lucky, that the takfiris haven't attacked Christian areas yet, if not for the Resistance, which is the wall between Al Qaedas domination of Lebanon, then you would probaly be leaving in the US now, if not already.
We must lock the valve flowing with takfiris from Syria, in order to deal with them probaly in Lebanon.
We Know there are takfiris now!!! Because of the ASSad and the nASSri... but you paint anyone opposed to the nASSri and ASSad Barel Bombers as takfiris...????
I hope the takfiris and the Hyzbshitan go out to the middle of the Desert away from all the innocent people and wipe each other out!
Lebcan agree! hezbullah media is trying to paint everyone Sunni as takfiri. That strategy is going to bite them in the end, because that will be remembered in the end.
Mystic you talk about a takfiri take over of Lebanon, but hezbullah has already done that.
"Hassan Nasrallah, made the organization's overall goals and strategy unmistakably clear: "We are incapable at the present time of installing the rule of Islam, but this does not mean postponing our ideology and project … We must work hard to achieve our goal, and the most important means of doing so is to transform Lebanon into a society of war."
hezbullah reliance on taqiyya.
Has he changed his mind since this? ""Martyrdom operations - suicide bombings - should be exported outside Palestine. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide. Don't be shy about it." - Hassan Nasrallah.
Cause that sound pretty much like a takfiri!
Anti HA politicians had been calling for controlling the border for more than 8 years now with the help of the UN if need be. The terror party always objected and vetoed the national dialogue agreements in this regard. Now, as they taste some of their own medicine, they rush to support controlling the border. Controlling the border is a 2 way street though:(
pity the nation.... people cheer when their country is being bombed as long as it soothes their sectarian venom.
'not a true patriotic Lebanese but a Zionist supporter '
there we go, exact HA/Bush dichotomic thinking : with us or zionist...
LOL, zionist then...
Ya Wolfy! Hezbollas have not one patriotic bone! They are sectarian, have an agenda, and are loyal to Iran before Lebanon!!
@Flamethrower: Do you have a Curriculum Vitae handy, Disney is looking for new cartoon characters.
and of course M8ers proudly applaud the bombing of lebanon by a foreign army as faithful collaborators they are... shame on these antilebanese people spitting on lebanese sovereingty when it suits their treacherous propaganda.....