الجيش السوري يعثر على سيارت لبنانية مفخخة في يبرود
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عثر الجيش السوري، صباح الخميس، على سيارات مفخخة تحمل لوحات لبنانية، خلال عملية تمشيط قام بها في منطقة يبرود.
وأعلن التلفزيون الرسمي السوري، عن أن "الجيش النظامي عثر على معمل لصناعة العبوات الناسفة وسيارات مفخخة تحمل لوحات لبنانية أثناء قيامه بتمشيط قرية رأس العين في يبرود".
من جهتها أوضحت قناة "الميادين"، الخميس، ان المعمل هو عبارة عن مزرعة في منطقة الصرخة القريبة من يبرود، لافتة الى ان المزرعة مقسمة الى غرف كل منها مخصص لتصنيع مواد تفجير معينة.
يُشار الى أن عدداً من السيارات المفخخة، استُخدمت في التفجيرات التي طالت عدداً من المناطق اللبناني كالضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت والهرمل، كذلك مدينة طرابلس. وأفادت تقارير صحافية آنذاك، عن وجود عصابات تعمل على سرقة السيارات من لبنان وتهريبها الى سوريا، وتحديداً يبرود، حيث تُفخخ وتعود الى لبنان لتفجيرها.
ويُذكر ان مدينة يبرود الاستراتيجية السورية، سقطت ليل السبت-الاحد بيد قوات النظام السوري يدعمها مقاتلو حزب الله، واعتبر تقدما ميدانيا مهما في الحرب مع مقاتلي المعارضة.

Good news, we don't need those cars here. Keep the drilling going.

Actually it is true, that is how the explosive cars from Yabroud, could be smuggled into Lebanese soil. Now Yabroud is freed, so we are one step closer to see the end of these attacks.

one of the cars rigged by the syrian intelligence to be sent to lebanon.

No way my friend. This is all takfiri work to try to punish Shiites. The regime only does those types of actions to Christians to create strife.

Will those cars be turned over to the LAF now? If not, then it is either propaganda or will be used later by the regime against Anti-Assad elements in Lebanon (like all our assassinated M14 leaders ..... The regime will have to find other Samahas later to drive those cars to their designated destinations as told by his Syrian handlers.

We have cars exploding all over. There is no way the regime is doing that to HA areas.

ft, i pity u, ur wife, ur kids,ur relatives and ur colleagues.
Even if i doubt u have family and colleagues...

@anonymetexasusa, are you stating the LAF aides and abets the enemies of the Lebanese state? Are you accusing the LAF of corruptions? I don't understand. I believe the LAF is the noblest institution left standing and I believe for the most part it has not been successfully manipulated by either M8 or M14. The proof is that the LAF has not collapsed along sectarian lines. Taking pot shots at the LAF is in my humble opinion simply wrong and in poor taste. I realize that there are bad element in any institution but not enough to tarnish the LAF as a whole.

...and by the way, let's pretend for a second that it is true that a whole bunch bomb laden cars have been stopped from reaching their civilian targets, meaning the act of maiming and obliterating, innocent men, women and children, all of them your fellow citizens: wouldn't that be cause for celebration? When will we learn the blood of a Lebanese, any Lebanese, is more precious than all the causes in the entire world let alone the asinine and vulgar war next door?

"twisted sick way"??? listen man, I am sorry I engaged you. I refuse to insult you like you are insulting me. Have a wonderful day, may peace and love be upon you.

Sorry Tex, I guess I am not at your level to understand the difference between bombs and how they are acquired and used by the Syrian army. You really need to notify the LAF that this is happening.

@Jaafar: Have you ever been in love with someone.... I mean other than yourself?

Can anyone tell me why my comments get deleted when I corner a HA supporter and his is unable to reply back?
It happened twice so far
This is ridiculous

I refrain from using names but a pro HA was defending HA fighters in Syria saying that they are preventing takfiris from entering Lebanon. So I asked him why fight takfiris who MAY enter Lebanon? why not fighting the takfiris tat alreadu are in Lebanon namely in Palestinians camps and some villages equipped with booby trapped cars..
why isn't HA fighting those who already are in Lebanon?
zap... deleted...lol

I am neither pro or anti I am simply pro Lebanon and want to see this country at peace, unified and prosperous

easy to stage by the syrians to fill their propaganda and give credit to hezbi actions in syria....
so easy.........