مقتل راعيين برصاص القوات السورية في البقاع الغربي
Read this story in Englishقتل راعٍ لبناني وآخر سوري، بنيران القوات السورية، في الجرود بين بلدة عنجر ومجدل عنجر في البقاع الغربي، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.
ولفتت المعلومات، الجمعة، الى ان القوات السورية أطلقت النار باتجاه راعيي ماعز في جرود بلدة عنجر ما أدى الى مصرعهما.
ونقلت وكالة "فرانس برس" عن مصدر أمني ان اللبناني الذي قتل يدعلى ياسر ياسين ويبلغ من العمر43 عاما، وان السوري يدعى احمد نادر. واوضح ان الرجلين يملكان مزرعة اغنام صغيرة في المنطقة.
ووفق المعلومات ان الراعي السوري هو من بلدة كفريبوس السورية. وقد تجمع الأهالي في بلدة للانتقال الى مكان مصرعهما لنقل جثتهما وذلك بعد التعاون مع الأجهزة الأمنية.
وهي الحادثة الاولى في هذه المنطقة، علما ان مناطق اخرى حدودية تتعرض غالبا لاطلاق نار وقصف من الجانب السوري. ويقول الاعلام السوري ان عمليات تسلل مسلحين وتهريب سلاح تجري عبر الحدود اللبنانية المتداخلة في مناطق كثيرة مع الحدود السورية وغير المحددة بوضوح والخارجة عن الرقابة الصارمة.
i wonder what would HA have to do with that? you guys are getting a little obsessed arend you? when takfiris started their systematic sectarian executions around quseyr, did you ask HA to intervene? well guess what, they didnt wait for your whining :)
as for the shepherds (if they really are shepherds and not smugglers) than it is very sad, but why someone would walk his herd in that no-man's-land, especially on a tense border where war is raging, is beyond me...
HA posters will either find a way to blame the Shepherd or just wait this article out until there is one that is more in their favor and then they show up in force to praise HA. Their is no beef for them in this article.
So tell me Hezbollah sheep. What justifies Syrian forces from shooting into Lebanese territory ?
Why do you accept that Bashar attacks Lebanese territory using planes, mortar shells and gun fire ? Why is it unacceptable for Israel to attack Lebanon and acceptable for Syria.
Where is the great divine resistance protecting Lebanon from foreign threats ? Or is it protecting Syria ?
If you fail to condemn Bashar's criminal regime's actions in Lebanon, then you are traitors.
I'm waiting for the first khomeynist idiot to tell us that they were killed by takfiris..
I'm waiting for the Traitor in Law, Gebran Bassil, to show his countrymen how "Patriotic" Tayyar really is. How they work to promote our national sovereignty and protect our land from foreign invasions and attacks by filing a DAMN complaint to the UN security council against Bashar's regime for daily attacks on our soil !
If they fail to do so, they are complicit with the illegal activities of Bashar's criminal regime. They are pissing on our sovereignty and they should be held accountable for like any other traitor.
Gebran Bassil, Aoun, fail to file a complaint and we, the lebanese people, will hold you accountable for high treason and support of foreign military intervention in Lebanon !!!
I don't understand why Syria keeps picking on Lebanon when it has its own problems. They are shelling Sunni in Lebanon, who are not the source of their problems and they have Takfiri all over their country. It makes me feel they want to scare all of us who may be against Assad to try to remind us of what they did last time.
Simple idea Zahle. Back in the good old days of the 60s and early 70s when Lebanon was the Pearl (.., the Switzerland, the Riviera of the Mideast) Hafez Assad used to say that if he is unable to make Syria as prosperous as Lebanon he sure can make Lebanon as miserable as Syria was - and he did. He made sure that all his stooges in Lebanon (Lebanese, Palestinians, and any outlaw) were armed and ready to go, and hence the Civil war. It worked then and it could work again, lok how sad our sate of affair is now.
even more so helicopter as the syrians never accepted lebanon to be independent... and M8ers still back this regime thus backing this ideology and they talk as hypocrits of independence and sovereingty! LOL
Typical Syrian army that we have seen in Lebanon, blindly shoot to kill due to the fear mindset.
no different than israelis... and M8 still believe syria is not an enemy and praise their regime as an example to follow.... pathetic!
Gharib,,,,can't see any comments from ft.southern,mouwateh the Iranian paid Roar????
oh i noticed a lot of that, against m8 comments even when they are perfectly polite.
i personally prefer keeping your nasty comments up, because i think it does a great job at exposing your dirt low mentalities.