أمن الدولة يحبط عملية اتجار وتهريب اسلحة الى مجموعات مسلحة في سوريا
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أفادت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام أن "أمن الدولة أحبط عملية اتجار وتهريب اسلحة الى مجموعات مسلحة في سوريا".
واشارت الوكالة، السبت، الى أن "المديرية الاقليمية لامن الدولة في النبطية - مكتب مرجعيون وحاصبيا، احبطت عملية اتجار وتهريب اسلحة الى المجموعات المسلحة في سوريا".
وأضافت أنه "في التفاصيل، ان مكتب مرجعيون وحاصبيا في المديرية الاقليمية لامن الدولة – محافظة النبطية، وبعد عملية رصد ومراقبة شديدين، تمكنت من توقيف شبكة متخصصة بالاتجار بالاسلحة وتهريبها الى المجموعات المسلحة في سوريا، مؤلفة من 4 اشخاص لبنانيين، وهم: و.ن، س.أ.ق، س.د، وس.أ.ع، وتم ضبط كمية كبيرة من الاسلحة في حوزتهم وهي عبارة عن اسلحة رشاشة خفيفة ومتوسطة، ومسدسات وكواتم للصوت وذخائر وقنابل متنوعة. وبعد التحقيق معهم باشراف القضاء المختص احيلوا الى الجهات القضائية المختصة".

lol, a four-member network! what about the 50,000 member-network called HA that is not only smuggling weapons, but fighting and killing in the name of resistance.

'the state is against HA's weapons, which is a lie.'
farsi poodle, how can any state not be against a sectarian militia serving foreign interests ?
just give me one country with 2 armies ? or with a militia stronger than the army and not under the army command ?
Once again dissociation policy and laws applied just on sunnis...

They 'kicked' israelis out in 2000, we are in 2014 I think.
Now they're protecting the border which can be done by LAF/UNIFIL.
French resistance gave up its weapons or integrated the army in 1945, HizbIran replaced the LAF and are de facto ruling Lebanon through those weapons...

I would agree the Lebanese entity was for HAs mission against Israel. However they were not for using arms against other Lebanese internally or for HA getting involved against other sects in other countries or in Foreign non Israeli wars. This is the gap that anyone on the M8 side addresses. Many of us were tricked by the "clean" image HA had liberating the South from Israel. Then they showed their true colors, which is a Shiite party with a non-Lebanese first agenda. Everything was just a sectarian power grab.

'Many of us were tricked by the "clean" image HA had liberating the South from Israel. '
if they were a real resistance, they would have accepted non-shias in their militia and accepted army command, but since the beginnning their have other goals, serving Iranian interests in lebanon...

Full-Disclosure, I'm not disagreeing with you on KSA causing issues in Syria or otherwise. But that has nothing to do with the price of tea in China or my post. It is too stereotypical to blame someone else as a distraction to your team's own wrongdoing. I am speaking on HA losing the support of masses. Their approval rating went down once they used their weapons internally, and then in Syria. Our Lebanese state cannot control KSA but should be able to control armed militias within it's state.

@FT : If Hezbollah is not SMUGGLING weapons into Lebanon, then let them declare exactly what their weapons are and pay taxes on importing them to Lebanon !
Smuggling is illegaly importing goods into a sovereign territory without the knowledge of state authorities. So yes, Hezbollah is smullging weapons and more !

Enough of this hypocrisy! These security agencies must act with an even hand in order to gain respect.

Illegal weapons are the new symbol of 2014 Lebanon. I didn't see cedar trees but many weapons in Lebanese cities.
To be updated maybe we should change the flag and replace the cedar by a AK47, like Hizbullah did on its national flag (their flag is more important than Lebanese flag to them).
Heik it will please Shia and Sunni terrorists.

most likely these guys will be released and they will go on in their business i.e they will keep on smuggling like nothing happened and will put behind them this nuisance of being temporarily detained

state security
the 1st time in three years they cought smugglers
very good job

ignorence had got your consiussness so blind from those takfiris sects . Touch water and it will be still water. touch and ignorant person and he will shoot.

Yes Manooshi
I read the rest they are not exactly brilliant but I admit his comments were on my mind when I asked here in my comment
also man I would appreciate it if you can answer my question as to why I get deleted while my comments were courteous but critical of our leaders

Shame on naharnet for deleting respectable comments and posts
guys no matter how much you disagree with each other or hate each other the level should be always of respectable adults

ba3deina ya wolf who told you inno salafists wahabists...you read something we did not?
w.n can beeweam nasrallah,
s.q saad qawouk
s.d samir derbeis
s.a salim altabal ya tabal get it ..all HA for all i know