قهوجي يفتح الحرب على الارهاب: الحل ليس بالدماء في طرابلس
Read this story in Englishرأى قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي أن " الحرب ضد الإرهاب والإرهابيين مفتوحة"، مردفاً أن " الحل ليس بالدماء في طرابلس".
وأشار قهوجي في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" نشر الإثنين، الى أن "الحرب ضد الإرهاب والإرهابيين مفتوحة، خصوصاً أنه يتهدد كل اللبنانيين ولا يستثني أحداً منهم، وأكد أن لا تهاون مع المجموعات الإرهابية ومع كل من يحاول أن يشكل ملاذاً آمناً لها"، معرباً "عن ارتياحه للإجراءات الحدودية الأخيرة لمنع استهداف المدنيين اللبنانيين في المناطق الحدودية أو في الداخل اللبناني".
وشدد على أن "أي استهداف للجيش وباقي الأجهزة الأمنية هو استهداف للسلم الأهلي، وبالتالي لن يقف الجيش مكتوف اليدي".
ولفت قهوجي الى "أهمية بقاء العسكريين في حالة جهوزية دائمة لمواكبة كل الاستحقاقات وفي الأولوية منها استحقاق تحصين الاستقرار والأمن"، منوهاً "بوجوب استفادة اللبنانيين من المناخ الدولي والعربي الداعم للاستقرار، وخير دليل هو الهبة السعودية والمؤتمر الدولي الذي سيعقد في روما وما سيصدر عن القمة العربية من قرارات تدعم الجيش".
وأكد قهوجي أن "الجيش لم ولن يتردد في حماية أبناء طرابلس من دون استثناء، لكن الحل ليس بالدماء، بل بوضع خطة عسكرية ـ امنية ـ تنموية شاملة وبوقف أبواق التحريض الطائفي والمذهبي بكل أنواعها".
وما زالت عمليات القنص المكثفة مستمرة في طرابلس التي تشهد اشتباكات منذ أكثر من أسبوع على الرغم من الخطط الامنية والاتصالات لوقف اطلاق النار الدائر على محاور القتال في المدينة والذي أدى الى مقتل اكثر من 23 شخصا و جرح حوالي 200 آخرين.
وعليه، نفذ الجيش عمليات دهم في جبل محسن بحثا عن مشتبه بهما من عائلتي سنا وديب، باطلاق النار على الشاب أحمد محيش ، وأقام حاجزا على مدخل منزل رئيس الحزب العربي الديمقراطي رفعت عيد الذي أكد للـ LBCI انه " لا يغطي احدا، وانه مع اجراءات الجيش".
كما نفذت وحدات الجيش بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، "مداهمات في منطقة البداوي، بحثا عن مطلقي النار على سيارة المرسيدس التي تعود ملكيتها لمواطن من آل ونوس من جبل محسن، ومن ثم إضرام النار بها".
Is it possible that poverty,no education and no prospects for better life,in combination with corrupt politicians, people can be inclined to choose the wrong path?
Well Disclosure, I was at work, you know...a job? PS I support the army 100% and ONLY the army. So "mate" wake up, anything to boost the ego today huh?
And honestly? I think you'd be thumbed down not by me (too bad) but because of your double standards, cheers.
I'm going to assume that he does have the guts and the will, cedre. The decision to do that is not something Qahwaji decides anyway. Also, do you honestly think that the LAF in Lebanon is capable of confronting Hizbullah militarily? First thing that will happen is that the army will split and that needs no explanation. Not only that, but the army is less equipped and has less of a will to engage in an open ended war that would lead to nothing but disasters and death to all.
The issue with Hizbullah has to be tackled politically. It has to. Any other way would lead to the destruction of the whole country and you know it. I'm sure you remember the civil war. Everyone thought they had a righteous cause and the subjectively probably did but what did it lead to, honestly...
loubnani, u're right, he cant confront HA militarily, but then he should be frank like Jumby was yesterday, admit he cant do anything and let the sunnis arm and defend themselves.
What he did in Abra shows his connivence with HA thugs...
Same in Arsal and Tripoli... U cant apply law only on sunnis...
What exactly do you think that would do cedre other than lead the country to the abyss? Do you think arming Sunnis and arming Shiaas is what will solve the problem. We will have another civil war and we all know from experience that no one can win in a civil war in Lebanon. We will all lose plain and simple. I honestly do not want more death and complete destruction. I want my children one day to grow Lebanese and not end up being British with a Lebanese father.
Blood will only lead to more blood. The only way to win your cause is to eradicate a huge section of the Shiaa community. Are you honestly willing to live with that and I you even think that's possible? Come on man
@FD It makes sense to me but I acknowledge that not everyone has the same opinion. They have a right to their own and I respect that.
after 911 president Bush said that he will take the war to its origin and destroy the origin with all the extremists
and what is going on now is one of the big blows the terrorists are having , even in afganistan the nb of terrorist killed is less than Syria
so god bless you mon general just destroy the terrorists cause the green light is universal and only petro dollars are on terrorists side
arab spring and democracy to the gulf counties
@Southern : Hezbollah is harbouring terrorists accused of the assassinations of some of our politicians and many bombing incidents (not to mention they are themselves terrorists).
Now we all know Hezbollah pisses on the Lebanese Army and does not care. But this doesn't change the fact you're criminals !
southern: just take off your blinkers and you will truly see all what hezbollah is about... treason and hypocrisy....
STL was cleared from Day 1 ? What do you mean cleared ? Cleared by Whom ? By your terrorist in chief Hassan Nasrallah ?
He's neither a judge, nor a lawmaker, nor a minister, nor the president of this country.
So who cleared what ?
The only thing CLEAR my friend is that you belong to a terrorist party and are evading justice by HARBOURING wanted assassins and terrorists!
The only support your provide to the LAF is to make sure it remains weak so you can act without accountability !
Your "war on Terrorism" in Syria is a JOKE coming from a terrorist party. It's a war for Bashar and has nothing to do with protecting Lebanon!
Our army doesn't need any safeguarding ... no one asked you to safeguard it so shove it !
The Lebanese army is the only patriotic and non secular institution that Lebanon still has! Respect the Watan! they are not scared of anyone or do they harbour or take sides with anyone. They are the defenders of Lebanon! any side that says otherwise are traitors!
I have a friend who is the commander of the moguwhier! The lebanese version of the SAS or navy seals! In 2005 he was shot in the leg by a Hezbollah member. This shooter as hunted down and arrested. He was treated like any enemy of the State. The soldiers thought him a lesson that many in Hezbollah will have heard. They dont fear Hezbollah nor are they under their influence. They know that the resistance is legal and they work with them. The best thing is for the inevitable to happen... Hezbollah come within the control of the lebanese armed forces. they are not our enemies, but both want the same thing... a strong Lebanon!
The Army is the only legitimate force of any country, and only one army like any other civilized nation. God bless them and their devotion to the country.