رقية منذر ضحية أخرى للعنف الأسري.. قتلها زوجها وهي حامل

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على الرغم من اقرار اللجان النيابية المشتركة في المجلس النيابي مشروع قانون حماية النساء من العنف الأسري، الا أن سلسة العنف ضدهن ما زالت مستمرة، وهذه المرة "رقية منذر" ذهبت ضحيته بعد اطلاق زوجها النار عليها، لمطالبتها له بالطلاق.

قتلت رقية وهي أم لولدين (حسن ورويدا) وهي حامل، باطلاق الرصاص على صدرها فجر الخميس قبل يوم من عيد الأم، على يد زوجها.

وكانت طالبته بالطلاق بعدما ضاقت ذرعا من تعنيفه لها بحسب شقيقتها التي قالت أنها "كانت دائما تطالبه بالطلاق لكنه يهددها بقتل اولادها".

وأضافت: "كان يقفل عليها باب المنزل ويذهب من دون ان يدعنا نراها".

وعليه، توعد اهل الضحية "بمتابعة القضية وعدم السكوت عنها".

وقصة رقية ليست الأولى من نوعها، فهي تضاف أيضا الى قصص النساء اللاواتي وقعن ضحية العنف الأسري، ففي التاسع من تموز الفائت قتلت رولا يعقوب (31 سنة) بعدما تعذبت على يد والد بناتها الخمس، وقبلها تعرضت منال عاصي للضرب حتى الموت، وتبعتهن كريستال أبو شقرا التي قتلت مسمومة من قبل زوجها أيضا.

التعليقات 12
Thumb Mrowwe 22:34 ,2014 آذار 25

Allah yirhama. I feel bad for her family and kids. May they find patience during this hard time they are facing. As for the wild animal that did this, he must be put to death for his crime, no other sentence will be just.

Missing coolmec 23:41 ,2014 آذار 25

yes there is send him to Kobbe prison. I was told that they will put him through slow and painful death

Missing coolmec 23:29 ,2014 آذار 25

pajama boy
I am really disappointed by your comment. I was expecting a more valid comment.
question for you
what does HA or any other group has to do with domestic violence?? I thought you were smart enough to realize this is a Lebanese social problem that encompasses Lebanese from any political affiliation.
Let me add that domestic violence was in existence in Lebanon way before HA was even founded

Thumb cedre 23:51 ,2014 آذار 25

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah...
U're totally right coolmec...
What kind of monster kill a pregnant woman??? Double murder...

Thumb cedre 00:41 ,2014 آذار 26

un peu de decence ft, juste pour une fois...

Default-user-icon Scorpion (ضيف) 07:26 ,2014 آذار 26

Uhh...I think pajama boy was perpetrating something called "sarcasm." Perhaps if pajama boy had written it in Farsi, coolmec and Flamer would have picked up on it.

In actuality, HA can certainly be substantially blamed for the sense of lawlessness and lack of accountability that pervades Lebanese society. When people routinely hear about the perpetrators of horrendous crimes finding safe haven behind the yellow curtain, some of these people start to believe that they can get away with committing crimes as well. It doesn't work out so well for those who are part of the wrong religious affiliation or political allegiance.

Missing coolmec 23:31 ,2014 آذار 25

I would hope you are wrong and that he will be arrested and sent to rot in jail or better yet hang him

Missing coolmec 00:05 ,2014 آذار 26

what I stated to pajama boy blaming HA . I need to add specially for him I am no HA supporter ( I support no group) but laying domestic violence on a specific political group is out of line and total nonsense

Missing coolmec 00:07 ,2014 آذار 26

Although I support no political group I only support Lebanon. I just had a funny thought.
what if we find out that the husband was an M14?? wouldn't that be ironic??

Thumb thrust 09:22 ,2014 آذار 26

the only martyrs of this country
the murderer is half dead already

Missing forces 12:36 ,2014 آذار 26

the reason this sickening behaviour continues is parallel to the mindset we have in the Lebanese political arena, where often the female is looked down upon and made to serve her master without question or challenge. assaults are way too common and even worst in most cases deemed acceptable by the immediate families all in the name of pride and saving face. you can find your own connection here..

Thumb cedre 15:33 ,2014 آذار 26

'women outnumber men at least 5 to 1 in lebanon.'

u dont have a clue about demographics...
