عون: فليعد الشعب السوري إلى صندوق الإقتراع لا الخرطوش والقتل والذبح
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رأى رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن ما تتعرض له سوريا من حملات هو من وسائل "الضغط عليها للرضوخ للمطالب الدولية" مطالبا الشعب السوري بالعودة إلى "صندوق الإقتراع لا صندوق الخرطوش".
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية عصر الثلثاء:" لم أرَ أن سوريا أذت أحدا على الحدود التركية ولا أي أحد من القوى العربية وهذا جزء من محاولات الضغط عليها للرضوخ للمطالب الدولية وليس للإصلاحات لأن هذه الأخيرة انتهت ولكنها تتطلب وقتا لبتها".
وأوضح أن المطلوب من سوريا أيضا "قطع العلاقات مع إيران وحماس وحزب الله والدخول في مفاوضات مع إسرائيل" غامزا من قناة "الدول المعتدلة كتركيا التي قصفت إسرائيل بحارتها ولم تقطع العلاقات معها".
وخفف عون من حجم التظاهرات في سوريا إذ قال :" كل من يذهب إلى سوريا يراها هادئة أين دمشق وأين حلب، هناك بعض المشاكل" جازما أن "الأخطر ما يحصل خارج سوريا لأن من يقوم بمعركة في سوريا هو الذي يموت".
وتمنى عون أن يعود الشعب السوري إلى عقله مضيفا:"فليعودوا إلى صندوق الإقتراع لا صندوق الخرطوش أما أن تقتلوا وتذبحوا فهذا شيء غير صحيح ونحن نعلم ما يحصل".
وأضاف :"الإرهاب يحصل من قبل المنظمات وليس من قبل السلطة وأي منظمات حقوق إنسان تتكلمون عنها "أي بلوط".
وهاجم عون الولايات المتحدة الأميركية فرأى أنها "لا تحترم الحقيقة في الإعلام" و "تخلق حروبا مثل أزمة الديون" مردفا :" كل هذه الحروب لن تولد حكم موالي لأميركا (في الشرق الأوسط) لأن الحقد الشعبي توجه نحو الأنظمة ونحو أميركا أيضا ولن يكون أي نظام ينشأ من بعد المشاكل التي تحصل موال لها".
وجزم أن "أميركا تتلهى عن حالها " سائلا "كيف تتكلم عن حقوق الإنسان "تروح تحصل شنتانها".
وعن إبلاغ لبنان المحكمة الدولية بعدم اعتقال المتهمبن قال:"أنا كنت أنتظرها لأنهم منذ أكثر من سنة منشورة أسماء المتهمين فمن رأى اسمه أكيد يكون قد هرب".
وردا على سؤال عن إمكانية قلب موقف رئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" وليد جنبلاط وانتقاله الى الاكثرية، اشار الى ان "من يمكنه أن يلعب اللعبة فليعبها، ولنرى ماذا سيجري".
17:21 ,2011 آب 09
عون: ما حصل في لاسا قضية رمزية وانتهت والأزمة في لبنان ليس لها وجود حتى أميركا تتلهى عن حالها وكيف تتكلم عن حقوق الإنسان "تروح تحصل شنتانها"
17:20 ,2011 آب 09
عون: الإرهاب يحصل من قبل الشعب وليس من قبل السلطة وأي منظمات حقوق إنسان تتكلمون عنها "أي بلوط" وروسيا ترتكب خطأ أيضا بصمتها فكلهم "يلعبون فينا"
17:16 ,2011 آب 09
عون عن إبلاغ لبنان المحكمة الدولية بعدم اعتقال المتهمبن: أنا كنت أنتظرها لأنهم منذ أكثر من سنة منشورة أسماء المتهمين فمن رأى اسمه أكيد يكون قد هرب
17:16 ,2011 آب 09
عون: نتمنى أن يعود الشعب السوري إلى عقله رغم أني لا أستطيع أن أقول الشعب السوري إذا نزل 100 ألف فليعودوا إلى صندوق الإقتراع لا صندوق الخرطوش أما أن تقتلوا وتذبحوا فهذا شيء غير صحيح ونحن نعلم ما يحصل
17:16 ,2011 آب 09
عون: أميركا لا تحترم الحقيقة في الإعلام وأريناكم ماذا حصل في جسر الشغور والجثث والدول تحارب سوريا بدم سوري وهذا خطأ ونحن لذلك أقل تأثرا، كل من يذهب إلى سوريا يراها هادئة أين دمشق وأين حلب، هناك بعض المشاكل، الأخطر ما يحصل خارج سوريا ونحن يهمنا الإستقرار لأن من يقوم بمعركة في سوريا هو الذي يموت
17:14 ,2011 آب 09
عون عن أزمة الديون: في 2001 كان هناك أزمة كبيرة في البورصة وحصل كارثة أيلول فحصلت الحرب واليوم هم يخلقون الحرب لكنها لن تولد حكم موالي أميركي لأن الحقد الشعبي توجه نحو النظام ونحو أميركا أيضا ولن يكون أي نظام ينشأ من بعد المشاكل التي تحصل موال لأميركا لأن يعلمون مع من كان القذافي وصالح ومبارك وبن علي
17:13 ,2011 آب 09
عون عن تزايد الحملات على سوريا: أعتقد أنها من وسائل الضغط على سوريا ولم أرى أن سوريا أذت أحدا على الحدود التركية ولا أي أحد من القوى العربية وهذا جزء من محاولات الضغط عليها للرضوخ للمطالب الدولية وليس للإصلاحات لأن هذه الأخيرة انتهت ولكنها تتطلب وقتا لبتها
17:09 ,2011 آب 09
رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية: كان لدينا جلسة صاخبة اليوم ونريد أن يعلم الجميع أن يعرفوا الأسباب الموجبة لتقديم القوانين إلى المجلس النيابي منها مشروع التعويض على المسجونين في سوريا سياسيا وليس مرتكبي الجرائم طبعا وتصحيح التعويضات التي لم يدفعها السنيورة في سلسلة الرتب والرواتب كل هذه الأمور درسناها
17:07 ,2011 آب 09
عون: المطلوب من سوريا الرضوخ وقطع العلاقات مع إيران وحماس وحزب الله والدخول في مفاوضات مع إسرائيل، فمن الذي يطالبها اليوم؟ دول الإعتدال وحتى تركيا التي قصفت لها إسرائيل بحارتها لم تقطع علاقاتها مع إسرائيل
17:05 ,2011 آب 09
عون: يكفي أن يرى الإهمال عند الحكومة وعند المجلس النيابي الذي لم يقر قانون السجون حتى الآن وجلسة الغد "الشباب بكفوا وبيوفوا"

Yes they should put boules quies in their ears and cover their eyes

More than 2000 killed and 15000 emprisoned kidnapped and disappeared belong may be to the principalty of Monaco

Please stop staying stupidities get your phone and ask for advice from Joumblat. I hope that you will go on holiday so that we wont see you next tuesday

MP Aoun: The Syrian people are committing terrorism and not the state.

I really feel sorry for Lebanon to have such a leader. Absolutely DISGUSTING.

Yeah! it is really calm.

This guy should be put in a cage and appear in front of a court just like Mubarak. He's allied to a terrorist group and supports the criminals of Damscus

Crawl back under the rock you came from under and never come out please...

شو نسينا شو عملو هودي الوحوش المجرمين بالشعب اللبناني، وبعدك عم بتدافع عنهن إنت وغيرك ، استحي على شرفك وحكي مواضيع تفيد الشعب

where is he taking his people now, it is not a game anymore,he is deciding for the people who does not like him too,poor.......

why are you guys even responding to this gay , every time he opens his mouth he sounds stupider then the last time

Aoun's already denied that the Syrian army executed the Lebanese Army soldiers and officers on October 13 1990 the day he ran away so why is anyone surprised of this.

It is time to admit the obvious fact that Aoun's mind is similar to Kadafi and Assad, it is a criminal mind disguised as a statement trying to reform and protect. Aoun never hesitated destroying his country and endangering the future of Christians in Lebanon and the region to satisfy his personal ambitions. Freedom and democracy will not survive under a Lebanon already being transformed into a police state like in Syria and Iran. Aoun has delivered Lebanon to the Basij and distance it from the civilized world. There will only be justice the day he stands in a cage in court facing justice in a public televised trial.

Aoun views on Assad and tyranny are not surprising. He is a serious danger to freedom and democracy, risking Christian survivability in Lebanon and the region. The damage from his premeditated actions will take generations to fix. In the last elections the majority of Christians voted against Aoun's party, and today there is no doubt Aoun is the most hated person among Christians. His ego has been inflated by Hizb arms playing on his mental instability and known obsessions to destroy Lebanon's freedom and liberal democracy that have distinguished Lebanon for generations. He has managed in few years to split Christians, justify Hizbollah's wars and takeover of Lebanon, resurrect Assad's hegemony in Lebanon, and is the king of corruption and nepotism using influence peddling to achieve his objectives. All civilized nations have recognized political influence peddling as the worst form of corruption. When would Lebanese realize the same?

If the syrian people are terrorists. I wonder what Hezbollah militiamen are?

He says this on the ten year anniversary of the Syrian regime's local thugs and Aoun's current employers, beat up and arrest Christian activists or as Aoun calls them now The Terrorists.

WALA YA General,,,I can not belive or even imagine that these words will come out of your mouth. How a person can change. God help us...

I never buy what Michel clAoun has to say.. Just a circus open to the public..

Did he really just label all of the Syrian population as terrorists? This is literally the most opposite he can ever be to his positions back when he was in March 14 and in exile.
First he supports Hizb Allah who he repeatedly called for disarming before from Paris and now he supports the Syrian government over the civilian population when they were his number one enemy before.
How much money is he getting paid? He's probably betting that he'll become president of Lebanon one day with Assad's help. It won't help of Assad no longer remains in power when Suleiman's term is up...
So I guess the Aouni protesters back in the day were terrorists too

This is hilarious the leader of the CHANGE & REFORM party is accusing the syrian people of terrorism against the state that has terrorized it's people for decades.....
This is yet more proof that GMO has lost the plot. I'm guessing he forgot that the syrian people went to the street in peaceful demonstrations and they were being murdered by the regime for expressing themselves. Is this where he is taking lebanon?!?

“Whoever goes to Syria sees that it is calm, but there are a few problems,” :)) how funny is this?

Since when did any of you care about the syrian people? Every week syrians are beaten/stabbed or otherwise abused in lebanon. Who cares? March14? No. March8? No. So stop pretending to care. And stop bringing up the crimes by the al asad regimes in lebnanon unless u remember ur own crimes against both syrians and ur own people. And stop pretending to care about syrians. March14 only wants to get revenge at assad but they are to afraid to do it themselves so they support the legitimate right of syrians to protest and march8 only care about protecting their seats in the government just like rafik hariri was allied with the hafez al asad regime for the sake of power. All of you are low. Its a lebanese syndrome i guess.

You r right Joni we don't care about the Syrians. Honestly I'm happy. It's time you experience what we did under the hands of scum like you.

And I suppose that the Aouni who were beaten in Lebanon in 2000-2001 by Syrian mukabarat and their counterparts in the Lebanese state security system, I suppose they were terrorists too and had taken leave of their senses as have the Syrian people 10 years later.
How about it ya Aouni? Those of you who felt the oppression of the Syrian boot on your necks as you protested for Lebanese nationalism and independence, as you petitioned for the return of your champion for Lebanese independence, General Michel Aoun, how does it feel to find out that he has joined ranks with the oppressors? How does it feel ya Aouni to have betrayed all that you believe in? How does it feel to have bled for a cause and for a leader only to have that leader close ranks with the one who oppressed you and made you bleed?
How does it feel?

Joni you are wrong. Gebran Sons for years have stated that in a democratic post-Assad Syria, Lebanon and Syria should be united with a EU-type agreement like any two European nations with open borders and integrated economies. Our primary protection should be a transparent and accountable democracy and merit-based society with leaders elected to serve not to be served. I never had any doubt that freedom and democracy will win at the end in Syria, even in Iran, with Green Revolution II in 2013. The Basij and Mukhabarat have controlled Iran, Syria and Lebanon by brute force, but this will soon be over as all tyrants will be deposed.

calling on them “resort to the ballot boxes instead of resorting to murder and massacres” in dealing with its internal affairs.

This orange revolution all lies and nothing but radical terorists and regimes suppoters. This Aoun should be arrested for his crimes against the killings of Lebanse people when he was in powerand now he support the killers regimes in the region, from Syrian regime to Zionist regime, he really believe in their war crimes policy, because he is one of them ad his placein jail, this Aoun the flipfloper.

@ Joni, i'm sorry you feel this way, but in lebanon we do have the freedom of expression so unlike others i accept your comments. But what i don't get is why are you on a Lebanese website when you think "so highly" of the lebanese?!? It's funny how some people spit at the hand that feeds them...

Ok we believe you the situation in Syria is normal, it's time for your nap. good night.

Nothing is happening in syria, everything is all right! you guys are being fooled by zionist medias! there is just a small group of retarded terrorists that are killing innocent people, but the syrian army is doing everything to rescue the poor innocent people, and specially Maher Al Assad's brigade (just like khamis brigade, these soldiers are angels of freedom!).
people and children we see dying on tv are part of these syrian terrorist organisations ! and in case some are not affiliated with terrorists,they should certainly be victims of that terrorism ! logical ! isn't it ? Syrian Regime is the only protector!
actually that's not my point of view, but it seem that it is what Aoun has understood concerning the situation in Syria. Let's pray for that man...and specially for the people following that man..

@Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 - you hit the nail on the head. It is almost as if he is living on another planet or is taking some new kind of experimental drug that has totally warped his mind. His neurons are just not functioning correctly to be saying the things he is saying. Worry not - he has some pretty bad karma coming his way.

it's so calm and quiet this morning I think I'll take a leisurely stroll down to the French embassy with those suitcases full of ill-gotten cash, nothing to worry about. I'll even leave the misses and the girls at the palace so they can welcome our guests with open legs.

Every time the little general speaks, you think he reached a new Low, then he comes back and reach a new low with the next speech!! if the Christians has any sense, then will hang him on the first tree they find in Rabieh!!

Hilarious.... this foo is digging his own grave on his political future.
We are a small axe, you are a big tree.

i wasn't even gonna bother wasting my time in putting a response about this dope of a clown Aoun but comments from
Joni Proudly SYRIAN make me want to respond I and every Lebanese christian that i know of could not give 2 shits about Syria and its people i hope what is happening there leads to 100 years of civil war and then i want to see you and all your family on T.V crying about the murder,rape and kidnappings that you have just suffered from.Thank you

guys plz let someone show the FPM general AOUN the truth in syria they really insist on hiding the truth this whole work we know it well it was in lebanon so plz stop fooling us with your speeches

When the head locomotive derails what happens to the wagons which follow? When the whole brain derails? Should the followers still follow?

Ok I will rewrite my comment again since it was not published!
To Mr. Aoun and his empty skunk Followers....
Not long ago... Back in the years, You stood up one day and decided to fight The Syrian regime with a Fork and Knife and to break Assad's head. We Got into a war with the regime that was occupying Our Country and that regime that is the same one up till now killing innocent people. is the SAME regime that killed innocent Lebanese people and killed God knows how many lLebanese sorldiers that served under ur command as well... And now that U came back from Your exile and started tha ass licking... You got 2 this point of shame to defend this regime? Have U no shame at all? Are Your Followers SO DUMM??? Let them go back to elections and not killing? What the heck happened the ppl that employed You to bark on their behalf... The Hizbollah! Why dont they go by the book and not by guns and killings aswell.. You are a Disgrace to Christians and to Lebanon.!