الحكومة تقر خطة أمنية في طرابلس والبقاع الشمالي
Read this story in Englishأقر مجلس الوزراء في جلسته الخميس، في بعبدا، توصيات المجلس الاعلى للدفاع حول الخطة الامنية في طرابلس والبقاع الشمالي.
وانعقدت حكومة تمام سلام في أولى جلساتها بعد نيلها الثقة، في بعبدا، برئاسة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، حيث والى جانب اقرار توصيات المجلس الاعلى للدفاع، تم اقرار تسليم داتا الاتصالات مع تحفظ وزراء "امل" واعتراض وزراء "حزب الله" و"التيار الوطني الحر".
يُذكر أن المجلس الاعلى للدفاع، كان وفي اجتماعه عصر الاربعاء، قد تداول في "الوسائل اللازمة والحاجات لتنفيذ هذه الخطة الشاملة على كل الصعد السياسية والامنية والعسكرية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية" واتخذ تجاهها القرارات اللازمة وفق صلاحياته"، وفق صحيفة "النهار".
واستهلت الجلسة بكلمة لسليمان تطرق فيها الى الملف الامني، لافتاً الى ان الجيش وطالما هو "قوة فصل" في طرابلس،
"فسيتعرض لهجمات متكررة، وبالتالي ان الوضع غير مقبول ويحتاج الى المعالجة الملحة".
وظهر الخميس، نعت قيادة الجيش المؤهل فادي الجبيلي الذي قتل برصاص شخصين صباحاً في طرابلس.
من جهة أخرى، تناول سليمان موضوع القمة العربية، واصفا اياها بـ"قمة لبنان بامتياز حيث برز التضامن مع لبنان في مواضيع عديدة". وطلب من وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل وضع آلية لرفعها الى رئيس الحكومة تتضمن كيفية متابعة قرارات دعم لبنان وقرارات القمة العربية والمجموعة الدولية لدعم لبنان.
وفي موضوع الفساد الذي ظهر في الضمان والادوية، شدد سليمان على ان الدولة هي الضابط الوحيد للمخالفات عبر الاجهزة الرقابية والقضائية.
وكان قد ادعى النائب العام المالي القاضي علي ابراهيم، الأربعاء على معقبي معاملات ومفتشين في الصندوق الوطني للضمان الإجتماعي، في جرم اختلاس اموال عامة من الصندوق الوطني للضمان الاجتماعي، والتزوير والرشوة.
وفي سياق متصل بالصحة، أعلن وزير الصحة وائل ابو فاعور، في مؤتمر صحافي، عن خفض اسعار 629 صنفا من الادوية بنسبة 20%.
Eliminate every single weapon and gun from all Lebanon, invest in building more jails to throw outlaws and criminals as examples to restore security, protect our judges from political pressure to perform their conscious duties.
I do not think cedars meant to include the legitimate arms of the Stalinists (resistance)in his statement.
Sleimane is a part of the problem
allow me to rephrase it
The president, the government, as well as all our political leaders are to blame. They have transformed this country into a banana republic at best
The roar
Again blaming the president is wrong You should blame him as well as all our politicians for failing to see the dangers the country is facing and ALL of them agree to save Lebanon
Suleiman the President is the problem to you Southern. But Nasrallah whose loyalty to Assad, Iran and his lunatic ideology is the patriot .... brainwashed southern.
No one will be able to get it under control until takfiris and HA are disarmed and their supporters eliminated.
the roar
May I remind you that as a result of the Taef accord the president's powers were diminished and shifted to the prime Minister.
I do not see you blaming the PM why only sleimane>
The roar
I don't know anything about danniyeh but if this is true that is what should be done now
It is an insult to the country and to the citizens that criminals are on the loose and nothing is being done about it
the roar
question for you
does the president have the authority to give these orders to the LAF? I was under the impression that the PM must do that
Please let me know
the roar
with due respect you really are not answering my question. I believe what you said but my question was whether the president has the constitutional authority to give such order or the PM?
I can't help but thinking that Lahoud enjoyed the full support of the Syrian president whilst Sleimane obviously lacks that Maybe Lahoud acted as such knowing or having secured first assad's support. Or does he have the constitutional power to give such order??
Does this include the stand down of Mikati and Rifi Mafia in Tripoli? The fact is that M14 members are directly patronizing the violence in Tripoli while Suleiman dances around the facts pretending not to understand just exactly are the perpetrators.
the roar
again Lahoud managed to get the job done
is it because he had the backing of the Syrian president or he did have the constitutional power to give order?
I don't think my question was answered.
let me rephrase it
did Lahoud get the job done because of his strong Syrian backing or did he have the constitutional power to act as such?
If Lahoud had the constitutional power to act as such that means that sleimane failed in his duties to preserve and defend Lebanon.
Again I do apologize I did not read FT's comment it escaped me sorry bro
The roar
as I said I did not notice FT's comment then I agree with you that sleimane failed miserably in his constitutional duties
Sad indeed...
Let me add also I was under the impression that such order after the Taef accord should come from the PM so I assume this is not true
also wanted you to know I do not know the inside out of the Lebanese politics. I only visit Lebanon. I am in Beirut now visiting and will be leaving soon and as usual will leave sad and disappointed as to the sad state Lebanon is in. I feel bad for the Lebanese youth as they have nothing to look for but immigration and these youth are the future blood of the nation
oh well all I can do is hope for better days
what? you never visited Lebanon? shame on you...lol
how come then if I may ask you are so familiar with the inside out of Lebanese politics? I am guessing you are down under
if so I was there 6 months ago visiting my younger brother who also is a mate
go and do it urself fake cedre, aka jaafarani, why should christian and druze LAF soldiers die for dirty Khamenei ? If u're stupid enough to die for farsis, others arent...