لواء احرار السنة: "فئران الجيش تنتهك المنازل بحجة الخطة الامنية"

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اتهم "لواء احرار السنة-بعلبك"، في بيان ظهر الجمعة، "فئران" الجيش بـ"انتهاك حرمة المنازل عبر دهمها بحجة الخطة الامنية" في عاصمة الشمال طرابلس.

وفي بيان نشره اللواء على صفحته على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر"، رأى انه "لم يعد مقبولاً عن الجيش الـ"لا لبناني" من تصرفات مشينة بحق أبناء الطائفة السنية في طرابلس تحت مسمّى الخطة الأمنية".

واعتبر ان الجيش يقوم بـ"إنتهاك فاضح لحرمة المنازل عبر عمليات "الدهم الممنهج من قبل فئران الجيش دون مراعاة وجود النساء المسلمات داخلها".

ودعا "أهل السنة الأحرار في لبنان الغيارى على أعراض الطائفة والدين التي تنتهك من قبل الجيش اللا لبناني إلى أن يقوموا بوقف فوري للمهزلة والإستهداف التي تتعرض له الطائفة السنية من قبل حزب الات بأداة تسمى الجيش اللا لبناني".

يُذكر ان يوم الثلاثاء، انتشر الجيش اللبناني في طرابلس، حيث عمل على ازالة الدشم والمتاريس، والقى القبض على عدد من المسلحين، في حين تمكن عدد بعض قادة المحاور من الهرب من المدينة. وجرت مصالحة بين اهالي باب التبانة وجبل محسن، حيث جرى توزيع للحلوى.


التعليقات 15
Thumb cedre 14:55 ,2014 نيسان 04

are u just sure they exist ?

Thumb cedre 23:45 ,2014 نيسان 04

phil i'm wondering if they exist and are manipulated...
Texas, +1000

Default-user-icon ghassan (ضيف) 15:26 ,2014 نيسان 04

This "Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade” is nothing but a fake group created by the Syrian secret service (Moukhabarat). None of the Islamic groups fighting in Syria has an explicit reference to the "Sunnis". Even the fanatic group ISIL denied any affiliation with them.

This fake group was invented by the Syrian Moukhabarat to continue planting seeds of strife between the Sunnis and Shias of Lebanon.

Wake up people!

Thumb cityboy 18:20 ,2014 نيسان 04

Lol ft

Thumb Bandoul 15:55 ,2014 نيسان 04

(re-post)@Free Sunnis Brigade, please leave God out of your revolutionary heart because God doesn't take sides and he does not condone murder and thuggery. Who are you to threaten the Army you low-life extremist relic of the stone age? May the Army bury you where you stand and erase any remnant of your existence which is a shameful stain on Lebanese society. Your are nothing more than blood thirsty ignorant uneducated low information pond scum and you will be eliminated as such. God bless the LAF and keep it in one piece to confront you and the evil you breed in this country.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:14 ,2014 نيسان 04

When the army does its job, it's criticized, when it doesn't, it's also criticized. That being the case, let the army continue doing its job, fine by me.

Thumb shoo-yaba 16:28 ,2014 نيسان 04

First I saw the picture and was happy for the people of Tripoli, then I started reading the article and what "Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade” is saying about the HA/Iran pretext security plan. I'm like it's probably BS or as usual excuses for terrorism. But then I look at the picture again and I see the Lebanese army soldier carrying a Kalashnikov and I started wondering, since when did the Lebanese army carry those, they have always used M16 - so am I reading into this too much or they do actually have AK47 now/ Which opens the suspicion on what "Free Sunnis of Baalbek Brigade” is saying

Thumb jabal10452 17:40 ,2014 نيسان 04

FT. The M4/M16 is just as deadly as the kalash, if not deadlier, due to the ballistics that make the M4/M16 wound channel more complex then that of the heavier an steadier kalash bullet.

The big advantage of the kalash over the M is that the kalash is easier and faster to take apart and clean than the M (of critical when you have to do it under fire). Plus the kalash has more tolerance for sand and dust in its bolt mechanism.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:21 ,2014 نيسان 04

FT, I did, and the AK 47 remains the best all rounder. Its bullet is so powerful that it can literally obliterate a person, and as you rightly claimed, the M16 even thought a more precise weapon simply doesn't have that stopping power. In fact, some years back, the US and Nato countries have been developing newer rifles but emulating the AK bullet caliber, now accepted as the better one.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:25 ,2014 نيسان 04

Jabal, the M16 as you rightly pointed out is very good, but as FT said, in street combat, the AK simply wins the day. Then the AK can be used almost indefinitely and under any kind of situation with very little maintenance whereas the M16 doesn't. In the early days, the AK, especially those made in the East Bloc countries tended to overheat, but the Soviet one just went on almost forever. Though I would go for the M16 for sniping, but in street fighting, the AK would make a better choice.

Thumb jabal10452 21:45 ,2014 نيسان 04

FT: when your weapon keeps jamming because it is clogged up with mud and sand, you will duck and pull back and clean it up whether under fire or not. Period.
Phoenix. Stopping power is all about where the bullet hits. The caliber is not that important if your target is hit right.
I might sound like I'm defending the m16, but I'm not. My first service weapon was actually a Slavia (looks a lot like a kalash but the mechanism is different). Eventually I was issued a kalash. We used m16s in training but it never felt as "sturdy" as the kalash.

Thumb jabal10452 21:58 ,2014 نيسان 04

FT: for sniping, neither the kalash nor the m16 is a reliable weapon. You need a rifle with a denser and longer barrel. .308 is a good caliber for this. And if you have the shoulder for it, a 30.06 is even better.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:29 ,2014 نيسان 04

Tex, I am inclined to take Habib's view more, coz so far HA does not shoot at our soldiers, what may happen tomorrow I can't tell, but till now Habib's convinces me more.

Thumb cedre 23:47 ,2014 نيسان 04

coz HizbIran employs LAF...

Thumb Chupachups 04:11 ,2014 نيسان 05

so in other words Cedre supports these "free extremists"