الكونغرس يسعى لتشديد العقوبات الاقتصادية على "حزب الله"
Read this story in English"يستعد عدد من النواب في الكونغرس الأميركي الى فرض عقوبات اقتصادية أكثر وطأة على حزب الله"، بحسب ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.
وأشارت صحيفة "الجمهورية" أنّ "عدداً من النواب الديموقراطيين والجمهوريين في الكونغرس الأميركي أعلنوا نِيتهم تقديم مشروع قانون يشدّد العقوبات الاقتصادية على حزب الله".
ويفرض المشروع عقوبات جديدة وقاسية على شبكات تمويل الحزب للحدّ من قدرته على استعمال الأموال لدعم أنشطة إرهابية دولية بحسب نصّ المشروع، بحسب الصحيفة عينها.
الى ذلك، نقلت صحيفة "يديعوت أحرونوت" عن صحيفة "مونيتور"، السبت، أنّ "الكونغرس الأميركي بصدَد الإعداد لقانون يفرض عقوبات جديدة على الحزب عبر قرارٍ يحظّر تمويله".
وأضافت أنه "بحسب ملخّص مسوّدة المشروع، فإذا تمّ تمرير القانون، ستتعرّض قنوات تمويل الحزب لعقوبات جديدة وقاسية، كذلك سيحدّ من قدرته على دعم أنشطة إرهابية حول العالم".
وكان الكونغرس جمّد عام 2012 أموال "حزب الله"، محددا قيمة المبالغ المجمّدة في حساباته للعام 2011 بنحو خمسة ملايين دولار أميركي.
وقرر وزراء خارجية الاتحاد الاوروبي في تموز 2013 ادراج الجناح العسكري لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية، مؤكدين في الوقت نفسه انهم يريدون "مواصلة الحوار" مع كل الاحزاب السياسية اللبنانية بما فيها الحزب.
going after this terrorist Iranian militia's money is fair trade.
but, targeting the central bank?
that would cripple our economy for good and forever!
thank you hizbushaitan.
some comments denote extreme stupidity!
hizbushaitan thought they could govern and took over the cabinet, and failed dramatically on all levels, then they begged m14 to come in to manage the country.
this Iranian terrorist militia' sole role is to make war, and if there is no war, its main reason to exist will vanish. they would not survive in a non war status.
if our banking system is crippled, then they will vanish and Lebanon with them.
I hope this clarifies the picture to the blind and illetrate followers of m14
Sanctions that doesn't mean a thing, The Resistance doesn't do business with the Western American war mongers, so what does it matter. Nothing at all, and never will.
Mystic, you know how much I respect you brother, but here in line with my desire to stay objective, I have no choice but disagree with you here, well, at least on this thread. Hezbollah has a lot of interests in the USA. It even has media broadcasts until not long ago. In Detroit Michigan alone, HA had serious investment under the name of different institutions, all legit and operating normally. But in the past year or so, the US, in line with the declarations made in line with the EU, is now tightening the noose one turn further. If I were you dear brother I will take this latest twist on a more serious note.
Phoenix, The Resistance will never bow down to America or Israel, be it sanctions or other means of force, you know this to be true, you should take my words seriously, and not as a note. There has never been any investments in the US by the Resistance, I do not know where you got that information, but i can tell you they are false claims. That immigrants in US got satellite tv, got nothing to do with the Resistance as a whole, and these sanctions will be spat right back on the US documents.
I know many of you Lebanese Forces and Kataeb likes the Idea, of a westernized Lebanon, but to sell it to the US and Israel, will never be accepted by the rest of us.
See what happend to the SLA, they got kicked out, and we will never allow them to return, they can stay in Israel, where they belong.
I personally know of 3 brothers in the USA owning who are arrested and their businesses confiscated for allegedly dealing in drugs and laundring money to HA Their front business used for all that were night clubs,
Aha, where did you hear that story? New York times or what, false claims with no evidence. You sound like the Special tribunal, with their fake accusations.
Did I say "I heard of..".
Read carefully please, I said "I personally know of ...."
But it is all the same to you ...... I did not expect more.
OK Mystic, your views are yours, and mine are mine, but for the sake of being objective, I believe that being upfront and honest is worth it all. Anyways bro, this is wishing you a good weekend, to you and your loved ones. Stay blessed.
Resistance no more. Like it or not Hizbollah has become a terrorist organization accused of killing political and security leaders in Lebanon, attacking innocent citizens in beirut, burning of a TV station, and most if all helping a tyrannical regime in killing its citizens.
1 hour ago VDL (93.3): Four soldiers were wounded at dawn in an exchange of fire with men from the Shames family in Hermel.
God Bless the LAF as they fight and destroy these Shia Jihadist extremists who have been terrorizing the lebanese people for 30 years.
I think one of the ways that the US can deal a blow to these religious Iranian loving fanatics is to go into Dearborn Michigan and deport all of these Islamic women with headscarves and their equally fanatic husbands. I am sure that these people are making money in the US and secretly supporting this terrorist group at the same time. Time to clamp down-- Obama is too weak to deal with this. Lol- Cheney would have turned Dearborn and its surrounding cities into internment camps.
FBI should raid dearborn, arrest and deport the terrorists FT/southern/F-D/karim and clan
VCheney would be my hero now if he were in the White House because he would have flattened Tehran.
To me, the act of treason is the Iranian serving uneducated clowns on this system who counteract their government by siding with a terrorist group that is a being controlled by hypocritical mullahs in Tehran. What an insult to the Lebanese!
ADMINISTRATOR(s) you shouldnt be approving most of the comment s above. They contain clear racist and aggressive language.
Keep dreaming my freinds..for those of you who didnt get it yet hezballah is supported by about half of the population, which clearly means it is not going away anytime soon! Despite all the financial/political pressures...
These men are our saviors and protectors of our country, we will never abandon them.
So now you have 2 choices, either you open your mind and deal with them with reason, or indeed just keep insulting and speculating in your corners for the coming decades at least, its up to you.
your hizb is sectarian and is ONLY supported by shia. If father christmas told you otherwise, he is lying.
Chad, What half population? A terror group is a terror group even if all are behind it! Living in the west and supporting such a terror group !!!
F-D, the scum of the earth . Have you seen your brother josephani lately? We miss him dearly?
Southern, don't worry yourself with these multiple skeletons that keep popping out of the closet, it is not so hard to tell who it is. Recently such people have been dishing out many profiles, just express your views frankly and let the real debaters debate and ignore these trolls.
A defenition of terrorist group= any group that uses tactics to harm people for political or ethnical gain like what Iranian Revolutionary guards train Hizbolah do ...among actions are kidnaping, Murders, terrorizing people in general.
useless, they're getting millions through khoms money collection....
If our (US) Israel policy left you in any doubt about our feelings about democracy among the dark races, this ban on democratic expression by the Lebanese majority should remove it. If you wonder how the US manages to identify dark races, it's easier to start from whom is considered white in the US. There are three people we're sure of: Obama, Harper of Canada, and Cameron of England. The rest we're not too sure of. I, myself, am of mixed-race parentage.
terrorism is using military power to kill-
civilians children especially
occupy other people land
or using money to buy simple minds politicians ,or lakies (money terror )
money can hurt more than a bullet bullet kills u physically , money kills you morally and cancer your soul
hezbollah relies on FEAR to coerce shias....just like those dictators did... it has its police in dahiye knowing ALL your wherabouts and the composition of your household, it has spies everywhere in its strongholds... dare not be with hezbis? then you ll expose yourself to bullying and threats... so please, either you know NOTHING or you are part of it...
if you don't know then educate yourself and if you know then you are not worth any respect....
take hezbi weapons and you ll see all its support melt like snow in the sun! like it happened in all dictatorships!
Who cares as if Hizbullah is waiting for amercas sanctions or as if this is going to deter or stop them lol
bigjohn: the same way ANY dictator always have 95% of people's votes.... and yes i repeat hezbollah builds its power on FEAR and IGNORANCE.... the very same pattern used in any extremist groups or governments...
just check the facts : that is your proof!