اللينو ينفي اي علاقة لـ"دحلان" في اشكال المية ومية

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نفى قائد الكفاح المسلح الفلسطيني العقيد محمود عيسى المعروف بـ "اللينو"، اي دور للقيادي المفصول من حركة "فتح" محمد دحلان في الاشكال الذي وقع يوم الاثنين في مخيم المية ومية في صيدا.

وأوضح اللينو في حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الثلاثاء، ان دور دحلان يقتصر على العمل الاغاثي الانساني، مضيفاً ان "الربط بين مساعدات جليلة (زوجة دحلان) الإنسانية والتطوّرات التي حصلت هي محاولات مشبوهة ومدسوسة وعارية من الصحّة جملةً وتفصيلاً".

ولفت الى ان ما حصل هو مشكلة قديمة "تجدّدت حول النفوذ والسلطة في مخيم المية ومية".

وقد ادى الاشكال الذي وقع الاثنين، بين مجموعة من أنصار الله ومجموعة أحمد رشيد، أدى الى مقتل ثمانية أشخاص وجرح عشرة آخرين.

يُذكر انه في حزيران 2011، قررت اللجنة المركزية لحركة فتح طرد عضو لجنتها المركزية محمد دحلان من الحركة وتحويلة الى النائب العام بتهمة "الفساد المالي وقضايا قتل".

ونقلت "الجمهورية" عن مصادر أمنية في المخيم، تأكيدها ان الفصائل الفلسطينية تعمل على تطويق ذيول الحادث "في أسرع ما يمكن تجنّباً للتداعيات".


التعليقات 15
Missing --karim-- 07:58 ,2014 نيسان 08

Send the Palestinian and Syrian refugees to Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf/Arab states.

Thumb cedre 11:25 ,2014 نيسان 08


go and ask them for us, karimo...
no doubt they'll treat them better...

Thumb -phoenix1 11:58 ,2014 نيسان 08

I am with you on this one Karim, enough is enough. Although I am not advocating sending the Palestinians out of Lebanon in a rushing manner, but it is now high time that the leadership of our country starts talking about it with the Arab countries and under the auspices of the UN. We can do it over a fair period of 5 years, in which every single Arab country will take its fair and proportionate quota. Dumping the refugee problem on Lebanon mostly is causing enormous strains on us all. By some estimates, Lebanon should shoulder no more than 80,000 Palestinians. We must start now if we wish to avoid that big explosion that will inevitable come if we leave the matter unattended forever. The presence of Palestinians in Lebanon is indeed a ticking bomb.

Thumb cedre 12:13 ,2014 نيسان 08

do u really think arab countries will accept ?

Thumb -phoenix1 13:26 ,2014 نيسان 08

Maybe Cedre, maybe not, but I am aware that they will be reticent at first. We as Lebanese tend to put a lot of blame on others, in this case the Arabs. Even though what I am about to say will not be sweet, but thence, charity begins at home. It is human nature to dump a problem on the shoulders of others, Kyoto protocol for instance is one such example. In our case, everyone needed a quick solution to the Israeli/Palestinian problem, so it all started with those famous words, go to Lebanon only for this weekend. The problem is not really an Arab or Palestinian one but more so a Lebanese one mainly. If we were decent and straight then no one would have been able to buy us, hence the dumping of the Palestinian problem on our little country. Now if we wish to correct the course, we will have to be firm, consistent and perfectly straight, once the Arabs detect the change, they'll comply duly. Five years should be fair.

Thumb cedre 14:44 ,2014 نيسان 08

what about if they refuse phoenix ?
What should be done ?

Thumb cedre 16:07 ,2014 نيسان 08

i support them coz they're real friends of lebanon, recognize our sovereignty, invest and donate in our country, help the army, dont have a sectarian policy, dont arm the sunnis, give jobs to 100s of 1000s of lebanese from all confessions, help us no to kill each others, dont export car bombs or terrorists to lebanon, helped us rebuild the south, etc...

Thumb -phoenix1 20:58 ,2014 نيسان 08

Nata2 zakariahl Banil Shoof, nem, wou fe2, fe2 wou nata2. Rte7lak showay.

Thumb popeye 08:20 ,2014 نيسان 08

"The armed clash erupted between supporters of Jamal Suleiman's Ansar Ullah group, a close ally to Hizbullah and others of Ahmed Rashid's the Return Martyrs' Brigades."

Why is the terror party arming palestinians?!

Thumb ex-fpm 09:05 ,2014 نيسان 08

lol, because they care about the UMMA:)

Missing coolmec 09:26 ,2014 نيسان 08

so many "brigades" exist in these Palestinian camps it is pathetic.
The LAF should clean them up

Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 10:08 ,2014 نيسان 08

all the Palestinian camps should be disarmed

Default-user-icon Jimmy (ضيف) 19:22 ,2014 نيسان 08

I Agree Ya Hanoun and all Palestinians do agree with me if the Palestinians gets their rights in security and basic human rights no need for arms

Thumb chrisrushlau 15:53 ,2014 نيسان 08

The last comment explains all this sense of outrage among ordinary Lebanese: who cannot imagine getting hurt trying to stand up for their rights, but can readily imagine hurting others to defend their privileges.

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 19:08 ,2014 نيسان 08

I am reading the responds from you guys, its sad to feel how ignorance the majority are
It is simple to solve the Lebanese Palestinians problems by simply treat them as a humans give them simple rights an dignity then ask them for responsibilities I my self was born in Lebanon in one of the Palestinian camps I love Lebanon Its in my heart as much as my original country Palestine But we are victims as much as our lebanese brothers
I would like to ask everyone of you when you were born did you have the choice to choose your nationality religion race colour language or what kind of life you want
We all have no choice of so many things in life
I really want you to think before you say any bad thing which is only built ha-tress and more damages instead put yourself in their shoes to know how it feel when you have NO HOPE NO LIFE NO DIGNITY NO FUTURE NO BASIC RESPECT NO SECURITY and YOU HAVE NO CHOICE
Enough in enough my friends
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