إثنين من المتهمين الـ4 في حزب الله لهما علاقة بتفجيرات المر وحماده وشدياق وحاوي

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أبلغت لجنة التحقيق الدولية وزير الداع الوطني الياس المر والنائب مروان حمادة والإعلامية الدكتورة مي شدياق أن اثنين من المتهمين الأربعة من حزب الله شاركا في العمليات التي استهدفتهم اضافة الى عملية اغتيال جورج حاوي.

وقالت وكالة الأنباء "المركزية" أن "اللجنة أكدت ان القضاء الدولي وضع يده على الملف ويتوجب على الثلاثة التهيؤ لمرحلة المحاكمة الدولية، وان قرارا اتهاميا جديدا قد يصدر في القضايا الاربع قريبا تعقبه مذكرات توقيف في حق متهمين جدد".

وفي سياق متصل اشارت المعلومات الى ان القرار الاتهامي في جريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري قد يعلن خلال اسابيع.

وكانت المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان سلمت ميرزا في 30 حزيران قرارا اتهاميا مختوما واربع مذكرات توقيف لا يكشف عن تفاصيله إلا بعد انتهاء مدة جواب الدولة اللبنانية في 11 آب وهي قد أبلغت المحكمة منذ ثلاثة أيام عدم قدرتها على اعتقال أي من المتهمين الأربعة.

والمتهمون الاربعة هم: قائد العمليات الخارجية في حزب الله مصطفى بدر الدين وسليم العياش واسد صبرا وحسن عنيسي المنتمون ايضا الى حزب الله.

التعليقات 9
Thumb shab 20:56 ,2011 آب 11

The four saints and others to follow are all hiding in Israel by order of Mossad Dahyie division

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 22:07 ,2011 آب 11

Everyone know that Hizb is a criminal organization surviving on fear and intimidation like the Assad criminal regime, but few have the courage to publicly say it. Hizbollah has as much support among Shia as Assad among Syrians, the kind of support that can crumble in an instant when Shia wake up and realize what a malignant cancer Hizb is endangering the future of Shia and all community. As Hizbollah string of crimes and intimidation tactics can no longer be ignored, there is hope ordinary Lebanese will have the same courage as brave ordinary Syrians and demand full accountability for abuses committed by Hizb and its useful idiots.

Thumb benzona 01:05 ,2011 آب 12

Why am I not surprised? It think it was fairly obvious...

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 01:23 ,2011 آب 12

No imposter. It is not based on cell number tracking but on how Hizb has behaved in the past six years along with their partner in crime Assad, their intimidation tactics including the occupation of Beirut, their futile efforts to block the creation of STL, and the brutality the Basij supressed the Green Revolution. They are Basij, funded by Iranian radical, and behaving like criminals.

Default-user-icon Yoav (ضيف) 02:04 ,2011 آب 12

shab, the arabs in "lebanon" are the ones who created hizbullah, who supported them, protected them and gave them shield and a green light to do as they want. So instead blame yourself and dont bring in israel in to this. Go disarm hizbullah instead of talking rubbish online. Go take care of your own shit and dont talk about israel because you will never be able to achieve even 1 percent of what we have achieved all while you are fighting over the same issues year after year after year. Had i been born an arab then i would have called myself french like so many of you already do. No wonder why you have such an identity crises. You had the chance to make peace instead you chose war like always so dont cry when you get war. by the way look in your backyard im sure you will find these wanted persons but you are a banana republic and a banana people only good for posting online but when it comes to action your no where to be seen. You deserve your hizbullah. Mabruch to you.

Default-user-icon un520 (ضيف) 04:38 ,2011 آب 12

Looking at those pics of the car(s), is it only me who doubts the official story about a hand grenade that went off? But I guess we will never know now that man of the same calibre as Jamil Sayyed are back at the helmet of the judicial apparatus...

Default-user-icon ... (ضيف) 08:48 ,2011 آب 12

What about Gibran Tueini and Samir Kassir assassinations? ... 2 journalists killed for their freedom of speech and clear visions about how Lebanon revolutions are the Spring of the Arab world revolution... We need to bring the culprits to Justice as soon as possible.

Default-user-icon simply me (ضيف) 11:06 ,2011 آب 12

Hezbollah AND Israel will die together one day!
Remember my words.

Default-user-icon Syrian (ضيف) 13:06 ,2011 آب 12

I have no doubts whatsoever that it was the nazi regime in Damascus that gave the orders to kill those people.

Yoav, what we're doing is getting rid of your allies in Damascus and the region first then we're going to focus on your little nazi state....your time is coming don't worry....get in-line like a good heeb.
