توقيف أحد المتورطين الخطيرين بتفخيخ السيارات في عرسال
Read this story in English![W460](http://images2.naharnet.com/images/117193/w460.jpg?1397320128)
أوقفت استخبارات الجيش مجددا السبت أحد المتورطين الأساسيين في ملف تفخيخ السيارات في عرسال.
وقال بيان للجيش مساء السبت أن قوات المخابرات تمكنت "بعد عملية رصد ومتابعة من توقيف المطلوب احمد احمد الأطرش الملقب بـ "نسر عرسال" للإشتباه بتورطه بأعمال إرهابية وذلك بعد مداهمة مكان تواجده في عرسال".
من جهتها أشارت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" إلى أن الموقوف هو "أحد المتورطين الخطيرين بتفخيخ السيارات".
وكان قد أعلن الجيش الأربعاء توقيف أحد المطلوبين الخطرين في منطقة عرسال يدعى محمد قاسم و7 مسلحين آخرين من التابعية السورية كانوا يتواجدون معه في مكان توقيفه.
في 27 آذار الفائت قتل "الإرهابي الخطير" سامي الأطرش المطلوب بعمليات إرهابية وقتل مدنيين وعسكريين في عملية لمخابرات الجيش في المدينة عينها وتبين أن الأطرش مسؤول عن تفخيخ السيارات وإرسالها بغية تفجيرها.
ولفتت قناة الـ"OTV" مساء اليوم السبت أن "الموقوف أحمد الأطرش هو شقيق الإرهابي سامي الأطرش وابن عم الموقوف عمر الأطرش".
وضرب مناطق الضاحية والبقاع في الأشهر الأخيرة أدت إلى سقوط عشرات القتلى والجرحى.
Just like you Bani Maarouf, you are an endengered specie, the more species you use on this forum, the more danger you run to your credibility as a poser, oops sorry, I meant to say as a poster.
phoenix; It seems you go out of your way to pick a fight with posters, I wonder why...
What about your hero PLO terrorists? They didn't terrorize and kill anyone, mish hek?
another amazing comment from phoenix! once again it shows his true colors :)
I wonder what is the meaning of his comment and why he is trying to pick a fight?
no they didnt . thet were innocent civilans minding their own business.
stop twisting history : shoot on church, kill people, go in a bus in the same area where u did that, then blame others for reacting !
On the morning of 13 April 1975, unidentified gunmen in a speeding car fired on a church in the Christian East Beirut suburb of Ain el-Rummaneh, killing four people including two Maronite Phalangists. Hours later, Phalangists led by the Gemayels killed 30 Palestinians traveling in Ain el-Rummaneh. Citywide clashes erupted in response to this "Bus Massacre".
RW, you are so silly, can't you see that I am posting from a different time zone? Jeez, so childish you are, at least I've never used but one profile, yet you my dear fake friend, where are you, at your eleventh? You are fake mister, as fake as your imagination keeps betraying you, all I am kindly requesting of you, is to drop all your mulitple accounts, and use just one, just one! Is that hard dear friend? Must you always hate so much. One profile like most of us do, more than enough. I told you, it's nothing personal.
Geha, nothing amazing here. Have I ever tangled with you? How many times have I defended your views here, and why? But I am not here to praise sing for anyone, be it M8 or M14, I am here to air my views, period. You and everyone know well that Banni Maarouf is an impostor, readily using several profiles, as does the owner of RW, different accounts, same hatred, same narrow mindedness, all residing in their brains. I am doing all I could to help this forum remain clean, and look at how many insults keep raining on decent posters. Have you the courage to face them? So leave me to face them if you don't mind, blame me when you will see me being disrespectful. In the meantime, keep the peace.
Liberty, please read my replies to Bani Maarouf, owner of many fake accounts, to Roaring Wolf, another owner of many other fake accounts, and Geha, fortunately a guy decent and whom I respect. Is it unfair of me to say that enough is enough? How many times did we see good threads get derailed and sent down the drains? Why can't we simply debate, clean and neat without having to endure all the ridicule from such multiple users, all bent on hatred and down thumbing others and up thumbing themselves. What drives them nuts is the fact that they cannot anger me, no matter what cheap tricks they keep trying. I shall remain just as it is, till they decide to use one account each. The time zone I am in currently, allows me to be extravagant, two more days, and will be back home.
(1). Roaring Wolf, aren't you whom I know you are? Your poor brains, they are the ones you should blame. You home on my avatar, and you start getting lots of imagination, then bingo, I am the one you created in your mind. Am I whom you write here I am? Come now, get off it will you? Last year I tnagled with you when you used another profile, but you can't change can you? This forum is ours all to use, but the difference is between decent folks who have a lot to contribute, and contrites like you whose intolerance remains the one single obstruction to their being good contributors. Drop your silliness, drop your childish behavior, just debate in respectful ways and all will be fine.
(2), Roaring Wolf. Then don't mislead yourself with the many fake accounts you're running, one is more than enough. I so much wish that the mods delete all these multiples, then we shall see who is fake and who is not, you Sir remain fake, like it or not, you're fake with even more fake thinking. This is my wishing you well, despite all the sorry fake things you said of my, God bless you.
Excellent news! God bless the Lebanese Army! Torture and hang him!
I don't think anyone hates Lebanon or the LAF. It is just hypocritical when people like Karim and his others use the LAF in their sectarian arguments. You never see him and his likes praise the army when it catches one of their own. Have you ever seen him praise the LAF when it arrests criminals in Brital?
to prove my point, here is the article on the arrest of criminals in Bekaa, and Karim is nowhere to be seen. He uses the LAF when it suits his sectarian agenda!
those who hate the army are well known: hizbushaitan and their masters and supporters, as contrary to what they declare, a strong army means they finally do not exist.
I for one criticize the inaction of the army or its one sided actions: not catching all those protected by hizbushaitan as an example.