حزب الله في سوريا: خبرة قتالية جديدة في مواجهة عدو مختلف
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من القتال ضد اسرائيل على الحدود اللبنانية، الى سوريا حيث يحارب الى جانب قوات النظام، يكتسب حزب الله خبرة ميدانية مختلفة، لكنه ايضا يظهر كقوة اساسية في النزاع تساهم في التدريب وقيادة العمليات العسكرية، بحسب محللين ومقاتلين.
بالنسبة الى الخبراء، تغيرت استراتيجية حزب الله وخطابه السياسي مع تغير مسرح عملياته: كان يواجه "العدو الصهيوني" بدباباته وطائراته، وتحول الى هدف "للتكفيريين" كما يسميهم، الذين يخوض ضدهم حرب عصابات في ميدان حرب جديد، والى قوة مساندة اساسية وفعالة لنظام الرئيس بشار الاسد.
ويقول اندرو اكزوم، الموظف السابق في وزارة الخارجية الاميركية والخبير في الشؤون اللبنانية، لوكالة فرانس برس، "هناك جيل جديد من مقاتلي حزب الله يخوض تجربته القتالية الاولى في سوريا. أتصور انهم يكتسبون خبرة جيدة في القتال ضمن مجموعات صغيرة في مواجهة حقيقية في ساحة المعركة" لا من خلال معارك وهمية تنفذ عادة في التدريبات.
ويقدر عدد مقاتلي حزب الله في سوريا بخمسة آلاف. ويتلقى عناصر الحزب قبل ذهابهم الى الميدان دورات تدريبية في لبنان في مرحلة اولى، ثم في ايران.
ويذكر احد هؤلاء، وقد قدم نفسه باسم ابو محمد (30 سنة) من منطقة بعلبك (شرق) لوكالة فرانس برس ان "دورات التدريب تبدأ في جرود بعلبك وتتراوح بين اربعين يوما وثلاثة اشهر، ثم تستكمل في ايران لمدة شهرين حيث يتم التدريب على الاسلحة الثقيلة".
وكان ابو محمد عاد قبل فترة من منطقة القلمون شمال دمشق حيث شارك في المعارك واصيب برصاصة في صدره.
ويضيف ان الدورات التدريبية في صفوف الحزب حاليا "اكثر كثافة، لاننا نقاتل منذ اكثر من سنتين بشكل متواصل من دون توقف".
وتحصل بعض الدورات التدريبية في جنوب لبنان. وتشمل الدورات في ايران التدرب على قيادة المجموعات على الارض.
ويقول مقاتلون في حزب الله ان التجنيد بلغ اوجه خلال السنة الماضية بعد الاعلان عن انخراط الحزب في النزاع السوري، لكن الوتيرة تراجعت قبل اشهر، "لان العدد اصبح كافيا"، بحسب ما قال احدهم.
ويؤكدون ان المعايير المطلوبة للقتال في صفوف الحزب ان يكون المرء خلوقا ومتدينا ويبلغ 18 عاما.
ويتحدث عناصر الحزب الذين سبق لهم ان خاضوا معارك ضد الجيش الاسرائيلي عن اختبارين مختلفين.
ويقول ابو علي (40 عاما) الذي شارك في حرب تموز 2006 ضد اسرائيل وفي حرب القلمون الشهر الماضي، "مع اسرائيل كنا في مواجهة عدو واحد. اما في سوريا، فلا نعرف من نواجه، ساعة +داعش+، وساعة جبهة النصرة، وساعة الجيش الحر... في جنوب لبنان، نعرف الارض والجغرافيا، بينما في سوريا لا نعرفها".
ويضيف "القتال في سوريا ليس سهلا. مساحات شاسعة، صحراء وجبال ووديان...".
ويقول جيفري وايت، احد المسؤولين السابقين في الاستخبارات الاميركية، في تقرير صدر اخيرا عن مركز مكافحة الارهاب في واشنطن، ان النزاع السوري "يعطي حزب الله معرفة قيمة حول الحرب غير التقليدية"، مضيفا ان الحزب "يقود العمليات، بما فيها العمليات الهجومية، ولا يكتفي بالقتال في معارك تكتيكية" صغيرة.
ويوضح ان المعارك "من نوع آخر... تستغرق وقتا طويلا وتشارك فيها وحدات كبيرة، وتتخللها عمليات معقدة".
ويلعب الحزب كذلك دورا في تدريب بعض المجموعات السورية.
ويؤكد مقاتل يقدم نفسه باسم ابو حسين (40 عاما)، وهو قائد مجموعة، ان "بعض عناصر الجيش السوري غير منضبطين... واحيانا غير كفوئين، وقد وجهوا اكثر من مرة نيرانهم عن طريق الخطأ الى مقاتلي الحزب"، مضيفا "ليست لديهم خبرة في حرب الشوارع".
ويشير الى ان حزب الله يتولى "تدريب عناصر في جيش الدفاع الوطني وفي قوة انشئت حديثا يطلق عليها اسم +صقور الصحراء+ وتضم خصوصا متقاعدين في الجيش السوري".
ويشير معهد الدراسات حول الحرب في واشنطن في تقرير صدر في نيسان الى ان حزب الله "لديه الآن كادرات بين المقاتلين اختبروا العمليات الهجومية داخل المدن"، بالاضافة الى "خبرة في التنسيق مع قوى حليفة في المعركة والقدرة على تامين امدادات لوجستية لوقت طويل".
ودفع حزب الله ثمن تورطه العسكري في سوريا مقتل اكثر من 360 عنصرا من مقاتليه، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.
كما بات هدفا لعمليات تفجير، معظمها انتحارية، استهدفت على مدى الاشهر الماضية مناطق عدة محسوبة عليه وقتل نتيجتها العشرات.
ويبرر حزب الله مشاركته في القتال السوري بمحاولة منع "المجموعات التكفيرية" من الوصول الى لبنان. كما اكد الامين العام للحزب حسن نصرالله انه لن يسمح بسقوط النظام السوري، حليف "المقاومة" الاول.
ويؤكد مقاتلو الحزب ان من يذهب الى سوريا لا يحتاج الى اقناع، مرددين الخطاب نفسه حول ضرورة ردع المتطرفين ومساندة بشار الاسد الذي "دعمنا في حرب تموز".
ويقول فيليب سميث من جامعة ميريلاند الاميركية لفرانس برس انه بالنسبة الى العديد من عناصر حزب الله، المعركة هي ايضا "نوع من الجهاد الدفاعي عن المقامات الشيعية (مثل السيدة زينب قرب دمشق) في ظل هجمة على الطائفة الشيعية في المنطقة".
وعلى الرغم من ان الخطاب العلني لحزب الله ينفي الطابع الطائفي للقتال في سوريا، الا ان تحول الحزب الى طرف في النزاع رفع حدة التوتر الشيعي السني في لبنان والمنطقة.

"In one Lebanese village, the yellow flags of Hizbullah flapped overhead as a mother received condolences on the death of her son in Syria."
May all of them become martyrs and orphans. May more go and perform their sectarian Jihadist duties. May non of them come back unless in yellow body bags.

where is the shisha smoker on a bekaa terrace?? without his testimonies any AFP report cannot be credible.

crazy how much anonymous sources from the hezbollah open up to AFP journalists and share with them their tactics and insights :)
(uh sorry, not totally anonymous, since they are identified as "ali" and "abu ali" LOL)

they used to share their biggest secrets with m14 newspapers and kuwaiti toilet papers only, nice to see now they open up to more international media ;)

jnoubi habibi believe what you want, we dont care about your israeli opinion. keep playing on internet, it wont help you in the coming war.

they could call them starsky and hutch for all i care... it's just a pile of rubbish fur gullible fools that you are.
OK, ya Bani Maarouf, how about you stash out of your PC, and become an Abadaye? Yalla, after you ya gay.

Your shisha smoker was probably murdered by Hezbollah for buying Shisha through legal means instead of their corrupt underground shisha smuggling network :)

in your dreams baby :) keep fantasizing, that's all you got little man.

mowaten: as one of your dearest friends I insist on doing your eulogy during your upcoming memorial service. You can count on me

I am against them in Syria but am not pleased with their death. Shame!

@Mowaten, your comment is utterly stupid !
Since Yabroud fell, more bombed rigged cars were caught than ever before. And those were made in Lebanon showing Hassan's lies and excuses are just that ! VAPOR !
If you want to find stupid and statistically irrelevant correlations here are some for you :
- Since Hezbollah's involvement in Syria, number of syrian refugees has increased exponentially
- Since Hezbollah's war in Syria, the amount of theft, robberies, murders and criminal activity in the country has more than doubled !
- Since Hezbollah's war in Syria, the amount of breaches of our laws and constitution by Hezbollah has exceeded those committed throughout their entire history

lol FC a lot of BS to try and cover up a simple fact that everybody knows and noticed.
i didnt expect you to recognize HA's positive role anyway, bad faith is your middle name.

@Mowaten, don't rejoice yourself too soon.
If people want to blow up Hezbollah, they will find other ways, Ma we'fet 3a Yabrud !
This is in fact a huge fail for Hezbollah.
You don't solve the problem by moving it elsewhere you know !
The same way you don't win a war with Israel when they retreat from Lebanon. You're just postponing things.
You only truly win when you either :
- Make peace with your ennemies
- Eliminate them completely (this can never happen)
For now, Hezbollah has done nothing but lose !

see what i mean? mowaten is here all day every day, posting absolutely nothing of substance. no opinions, no arguments, no factual input, nothing. only disruption attempts. how could he possibly be a genuine reader? he's probably the least dangerous (because he's so obvious and shallow) but there are many others who are certainly way above his pay grade.

SPEAK only when you feel that your words are better than your SILENCE, and that mowaten in Farsi means, Zip it.

What you don't understand Mowaten is that unlike you, I don't support terrorists or their actions.
And what you also don't understand are that you are being lied to everyday by Nasrallah and his 40 terrorists.
You believe in fake victories when all they have achieved is cheat you into believing they are divine and almighty.
You cannot eradicate HATE. Hate created by countless crimes committed by this party of death loving terrorists !
For every Yabrud that falls, you will get 2 more yabruds. For every Israeli attack you prevent, you will get 2 more attacks.
War is not the way to peace !
And we Lebanese will no longer accept to be held hostages by your false claims, your false wars and your IDIOCY !

@Mowaten : "And i'll enjoy watching HA sending you to hell."
Yalla, bring it on ! Can't wait for your terrorists to try ! Bunch of cowards hiding behind weapons who are unable to achieve anything without bombing or killing their way through.
Show me what Hezbollah is capable of that does not actually involve brutality and murder !
Show me the great economical plans Hezbollah holds for Lebanon. Show me the great political victories of Hezbollah. Give me a single reason to believe they fight for Lebanon and not Iran and it's plans to turn Lebanon / Syria into a Shiaa controlled empire !

yes thank you hizbullah for keeping YOUR SECT safe..what did Hizbullah do when christian and sunni politicians were being blown up? by car bombs? Nastankir!!

it is not even funny anymore, watch how many posts these two characters will post on this article alone. Propagandists in action)

Nasrallah sent a message to Israel through the Russians that the Southern borders are the quietest on earth. HA real objectives are now clearer than ever. All this hot air "zionist" enemy, resistance, Arab cause have dwindled down to a mere sectarian and destructive war in Syria. Nobody is fooled not that any were before.

LOOOL coming from you this is hilarious. here's a shekel for your two comments.

The Shia sect should disavow themselves from this group like the Sunnis have of Qeada, except in their case their creed is based on Extremist theology.

I agree 100 pct. they are even leaving Detroit to go fifth because they hate Sunni so bad. It's reciprocal though.

The battle in Syria is crucial, some of this information is not true, but it's right that The Resistance are now greater than ever before, new combat experience, 10 times more recruiting, everytime Al Nusra bombs a neighbourhood, hundreds more volunteer, it's a glory to fight Israels takfiris, everybody wants to take part.

@Mystic : Crucial for whom ? Crucial for what ?
And stop calling it a "Resistance". It's a Shiite Islamist Resistance BASED IN LEBANON.
The term Resistance is far too noble for excrements such as Nasrallah and his sheep.
Long live the true Lebanese shiites free of the rule of Iran's supreme terrorist Ayatollah! And long live the people of Iran, true proponents of democracy oppressed by their terrorist regime.
Long live the people of Lebanon and may they be free of the weapons of terrorist groups who play pretend politics to cover their criminal organisation !

No my friend, obviously, like a good Hezbollah sheep, you have a completely distorted view of the world where people who dont agree with you (people who do not accept your weapons) are takfiri and israeli lovers.
I'm against everyone who fights for other countries. Who takes orders from other countries. Who use my country as a base to serve their sectarian goals.
I'm Lebanese, something you will never understand.
I believe in Lebanon, a country you don't believe in.
And you are a parasite. An temporary iranian epidemy that will become extinct. So did the romans, greeks, egyptians, ottomans, french and many others. You will fail because you do not fight for a cause you understand.
As more and more Lebanese shiaa are fed up with Hezbollah, we will recover our country and bring it back on its feet !

Aha? So what you are trying to say, is that i"m not Lebanese. You are funny, I find it strange that a dozen of my family members serves in the LAF then. Get your facts straight Mr. American,your lies decieve you. The Resistance is Lebanese and serves Lebanon, and volunteered to assist Syria against the foreign plot.

@mystic : THen I would say that the LAF is plagued with elements with allegiances to foreign countries. They should be hanged as traitors !
You cannot both support the LAF and Hezbollah. They cannot co-exist. It's one or the other.
Pick your side.
And if you are proud of the LAF, then remove this terrorist profile picture and replace it with the Lebanese or army flag instead !

flamethrower: I know you have an ear for what's hip and cool; what's your take on Pitbull And J. Lo's "We Are One (Olé Ola)." World Cup Song? Is that a good tactical move you think?

The Shia in Lebanon are becoming more n more educated, and integrating into Lebanese society. Eventually we r gonna be one people, wether u like it or not.

No BB. the shia are not getting more educated. Unlike Hariri (RIP) HA has very clear instructions on NOT educating its constituents. They want a docile gullible hungry home base to manipulate.
Any university in Dahieh?

only you mowaten of iran have ideas as evident by your 12 posts so far!

mowaten. No I have no idea. nawwerneh.
Ever since Kamal el Ass3ad who used to say "i educated my son, no need to open schools for shias", Shia leadership has worked hard to keep their population uneducated, so that they keep on controlling them as a herd. Today, Amal and HA are doing the same. Instead of educating their people to become financially independant, they are sending them to carry on Assad's war.
Since no educated man in the right mind would go work as a mercenary in foreign country, and since HA needs a poor uneducated shia homebase for its strategy, it is normal to not educate them.
I am sure there are exceptions, as I have many very well educated shia friends, but this is the general strategy for the shia populace.

Something about hezbollah-Iran-Assad i don't trust.. they can't be HEZB Allah, they just can't. deception at its best.

What about she will receive condolences in regards the rest of her kids including 30000$....last price

I never heard about a Shiite who knows how to read or write...kelllo bi 2eb motoyet...

samy.. 14 April 2014, 13:10 611
the day i see your head chopped ya ft/movaten, is the day i will be dancing in the streets
And My accounjt was suspended...

The "new narrative" sounds like a new lie to me, a cover story to sell to their co-religion constituents who offer up their sons to the Hezbollah.
The expertize that they are gaining in Syria is of little to no use for a "Resistance Movement". Resistance is a defensive military operation meant to defend and throw off the aggressor. Here Hezbollah is learning the art of military aggression. And where and against whom will it apply this newly learned art after the Syria war is over??
In Lebanon and against Lebanese and the Lebanese Army. Count on it. The cancer that is Hezbollah is not being killed in Syria, it is going to Type 4 and becoming more virulent to Lebanon and the Lebanese.

At first glance at this pic, looked like Tehran. Anyhow they can change whatever narrative they want, it's still the same ol' primitive feud. In other news! There's been advances in cholesterol reduction through new clinical trials....see this is what normal society does, ADVANCES not regresses.