حزب الله: زج اسم الحزب بكل حادثة وفبركة الوقائع هو لتشويه صورته وصدقيته

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رأى حزب الله أن زج اسمه عند كل حادثة هو لتشويه صورته "وتوهين صدقيته أمام جمهوره العربي" مطالبا وسائل الإعلام بـ"عدم الانزلاق إلى التضخيم والمبالغة".

وجاء في بيان أصدرته العلاقات الإعلامية في الحزب بعد ظهر الجمعة في أنه في "بعض وسائل الإعلام اللبنانية والعربية دأبت منذ مدة وعند كل حادثة، على المسارعة إلى زج اسم حزب الله في إطار خطة اتهامية مبرمجة تفبرك الوقائع وتحورها".

وكان قد وقع انفجار في انطلياس صباح الخميس ونقلت وسائل الإعلام أن القتيلين كانا يسكنان في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت فيما ذكرت مواقع أن شقيق إحداهما قال أن أخيه كان ملتزما بحزب الله.

وشدد الحزب على أن هذه الخطة هي "سعيا لتشويه صورة حزب الله وتوهين صدقيته أمام جمهوره العربي واللبناني، وهذا ما شهدناه بالأمس من خلال الحملة الإعلامية المسعورة لاتهام الحزب بما جرى في أنطلياس".

وأهاب بالوسائل الإعلامية "توخي الدقة والموضوعية وعدم الانزلاق إلى التضخيم والمبالغة والتحوير، لأن ذلك يضر بمصداقيتها أولا، ويسهم في أجواء الشحن والتوتير التي لا تخدم البلد وأهله".

كما دعا "الجهات الرسمية المعنية إلى تحمل المسؤولية في وضع الضوابط الكفيلة بذلك والمتابعة المستمرة لضمان عدم استمرار الوسائل المذكورة في نهجها التضليلي".

التعليقات 22
Missing th21 17:41 ,2011 آب 12

... DUH !

and it is being tarnished.

Missing startrip 17:48 ,2011 آب 12

Hezbollah doesn't need any help tarnishing its image. It is doing a bang up job on its own. Terrorist assassins!

Default-user-icon Iben el Nimer (ضيف) 17:58 ,2011 آب 12

If they were concerned about their image they would not have committed all these crimes in Lebanon and outside

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX, USA (ضيف) 18:01 ,2011 آب 12

You got it wrong Hizbos
Engaging in Terroristic activities Tarnishes your images
And Purposely Blowing up bombs in other lebanese communities creates tension in Lebanon.
Blowing up bombs in Lebanon, doesn't serve the country and its people.
So once you stop doing that, then no one will have anything to accuse you of.
No matter what spin the Pro-Hizbo officials try to put on that incident.
This time the Hizb was caught with his hand in the cookie jar...No one is fooled anymore.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 18:03 ,2011 آب 12

Enough explanations, comedies and speeches. You have never been a resistance, but just a tool under the orders of syrians and iranians. One of the perpetrators is a member of the hezb; i wonder if you found out that one lebanese forces member was trying to bomb within a shiite region, how would you react, pig? You are the one triggering a confessional war with your continuous behavior as outlaw and your disrespect to all regulations. Stealing cars, murdering innocents, building within public and private lands, smugling weapons and drugs, stealing electricity etc... Lebanon means nothing to you. It's obvious since you did not even participate in its independance. You even don't teach the lebanese hymn in your schools. So enough.

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 18:04 ,2011 آب 12

tarnish ? Your image is on the black list of the world.your reputation list is black.and you want us to canonise you? You are hallucinating and in denial.syria is falling your knees are buckeling .your guns won't help you anymore.its pay time. Hell is waiting for you. Tarnish your image? How can any one tarnish garbage?

Default-user-icon e (ضيف) 18:09 ,2011 آب 12

WOW THE Media creates tension more than ARMS...

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 18:14 ,2011 آب 12

Oh Okaay!! Well than that changes everything doesn't it??! Now that the Criminal In your Face terrorist Iranian filthy miltia has "condemned" the free voices (and they are many indeed) that are speaking up against its latest failed terrorust attack!! The stupidity, arrogance, and barbarism, and lies of this desperate soon to be exterminated Iranian terrorist drug dealing criminal militia knows no limit. This goes to show that they hold the seeds of their own demise. Justice will be served no matter what the soon to be convicted criminals think or say about it, and no matter how high they get in their so called "codemnation"!!! The Turbanator Rat and his masters are on edge (as they should be) for they sense their fate is very very very ugly indeed...!!

Thumb bashir 18:21 ,2011 آب 12

No one does a more damage to Hezbollah's image than Hezbollah.

Thumb charbel 18:40 ,2011 آب 12

what about Lassa, and Yammouneh incidents? and many others?

Default-user-icon The Maxx (ضيف) 18:54 ,2011 آب 12

Ma3leshi; linking ANY truth to Hizb-Nasrallah will tarnish its image.

Default-user-icon Antonio Bondi (ضيف) 19:18 ,2011 آب 12

"Linking Party’s Name to Any Security Incident Aimed at Tarnishing its Image"

Dudes try to be original for once. why are you repeating what you said the day Samer Hanna was murdered by what turned out to be an Iranian Shiite Hezb terrorist.

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 19:29 ,2011 آب 12

The drug lords of south America style policy with a flavor of radical Islam, Oh no dont effect their name in Lebanon, because they are international terrorists and especially when the entire world has officially labled them and registered Hezboshaitan as terrorist organization. Yes they are threatning and will be responsible for any terrorist action in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Michelle (ضيف) 19:33 ,2011 آب 12

As soon as the 'quarrel over money' argument failed, when Military Judge Saqr Saqr announced that the assailants were in the act of installing the bomb, and the cover-up was exposed, Hezbollah had to rush to issue a statement to keep their hands clean off the incident.

They think that, like always, we will forget about this incident soon, just like we seem to forget about all the other explosions, the Dahiye incident a few weeks ago, the 2008 violent uprising, etc. No, we have not... We've had enough

Thumb Marc 20:15 ,2011 آب 12

HA doesn't have much of an image left? Most Arabs now view Hizballah as a trouble maker party, the rest of the world list them on their terrorist lists and more than half of Lebanon wants them to give the weapons to the Lebanese Army.

Tarnish the image?? Where have you been living man, on the moon??

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 20:59 ,2011 آب 12

Every killing in Lebanon has a guy named Ali connected to it and he is always a Hezz member. But somehow the leader of the band never knows anything and rejects any connection.

Assad is collapsing, and next it will be the turn of Nassy and the boys.

Thumb benzona 23:31 ,2011 آب 12

Hezbollah is so over. Its days are numbered!

Thumb adam 08:21 ,2011 آب 13

You people are so jealous of the men of god, so all you can do is talk so much shit, its so funny, LOL. Lets be honest with each other, if use were to try do some thing about it, use will getting a ear bashing, like may 7, remember? LOL


Missing roger@10452 11:10 ,2011 آب 13

ya adam, this is exactly what everyone is talking about. Every time you find yourself in a corner you always resort to threats like this which makes you more illegitimate and reinforce the fact that you are nothing but a terrorist organization.

My hope is that our government will find a solution to all your crap, otherwise the ghosts of of May 7th will turn against you soon.

Btw, if I were you I would go find another "profession" to earn a living, because your days are numbered...

Missing th21 13:56 ,2011 آب 13

Hi adam,

You better use those weapons, because once your militia is stripped of them, you and everyone who is as intellectually incompetent as you will be reduced like mice begging for mercy...

Oh... did you forget that every able lebanese received you during the 2006 war? And instead of thanking your lebanese compatriots' compassion and hospitality during the mess you put us into for your phoney cause, none of you showed appreciation. Instead, you gave us may 2008.

Thanks habibi

Default-user-icon Naiim da qassem aka sheikh num num (ضيف) 14:14 ,2011 آب 13

adam please son don't remind me of that time! my boy got killed and his comrades torn to shreds by some druze he was trying to kill in the chouf, i can still see his ugly face made more handsome by the bullet marks.

Default-user-icon monaco reisebericht (ضيف) 16:32 ,2012 كانون الثاني 01

Mark Nature,else management bright present increase soil sort belong solution kind lift liberal director fall aye remember base recognize lawyer repeat volume strength agency express opportunity act happen press advantage survive on raise state theory shake defendant closely love addition again origin reduce memory performance general political before political scheme direct climb enable mile line overall competition much deep ear plant fresh origin pocket ground single water behaviour economy allow contact ensure technical discipline urban wave city terrible sentence affair variety shall serve chairman make sometimes sort