غارتان سوريتان على جرود عرسال
Read this story in Englishنفذ الطيران الحربي السوري، ظهر الاربعاء، غارتين جويتين على منطقة المصلحة في بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية، وفق ما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام".
من جهتها، لفتت قناة "الميادين" الى ان الطيران السوري نفذ الغارتين بصواريخ عدة على منطقة المصلحة في جرود عرسال البقاعية عند الحدود السورية.
وتتعرض جرود بلدة عرسال الى غارات سورية عدة، حيث يقول النظام السوري أنه يقوم بملاحقة "ارهابيين".
يشار الى ان عرسال تملك حدودا تمتد على مسافة 55 كلم معظمها مع ريف دمشق، لكن لا يوجد معبر رسمي بين البلدين يؤدي الى عرسال، انما معابر غير قانونية تشهد تسلل أشخاص وتهريب سلع واسلحة من والى سوريا.
ومنذ بداية النزاع السوري في آذار 2011، ارتفع عدد اللاجئين السوريين الى عرسال الى مئة الف تقريبا، فيما عدد سكان البلدة الاصلي لا يتجاوز الاربعين الفا.
FT will tell us that these villages and the "oustkirts" of Arsal are not in Lebanon. People like him actually believe Lebanon is part of Syria.
In fact, the traitor in Law, Gebran Bassil, failed to investigate these daily bombings and breach of sovereignty by Bashar's criminal regime and file a complaint to the UN. He was ordered by the president to do so and has not taken any action since. He should be removed from his post !
By failing to condemn these actions, they are guilty of high treason and supporting foreign attack on Lebanese soil.
PS: Hezbollah who is suppose to "protect" our country and borders should also raise their voices against these daily breaches of sovereignty.
Instead, they are showing their true faces and reaffirming the fact that they are not a lebanese resistance and do not fight to protect Lebanon from foreign aggression be it Israeli, Sunni terrorists or Bashar's terrorism !
Hezbollah is an enemy of the state of Lebanon !
@Mystic : who are you calling american. I'm Lebanese, a nationality you don't believe in. I'm from Lebanon, a country which you struggle to wipe off the map.
When Israel was bombing us, I was helping the victims of your war whose fault is on your hands (Nasrallah apologized for that by the way so you cannot prove otherwise).
So shut up and learn a thing or two about Lebanon and being Lebanese.
You can start by changing your profile picture and placing Lebanese colours and a cedar instead of a terrorist !
Your perspective is American not lebanese, I do not see a cedre or lebanese colors on your avatar, so what are you trying to prove here?
Irani boy, don't try and lecture me about anything Lebanese.
When you will stop getting funding and weapons from Iran, when you will build a lebanese resistance made of of Christians and Sunnis, then maybe you can claim to be Lebanese.
And the candle on my pic other than mocking FlameThrower's aggressive stance is more Lebanese than you will ever be.
Even Hassan Nasrallah, your leader is originaly from Iran ! So please ... take a hike or abide by our laws !
Actually there is both sunnis and christians in the Resistance, but ofcourse your narrative american mind, will reject anything true. Sayed Hassan are born and raised in Lebanon. My family was here long before it became a french colony. So what American?
Yes, show me the sunnis and christians... count them for me... if you know how to count from 1 to 10 that is !
They are fighting in Syria by your side ? They are being trained in Iran also ?
Stop it already with your heresy.
You're an insult to Lebanon and to god.
Hassan is not a Sayyed or does not even deserve the title with his constant blasphemy. Depicting god holding a kalashnikov on your flag for example. Or calling your victories "divine". Does he talk to god to know this ? Is he a "prophet" ??? If so you have a major problem on your hands ... if not, he is manipulating you !
1 hour ago Jordanian warplanes bombarded Syrian military vehicles that tried to cross into its territories, the state television said.
A country that respects itself!
That is what is wrong with people like you. It does not matter who is attempting to violate the Country's sovereignty, The armed forces should automatically respond. In Lebanon and according to sectarians like you Sovereignty is sect specific, party specific, and country specific. That is why we are where we are today.
don't worry eagledawn for lebanon is a syrian province as far as M8ers are concerned... so in their mind syria is not violating their own country! LOL
all alien aircraft violating Lebanese air space should be shot down
all of them
wonder why its forbidden for the army to acquire sophisticated long range antiaircraft missiles so we can defend our airspace ??
what is wrong if I say all alien aircrafts that violates Lebanese airspace be shut down
and to do this the LAF should have the means which big powers deny Lebanon having sophisticated long range antiaircraft missiles
god bless freedom of speech
I know one thing, neither pro-rebel Sunnis should be meddling in this war, and neither should Hezbollah. Arsal was once a tranquil town till our pro and anti siblings went into Syria. Today was one more message, I am sure that it is not too late yet to leave Syria and start focusing on Lebanon instead, on how to build a future in this country of ours. I also know one thing is for sure, that the war in Syria is not about to end anytime soon, and even if it ended, we Lebanese will continue to face the consequences of this war long after it will end. Would good advice fall on listening ears? I very much doubt it.
Funny how the epic Hezbollah is so easily criticized for the strategic vision to know that unless the beheaders are defeated in Syria they would not stop there and there would doubtless be a takfiri invasion of Lebanon